
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Hazardous substances in mussels and oysters in Europe's seas

There is one map for each of the contaminants measured in mussels and oysters, which are representative of the hazardous substances in marine organisms. In the map, each of the small dots represents a station (a location which is regularly monitored), coloured according to estimated concentration levels (low/moderate/high relative to environmental thresholds). The big pie diagrams show, for each region, the proportion of stations that have low/moderate/high concentration levels. The arrow by each pie diagram shows whether concentrations are in general improving (decreasing concentrations) or show no significant change. There were no cases of increasing trends.

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EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer

The EU ETS data viewer provides an easy access to emission trading data contained in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL). The EUTL is a central transaction log, run by the European Commission, which checks and records all transactions taking place within the trading system. The EU ETS data viewer provides aggregated data by country, by main activity type and by year on the verified emissions, allowances and surrendered units of the more than 15 000 stationary installations reporting under the EU emission trading system, as well as 1500 aircraft operators.

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Occurrence of reduced oxygen concentrations in Europe's coastal and marine waters (average for the years 2011-2022)

Observations are aggregated at the level of 100*100 km grid cells, and show the mean 25-percentile of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations subdivided in four classes (<2 mg/l, 2-4 mg/l, 4-6 mg/l, >6 mg/l). The pie charts indicate the relative spatial coverage of areas with the four different concentrations of DO, aggregated by Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) marine regions - North-East Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea (smaller pie charts) and for all regions combined (large pie chart in centre). Oxygen concentrations above 6mg/l are considered to support marine life with minimal problems while concentrations less than 2mg/l (hypoxia, oxygen deficiency) are considered to cause severe problems.

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Average concentrations and trends of surface chlorophyll-a in Europe's transitional, coastal and marine waters

Average summer surface chlorophyll-a concentration (left) and trends (right), in locations recently updated (last update>2016) with at least 5 years of observations, in the period between 1980 and 2021. Green circles indicate stations with significant (p<0.05) decreasing trends (i.e., improving); orange circles show stations with significant (p<0.05) increasing trends (i.e., deteriorating); and grey circles show stations with no significant trends. Colour keys of symbols and values are included in the legend.

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Share of livestock units for which EU Member States have planned CAP-supported interventions to limit the use of antimicrobials over the implementing period 2023-2027

The figure shows the share of animals (expressed in livestock units, or LU) for which EU Member States have planned interventions supported under the common agricultural policy (CAP) and related to the prevention or reduction of antimicrobial use over the implementing period 2023-2027. The types of intervention that may be concerned include (a) sectoral types of intervention; (b) investments; (c) environmental, climate-related and other management commitments; and (d) schemes for the climate, the environment and animal health.

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Estimated monthly mean NO₂ concentrations for the region around Ghent (Belgium)

The map shows the average monthly mean NO₂ concentration, an indicator of local air quality. The data was derived from citizen reporting through the Curieuzeneuzen project.

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The Harrestrup Brook Capacity Plan

The map shows the planned interventions along the Harrestrup Brook to ensure sufficient capacity to reduce the impacts of flooding on the neighbouring residential areas

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The Metropolitan Forest of Madrid: location of planned forest lots

The dataset gives the location and extent of planned forest lots around the city of Madrid under the municipal plan 'Madrid 360'

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Increase in built area in Flanders between 2020-2050 in ‘business-as-usual’ scenario (above), as compared to if the policy is adopted (below)

The map shows the new soil sealing in 2050 following the scenarios and gives a share of 0 to 100% sealing per rastercell of 1ha.

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EEA greenhouse gases — data viewer

Data viewer on Total greenhouse gas emissions and removals of the EU, based on data reported by EU Member States under the EU Governance Regulation.

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Change in energy consumption of EU Member States between 2005 and 2022

This chart shows the change in energy consumption of EU Member States in 2022 compared to 2005.

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