

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and total ammonium concentrations in rivers between 1992 and 2008

Figure Created 31 Aug 2010 Published 04 Jan 2011 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
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Concentrations are expressed as the average of annual mean concentrations. Up to 3-year gaps of missing values have been interpolated or extrapolated. Only complete series with no missing values after this interpolation/extrapolation are included. Number of river monitoring stations included in analysis per country is noted in brackets. BOD7 data has been recalculated into BOD5 data.


European data


Additional information

BOD5 data: Albania (9), Austria (145), Belgium (26), Bulgaria (85), Czech Republic (70), Denmark (35), Spain (227), France (306), United Kingdom (29), Hungary (98), Ireland (6), Luxembourg (3), FYR of Macedonia (9), Slovenia (22), Slovakia (53).

BOD7 data: Estonia (53), Finland (23).

BOD5 and BOD7 data: Lithuania (28) with BOD7 data from 1996 to 2008, Latvia (39) with BOD7 data from 1996 to 2001.

Total ammonium data: Albania (9), Austria (145), Belgium (32), Bulgaria (80), Germany (147), Estonia (53), Spain (356), Finland (152), France (285), United Kingdom (14), Hungary (98), Ireland (5), Lithuania (28), Luxembourg (3), Latvia (39), FYR of Macedonia (9), Norway (10), Poland (105), Sweden (113), Slovenia (24).


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage


Filed under:
Filed under: csi, bod5, ammonium, water, rivers
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