
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Trends in the use of material resources in EU-15 and EU-12 and municipal waste generation in EU‑27 compared with GDP and population

These graphs show the trends in the use of material resources in EU-15 and EU-12 and municipal waste generation in EU‑27 compared with GDP and population.

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Resource use per person, by country, 2000 and 2007

This graph shows the resource use per person, by country in 2000 and 2007.

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Potential increase in crop production under the adaptation scenario

Potential increase in crop production under an adaptation scenario

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Annual water availability per person (Falkenmark indicator)

Present and projected annual water availability per person

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Water limitation of crop primary production in Europe under rain-fed conditions

Present and projected water limitation of crop primary production in Europe under rain-fed conditions

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Expected impact of climate change on future flood damage

Expected impact of climate change on future flood damage

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Riverine flood damage potential

This map presents riverine flood damage potential for a 100-year return period, current climate and no defences; catchments and sub-catchments of less than 500 km2 are not included

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Normalised flood losses in Europe from major disasters

Losses from major flood disasters in Europe between 1970 and 2008

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Major flood disasters in the EU, Switzerland and Norway, 1950–2009

Major flood disasters according to flood types and spatial relevance

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Potential climatic tipping elements

Tipping elements are regional-scale features of the climate that could exhibit threshold-type behaviour in response to human-driven climate change – that is, a small amount of climate change at a critical point could trigger an abrupt and/or irreversible shift in the tipping element. The consequences of such shifts for societies and ecosystems are likely to be severe. Question marks indicate systems whose status as tipping elements is particularly uncertain. There are other potential tipping elements that are missing from the map, for example shallow-water coral reefs (Veron et al. 2009) threatened in part by ocean acidification

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Carbon, material and water footprint for different types of meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruit

The figure compares carbon, material and water footprints for selected foodstuffs (beef, butter, cheese, pork, chicken, greenhouse vegetables, rice, milk, wheat, bread, potatoes and root crop, and apple in season).

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Emissions of selected air pollutants as a result of three environmental policy packages

The 2 line graphics show SO2 and NOx emission trends from 1970 to 2050 according to 4 scenarios: the baseline, Global PP, OECD+BRIC PP, Global PP

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Projected ocean acidification by 2100

The maps show projected ocean acidification and related impacts on corals by 2020, 2060 and 2100: from better (blue) to worse (orange) conditions for coral skeletal growth.

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Water abstraction for irrigation (million m3/year) in early 1990s and 1998-2007

Eastern: Bulgaria (1990;2007), Czech Republic (1990;2007), Hungary (1992;2006), Latvia (1991;2007), Poland (1990;2007), Romania (1990;2006), Slovakia (1990;2007), Slovenia (1990;2007), Western: Austria (1990;2002), Belgium (1994;2007), Denmark (1990;2004), England & Wales (1990;2006), Finland (1994;2005), Germany (1995;2002), Netherlands (1995;2006), Norway (1995;2006), Sweden (1990;2007), Southern: France (1991;2006), Greece (1990;2007), Portugal (1990;1998), Spain (1991;2006), Turkey: (1995; 2007) Turkey is plotted on an individual column in this graph to depict the large increase in agricultural water use, and to avoid the projection of this trend/effect on the Southern countries trend.

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Water abstraction for manufacturing industry (million m3/year) in early 1990s and 2002-2007

Water which the industry abstracts directly from surface or ground water, in addition to or as a replacement for the public water supply. This excludes water abstracted for cooling purposes only, as well as all power stations. Eastern: Bulgaria (1990;2007), Czech Republic (1990;2007), Hungary (1992;2006), Latvia (1991;2007), Poland (1990;2007), Romania (1990;2006), Slovakia (1990;2007), Slovenia (1990;2007) Western: Austria (1990;2002), Belgium (1994;2005), Denmark (1990;2004), England & Wales (1990;2006), Finland (1990;2005), Germany (1991;2004), Iceland (1992;2005), Netherlands (1990;2006), Sweden (1990;2007) Southern: France (1990;2006), Spain (1991;2006), Turkey: (1995;2004)

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Water abstraction for energy cooling (million m3/year) in early 1990s and 2002-2007

Eastern : Bulgaria (1990;2007), Czech Republic (1990;2007), Estonia (1990;2002), Hungary (1992;2006), Poland (1990;2007), Romania (1991;2007), Western : Austria (1990;2002), Belgium (1994;2005), England & Wales (1990;2004), Finland (1990;2005), Germany (1991;2004), Netherlands (1990;2006), Sweden (1990;2007), Switzerland (1990;2006), Southern: France (1990;2006), Spain (1991;2006), Greece (1990;2007), Turkey: (1994;2006)

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Water abstraction for public water supply (mil. m3/year) in early 1990s and 1999-2007

Eastern: Bulgaria (1990;2007), Czech Republic (1990;2007), Hungary (1992;2006), Poland (1990;2007), Romania (1990;2007), Slovakia (1990;2007), Slovenia (1990;2007), Estonia (1998;2004), Latvia ( 1997;2007), Western: Austria (1990;1999), Belgium (1990;2007), Denmark (1990;2004), Finland (1990;2005), Germany (1991;2004), Iceland (1992;2005), Ireland (1994;2007), Netherlands (1990;2005), Norway(1990;2007), Sweden (1990;2007), Switzerland (1990;2006), United Kingdom (1990;2004), Southern: France (1990;2006), FYR, of Macedonia (1990;2001), Spain (1991;2006), Greece (1997;2007), Portugal (1990;2007), Turkey: (1995; 2007)

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Projected impacts of climate change on freshwater flows

The map shows mean variation in annual run-off in 1981-2000 and 2081-2100

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Water erosion risk. Baseline projection to 2030

Location of areas of high risk(red), moderate risk (orange) and low risk (white)of water erosion.

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