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5. References
Cvita, T. and Kley, D., eds. (1994) The TOR network. A description of TOR measurement stations. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, EUROTRAC.
ECE (1994) The status of monitoring within EMEP: Distribution of monitoring sites and implementation of measurement programme. Note by the Bureau. Geneve(EB.AIR/GE.1/R.90).
EMEP (1995) The status of monitoring within EMEP: Quality of measurements and date completeness. Monitoring strategy. Kjeller, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (EMEP/CCC-note 3/95).
EMEP (1996) The status of quality assurance within EMEP; recommendations for further action. Prep. by the Chemical Coordinating Centre (CCC) with the assistance of the secretariat. Geneve (EB.AIR/GE.1/R.113).
EUROTRAC (1993) Annual report 1992, part 9; TOR: tropospheric ozone research. D. Kley, co-ordinator. Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
HELCOM (1991) Airborne pollution load to the Baltic Sea 1986-1990. Helsinki, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, 39).
Mücke, H.-G. and Turowski, E. (1995) Survey of national, regional and local air monitoring networks of the WHO European region. Berlin, WHO Collaborating Centre (Air hygiene report, 8).
OSPAR (1995) Draft data report of CAMP measurements made at coastal stations in 1994. Presented by the OSPAR Secretariat. Oslo and Paris Commissions (INPUT(2) 95/3/1), London.
UNEP/WHO (1992) City air quality trends (GEMS/AIR data), vol. 1. Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme (WHO/PEP 92.1) (UNEP/GEMS 92.A.4).
UNEP/WHO (1993) City air quality trends (GEMS/AIR data), vol. 2. Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme (WHO PEP 93.26) (UNEP/GEMS 93.A2).
UNEP/WHO (1995) City air quality trends (GEMS/AIR data), vol. 3. Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme (WHO/EOS 95.17) (UNEP/EAP 95.A2).
van Aalst, R.M., Dovland, H. and Lalas, D.P. (1995) Requirements on European air quality monitoring information. Report from the MA1-1 subproject. Bilthoven, RIVM.
World Meteorological Organization (1993) Status of the WMO global atmosphere watch programme : as at 31 December 1993. Geneva, WMO (World Meteorological Organization, WMO/TD 636) (Global Atmosphere Watch, 99).
World Meteorological Organization (1994) Report of the WMO/UNEP expert consultation on quality assurance for the MED POL airborne pollution measurements, Ankara, 27-30 May 1993. Athens (ENV/MED POL/AP/1).
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