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Indicator 10: Access to basic services
Urban sprawl, increased car availability and the concentration of working places and shopping facilities in out-of-town locations have resulted in continuing increases in journey length for all purposes, but particularly for commuting journeys. Access to basic services is becoming more and more dependent on car transport. Figure 3.2: Average journey lengths by purpose (United Kingdom)
Definition Note: |
Policy and targets
EU transport policy has in recent years focused on the concept of sustainable mobility rather than accessibility. Reducing the demand for mobility (e.g. by a better integration of transport planning and spatial planning) has attracted less attention.
Some countries (and cities) have taken initiatives to improve coordination of regional, urban and transport planning by increasing accessibility while reducing the demand for car transport. This can be done, for example, by mixing urban functions, introducing zoning and parking policies and improving public transport.
Commission information-exchange initiatives such as the Car-Free Cities network, the European Local Transport Information Service and the database on Urban Management and Sustainability are contributing to the spread of good practice. Another important framework is the action plan of the ESDP, which was recently adopted (CEC, 1999). This aims to strengthen the link between spatial policy and transport policy (in particular the TEN), and promotes the assessment of the spatial impacts of Community policies and territorial impact assessments.
Box 3.1: The Dutch ABC location policy The ABC policy is a commercial and industrial demand-side planning initiative, whose objective is to find the proper location for each activity, and to encourage the use of public transport. Firms are classified according to modal access needs (as indicated in the table below), and their location is then determined to match these mobility needs:
Although some countries collect information on this indicator, no EU-wide data is yet available. This assessment is therefore based on case studies and a literature search.
A study (Schipper, et al.,1995) has compared travel surveys from the US and a number of European countries (Figure 3.3). It shows that:
Figure 3.3: Passenger travel by purpose (selected countries
and years)
Source: Schipper. et al., 1995
The length of the average shopping journey in UK increased from 4.2 km in 1975/76 to 6.2 km in 1996/98. This is a result of the growth and success of out-of-town shopping centres and retail parks. The average education trip increased from 3.2 km in 1975/76 to 4.4 km in 1996/98. Figure 3.4 Daily travelling time per person (Denmark) The relationship between socio-economic activities and transport volume is illustrated by shopping patterns in Denmark. Between 1960 and 1993 the number of shops decreased by 60 %, while shopping-related transport increased by a factor of 3.8. Shopping-related car transport increased even more . by a factor of seven. Thus the concentration of shops into larger units led to increases in transport volumes (Figures 3.5 and 3.6). Figure 3.5: National travel surveys in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands show that citizens spend on average about 75 minutes per day travelling, made up of 3 trips of 25 min per person per day (1998 DG Transport fact sheets). In 1996, average time spent commuting to and from work in the various countries ranged from 23 minutes per day in Italy to 46 minutes in the UK. Data from Denmark shows that the time budget for travelling has remained more or less constant over time, although earlier differences between urban and non-urban areas have levelled out. Figure 3.6: |
Box 3.2:Trends in commuting patterns in Belgium
In 1991, 3.2 million people in Belgium commuted to work . an increase of 0.5 million since 1970. This was due, amongst other things, to increasing urban sprawl and more double-income families. The car had become the predominant commuting mode . seven out of ten employees, more than twice the number in 1970, commuted by car, or shared a colleague. s car. Public transport, cycling and walking trips decreased dramatically, both in absolute and in relative terms. Average car speeds were however lower because of increased congestion, and commuting distances had increased as a result of urban sprawl. In 1981, commuters took on average 24 minutes to reach their place of employment, but in 1991 they took 32 minutes. In 1991 the average commuting distance was 17.6 km, but 50 % of journeys were less than 10 km. Car-pooling had increased (from 5.9 to 8.9 %), but had not yet achieved a significant breakthrough. Figure3.7: Trends in commuting patterns in Belgium |
Future work
Average time spent commuting to and from work, 1996 UNIT: minutes |
Member State(minutes per day) |
B |
DK |
D |
EL |
E |
F |
I |
L |
NL |
A |
P |
S |
UK |
EU15 |
Time |
39 |
38 |
45 |
40 |
33 |
36 |
40 |
23 |
40 |
44 |
36 |
33 |
41 |
40 |
46 |
38 |
Source: Eurostat |
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