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When | Where | Event | Participants | Purpose |
9-10 January | Brussels | Working Group on SO2 Directive | project leader | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
11-12 January | Ispra | Working Group on NO2 Directive | project leader | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
15-16 January | London | Working Group on particles Directive | Larssen | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
22-23 January | Barcelona | Working Group on Lead Directive | project leader | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
29 January | Brussels | Expert Group on Photochemical Pollution | project leader | Support DGXI ozone work. Present ETC ozone exceedance report |
5-6 February | Copenhagen | COST CITAIR | van Aalst, de Leeuw., Larssen, Moussiopoulos, Grønskei w/McInnes | Connect ETC to DGXII-COST action on urban AQ |
6 February | Copenhagen | ETC-AQ Steering Group meeting | project team | Discuss work plan |
7 February | Copenhagen | Topic Centres meeting | project leader, Lalas, Larssen, Berge | Discuss EEA work programme, co-ordinate ETC work |
8-9 February | Brussels | Steering Group meeting AQ Directives | project leader w/McInnes | Discuss, evaluate and steer work on position papers |
20 February | Brussels | Meeting with EEA/DGXI | project leader w/McInnes | Discuss EEA support to DGXI |
26-27 February | Copenhagen | National Focal Point meeting | project leader | Communication in EIONET |
5-6 March | Brussels | Working Group on SO2 Directive | project leader | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
6 March | Copenhagen | Meeting with EEA information experts | Sluyter, consultant | Present and discuss AIRBASE AQ information system |
8 March | Brussels | meeting with DGXI-D3 | Sluyter | Discuss technical aspects of data exchange and reporting |
11-12 March | Roskilde | Workshop Urban air pollution measurement | de Leeuw | Participate in this EEA-connected activity of NERI |
13 March | Amsterdam | Meeting with JRC/ISPRA | van Aalst, Buijsman, Lalas, Larssen | Discuss draft report; set up European QA plan |
14-15 March | Barcelona | Working Group on Lead Directive | project leader | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
18 March | Oslo | Plenary ETC-AQ project meeting | project team | Preparation for April workshop |
20-21 March | Brussels | Telematics for Environment | Potma w/ McInnes | Information on and co-ordination of projects |
21-11 March | London | Working Group on particles Directive | Larssen | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
28-29 March | Gothenburg | Working Group on NO2 Directive | Larssen | Support EC daughter directive position paper |
23-25 April | Copenhagen | European Workshop AQ Monitoring and Assessment | ETC w/ EEA, national experts | Interact with EIONET on ETC products and programme |
2-3 May | Brussels | AQ Steering Group meeting | project leader | Review work of AQ Directive working Groups |
7 May | Bregenz | meeting with Ministry, UBA and technical experts | project leader | Discuss air quality infrastructure in Austria and ETC products of interest |
8-9 May | Oostende | Workshop Harmonisation of Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purpose | Moussiopoulos, de Leeuw, van Aalst | Support workshop as indicated in work programme |
14 May | Bilthoven | meeting ETC-AE and ETC-AQ | van Aalst, de Leeuw, Sluyter | Co-ordinate efforts and plan joint products |
20-21 May | London | Ministerial conference on tropospheric ozone | van Aalst(nat. repr.) w/Osborn, Gee | Discuss information and abatement strategies for ozone |
3 June | Amsterdam | ETC-AQ Steering Group meeting | van Aalst, Berge, Larssen, Petrakis | Discuss and finalise work plan of 1996 subvention |
10-12 June | Eastbourne | ECE/WHO workshop health effects O3/NO2 | Larssen | Discuss integrated assessment of O3/NO2 health effects in UNECE NOx-protocol |
10-11 June | Copenhagen | PHARE-EEA launch meeting | project leader | Start formal collaboration with PHARE countries |
12 June | Copenhagen | EIONET meeting | project leader | Discuss progress and prospects of EEA working programme |
20-21 June | Brussels | Working Group on SO2 Directive | project leader | Work out position paper for Commission |
27-28 June | Paris | ISO/TC146 meeting | Potma | Revision of ISO 7168 standard format for AQ data exchange |
28 June | Bilthoven | Visit of EEA to the Netherlands/NFP/ETC-AQ | ETC w/Osborn | Meet with Dutch institutes related to EEA, including ETC-AQ |
10 July | Brussels | Exchange of Information AQ meeting | Sluyter | Support DGXI and member states in exchange of air quality information |
2-4 Sept | Geneva | EMEP Steering Body | project leader w/McInnes | Review and discuss current and future EMEP work |
4 Sept | Geneva | informal evaluation of ETC | project leader w/Asimakopoulos., McInnes | Discuss in depth comments on ETC-AQ made in Scientific Committee |
9 Sept. | Berlin | visit to Germany and Länder | Larssen, Sluyter | General country visit in EIONET framework; select AIRNET stations |
16-17 September | Ispra | ISO 7168 WG 8 | Potma | Discuss new ISO format for air quality and network information |
17-18 September | Göteborg | visit to IVL Sweden | Larssen, project leader | General country visit in EIONET framework; select AIRNET stations |
30 September | Brussels | AQ Directive horizontal aspects | project leader | Discuss shared aspects in the four AQ directive working group position papers |
7-8 October | Rome | ETC-MC Interregional forum | Cartalis | Interaction with ETC-MC work |
7-8 October | Copenhagen | EIONET meeting | project leader | Regular interaction with member countries |
9 October | Copenhagen | meeting of ETCs | project leader | Enhance collaboration, discuss key EEA reports |
10 October | Copenhagen | meeting EEA, ETC-AE, ETC-AQ | project leader, Berge | Enhance collaboration, discuss joint European Air Pollution Report |
11 October | Bilthoven | Technical Working Group ozone forecasting | project leader, de Leeuw | Review, report and recommend on ozone forecasting |
21-23 October | Berlin | EC AQ Directive WG particulates | Larssen | Draft position paper |
23 October | Copenhagen | Air ETCs Follow-up Committee | project leader | Evaluate ETC-AQ and ETC-AE |
28 October | Bilthoven | plenary ETC meeting | all members | Discuss progress and way forward |
31 October | Brussels | DGXI acidification abatement strategy | Berge w/McInnes | Co-ordinate efforts and contribute |
4-5 November | Strasbourg | country visit to France | project leader, Larssen | Strengthen relations with national and regional AQ institutions |
12-13 November | Barcelona | EC AQ Directive WG lead | project leader | Draft position paper |
26 November | Copenhagen | Air Pollution in Europe report meeting | Berge, Beck, de Leeuw, Schaug | Set up contents and work plan |
28 November | Brussels | meeting EEA-DGXI/D3 | project leader w/McInnes, Kielland, Jol, Koch | Evaluate collaboration and co-ordinate efforts |
28 November | Brussels | visit to DGXIII | project leader w/Kielland | Explore opportunities financing telematics applications |
3-4 December | Vienna | EC AQ Directive WG NO2 | project leader | Draft position paper |
17-18 December | Brussels | Steering Group AQ Directive | project leader | Evaluate position papers, economic study |
19 December | Brussels | visit to DGXVI | project leader, Moussiopoulos | Explore opportunities for collaboration |
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