

Status of the assessed European commercial fish and shellfish stocks in relation to Good Environmental Status (GES) per EU marine region in 2015-2017

Figure Created 21 Jun 2019 Published 10 Oct 2019 Last modified 15 Dec 2020
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This figure shows the status of the assessed European commercially exploited fish and shellfish stocks in relation to ‘good environmental status’ (GES) per EU marine region in 2017 (although for the Mediterranean and Black Seas, data refer to 2016). Stocks for which adequate information is available to determine GES for fishing mortality (F) and/or reproductive capacity (spawning stock biomass (SSB)) are included (where Z is the total number of stocks, Y is the total number of assessed stocks and X is the number of stocks for which adequate information is available to determine GES on the basis of these two criteria). A distinction is made between stocks that are (1) in good status based on both F and SSB; (2) in good status based on only one criteria, F or SSB (either because one of the two criteria are not in good status or there is only one available criteria and it is in good status); and (3) not in good status (based on both F and SSB or there is only one criteria available and it is not in good status). As assessments are carried out in a multiannual cycle within the Mediterranean Sea, the number of stocks included for this region depends on the period covered. See the Methodology section for further information on how good status is determined.

European data


Additional information

Stocks in the North East Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea were assessed based on the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) database, published between 2016 and 2018. Stocks in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea were assessed based on the assessments available through the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for fisheries (STECF), published in 2016-2019.

This figure presents data for the Arctic Ocean (including Norwegian waters), Iceland, Greenland and the Faroes. However, numbers described in the assessment text do not include these regions, and refer exclusively to assessments and landings in the following ecoregions: Azores, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast, Celtic Seas, Greater North Sea, Oceanic waters, and widely distributed stocks. For the Mediterranean (three regions: Eastern, Central and Western) and Black Sea number sin the figures and the text are the same.