

Status of fish stocks in International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) fishing regions of Europe

Figure Created 30 Nov 2010 Published 12 Sep 2011 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
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The map shows the status of the fish stocks in ICES and GFCM fishing regions of Europe in 2008. Status of fish stocks was assessed in 2009 (ICES) and from 2002-2009 (GFCM), although data refers to 2008 in the ICES regions and 2005 in the GFCM regions.


European data


Additional information

The numbers in the circles are the number of stocks assessed within the given region. The size of the circles is scaled proportional to the size of the regional catch.

  • About 46 % of the assessed European commercial fish stocks are outside safe biological limits (SBL).
  • Of the assessed commercial fish stocks in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, 25 % (Arctic Sea) to 62 % (Bay of Biscay) are outside SBL.
  • In the Mediterranean Sea, the percentage of stocks outside SBL ranges from 50 % to 78 %, with the Adriatic Sea in the worst condition.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage