
Data Visualization

Nitrate in rivers and groundwater- Nutrients in European water bodies

Data Visualization Created 17 Nov 2023 Published 15 Dec 2023 Last modified 15 Dec 2023
1 min read

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Two time series are shown – a longer time series representing fewer water bodies and a shorter time series representing more water bodies.

Nitrate in groundwater: The number of groundwater bodies included per country is given in parenthesis:
1992-2021: Europe (475), Austria (14), Belgium (24), Bulgaria (25), Denmark (1), Estonia (16), Finland** (7), France (260), Germany (67), Ireland (49), Portugal (2), Slovakia (4), Slovenia (5), Spain (1).
2000-2021: Europe (1025), Austria (14), Belgium (37), Bulgaria (40), Cyprus (6), Czechia (64), Denmark (4), Estonia (18), Finland** (8), France (452), Germany (176), Ireland (66), Italy (10), Latvia (11), Malta (2), Portugal (10), Serbia (21), Slovakia (16), Slovenia (6), Spain (25), Switzerland (37).

Nitrate in rivers: The number of river monitoring sites included per country is given in parenthesis:
1992-2021: Europe (640), Albania (3), Belgium (26), Czechia (22), Denmark* (36), Estonia (34), Finland** (60), France** (3), Germany (119), Ireland** (4), Latvia (13), Lithuania (22), Poland (13), Slovakia (8), Slovenia (7), Spain** (154), Sweden* (110), Switzerland (6).
2000-2021: Europe (1006), Albania (7), Belgium (34), Cyprus (13), Czechia (22), Denmark* (37), Estonia (36), Finland** (69), France** (3), Germany (122), Iceland (1), Ireland** (50), Italy (25), Latvia (16), Lithuania (22), North Macedonia (17), Poland (16), Romania (89), Serbia (33), Slovakia (8), Slovenia (8), Spain** (250), Sweden* (112), Switzerland (16).

(* = all data total oxidised nitrogen, ** = some data total oxidised nitrogen)



The data series are calculated as the average of annual mean concentrations for specific sites and water bodies in Europe. Only complete time series after inter/extrapolation are included.

Data sources

Waterbase - Water Quality ICM, 2022 provided by European Environment Agency (EEA)

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