

Breakdown of energy consumption variation of transport in EU-27 (1990-2007)

Figure Created 23 Aug 2010 Published 14 Sep 2010 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
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The energy consumption variation of passenger and goods transport is broken down into 2 explanatory effects: activity effect (increase in traffic), global energy savings (change in specific energy consumption per unit of traffic)


European data


Additional information

The calculations refer to the definition used in the ESD Directive and excludes air transport

Activity effect = ∆ T i, (t,t-1) * SCT i, t-1

with T : Traffic (in passenger-kilometer or ton-kilometer), SCT: Specific consumption per unit of traffic (goe/tkm or goe/pkm), i= passenger or goods

Global savings effect = T i, t * ∆SCT i,(t,t-1)

(savings are <o), Global savings are actually the sum of savings by each mode individually and savings due to modal shift

Global savings effect = ∑ savings by mode i, j + savings from modal shift i

i= passenger or goods, j= transport mode (car or bus or rail for passenger; road, rail or water for goods)

Sum of savings by mode for passengers are the sum of the savings calculated for cars, bus and rail ; savings for goods are the sum of savings calculated for road, water and rail separately

Savings by mode j , SAVj, are calculating as follows SAV j = ∆ SCT j * T j, t

Savings from modal shift for passengers are <0 abd represent real savings if there is an increase in the share of public transport in total traffic for passenger

Savings from modal shift for goods are <0 if there is an increase in the share of rail and water in total traffic for goods


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage




Filed under:
Filed under: energy consumption, energy
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