
GIS Map Application

Environmental Accounting Reference Layers - maps

GIS Map Application Published 21 Nov 2019 Last modified 08 Feb 2023
1 min read
The map viewer of the Integrated Data Platform visualizes spatial datasets by web map services. Those spatial datasets are selected which are frequently used in assessments. The web map viewer enables spatial overlays so that the datasets can be interactively explored. Through exploring the datasets their potentials in environmental assessments can be better understood.

More information

 -For exploring contextual details about the added datasets, please activate the information icon in the upper right corner. Legends of the added datasets can be explored by activating the legend icon.

Web map services are produced in ArcGIS desktop and visualized in ArcGIS Online. Once a web map service is quality controlled, the service is registered in the Spatial Data Infrastructure and read into the IDP Web Map Viewer.

The web application offers three main functions to the user for data exploration:

  1. Search for a web map service: the search uses 1) keywords (i.e. tags such as land use), or 2) topic names (such as biodiversity). The keywords are also searched in the abstract of the related spatial dataset, which is harvested from EEA`s Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Hence, all datasets can be found which have e.g. Corine Land Cover in their abstract.

  2. The user is able to visualise and explore the web maps identified by the search function. Furthermore, selected web maps can be overlaid for further exploration of commonalities between spatial datasets.

  3. Once the wished services are found and explored by overlays and zoom functions, the user can find all relevant semantic information of the spatial datasets when activating the info button. These semantic information are combinations of technical information coming from the SDI and other semantics harvested from the content management system.



Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage

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