
Climate change mitigation - Drivers and pressures (Cyprus)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
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SOER Common environmental theme from Cyprus
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020

The main cause for the increase of GHG emissions is Cyprus is the developing economy. Since 1990 the GDP has an average annual increase of 4%. The respective increase in GHG was also 4% but with considerable fluctuations.

Cyprus ratified the UNFCCC as a non-Annex I party, and the Kyoto Protocol as a non-Annex B party. This means that Cyprus did not have any limitations or obligations regarding greenhouse gases emissions under the international regime. However, in December 2008, through the EU climate and energy package, Cyprus has been allocated with the reduction target of 5% compared to 2005 by 2020 for sectors not included in the Emissions Trading (Decision 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community’s greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020). These include among other the sectors of transport, agriculture, waste, buildings etc. Moreover, there is also the target of 21% for the ETS installations, which is a target for the whole of the EU (Directive 2009/29/EC amending Directive 2003/87/EC so as to improve and extend the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme of the Community).

Cyprus is in currently facing for the first time the challenge for reducing greenhouse gases emissions from all sectors.

In 2008, renewable energy sources contribute 4.5% to the total energy consumption in Cyprus compared to 1.9% in 1997. The aim is to reach 13% by 2020 which is the new target allocated to Cyprus through Directive 2009/28/EC. Other energy sources are coal and pet-coke (7.1%) and petrol (88.4%). Primary energy consumption in 2008 increased by 20% compared to 1990.




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The country assessments are the sole responsibility of the EEA member and cooperating countries supported by the EEA through guidance, translation and editing.

Filed under: SOER2010, climate change
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