
European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) - Microsoft Access database and text format

Data Table
8 min read
E-PRTR data covering reporting for 2007 to 2017 by EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The provided files represent the status of the E-PRTR database as of February 2020. It provides corrections from many countries for the previous years. Please refer to the table below ("Additional information") for details on the countries and years that have been updated compared to the database published earlier in 2019 (E-PRTR database version 17).
European data
Table definition

ACTIVITY (2611970 records)

The table lists all industrial activities that a facility is operating with.

Field nameField definitionData type
ActivityID Primary key. Required. int
FacilityReportID Facility report unique identifier int
FacilityReportName Name of reporting facility nvarchar (255)
AnnexIActivityCode Industrial activity code nvarchar (255)
AnnexIActivityName Industrial activity name nvarchar (255)
AnnexIActivityIPPCCode Industrial activity IPPC code nvarchar (255)
RankingNumeric Importance ranking of respective activity int
MainActivityIndicator Indicator whether this activity is the facilities main activity bit


POLLUTANTRELEASE (316444 records)

The table lists the reported releases of pollutants for a facility. It covers both releases to air, water and land.

Field nameField definitionData type
PollutantReleaseID Primary key. Required. int
FacilityReportID Identifies the facility report that the data belongs to. Required. int
ReleaseMediumCode Identifies the environmental medium (air, water etc) code nvarchar(255)
ReleaseMediumName Identifies the environmental medium name. nvarchar(255)
PollutantCode Identifies the pollutant code nvarchar(255)
PollutantName Identifies the pollutant name nvarchar(255)
PollutantGroupCode Identifies the pollutant group code nvarchar(255)
PollutantGroupName Identifies the pollutant group name nvarchar(255)
PollutantCAS Pollutant CAS description nvarchar(20)
MethodBasisCode Identifies the method basis code of the main method used (M/C/E). nvarchar(255)
MethodBasisName Identifies the method basis name of the main method used nvarchar(255)
TotalQuantity Total quantity including accidental quantity [kg/year] float
AccidentalQuantity Accidental quantity [kg/year] float
UnitCode Identities the unit code of the quantity nvarchar(255)
UnitName Identifies the unit name of the quantity nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialIndicator Indicates if confidentiality is claimed. Required. bit
ConfidentialityReasonCode Identifies the reason code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialityReasonName Identifies the reason name for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. nvarchar(255)
RemarkText Remark nvarchar(255)



The table lists the methods used for measuring quantities of pollutant releases.

Field nameField definitionData type
PollutantReleaseMethodUsedID Primary key. Required. int
PollutantReleaseID Identifies the pollutant report that the data belongs to. Required. int
MethodTypeCode Identifies the method type code nvarchar(255)
MethodTypeName Identifies the method type name nvarchar(255)
MethodDesignation Identifies the method designation nvarchar(255)



The table lists all reported pollutant transfers for a facility. This covers all releases into waste-water.

Field nameField definitionData type
PollutantTransferID Primary key. Required. int
FacilityReportID Identifies the facility report that the data belongs to. Required. int
PollutantCode Identifies the pollutant code nvarchar(255)
PollutantName Identifies the pollutant name nvarchar(255)
PollutantGroupCode Identifies the pollutant group code nvarchar(255)
PollutantGroupName Identifies the pollutant group name nvarchar(255)
PollutantCAS Pollutant CAS description nvarchar(255)
MethodBasisCode Identifies the method basis code of the main method used (M/C/E). nvarchar(255)
MethodBasisName Identifies the method basis name of the main method used. nvarchar(255)
Quantity Total quantity of reported pollutant [kg/year] float
QuantityUnitCode Identities the unit code of the quantity nvarchar(255)
QuantityUnitName Identifies the unit name of the quantity nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialIndicator Indicates if confidentiality is claimed. Required. bit
ConfidentialityReasonCode Identifies the reason code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialityReasonName Identifies the reason name for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. nvarchar(255)
RemarkText Remark nvarchar(255)



The table lists the methods used for measuring quantities of pollutant transfers.

Field nameField definitionData type
PollutantTransferMethodUsedID Primary key. Required. int
PollutantTransferID Identifies the pollutant report that the data belongs to. Required. int
MethodTypeCode Identifies the method type code nvarchar(255)
MethodTypeName Identifies the method type name nvarchar(255)
MethodDesignation Identifies the method designation nvarchar(255)


WASTETRANSFER (367697 records)

The table lists the reported data on off-site transfers of waste for a facility, except transfers of pollutants in waste-water, which is stored in the PollutantTransfer table. As for pollutants more than one method could be used for determination of the quantity.

Field nameField definitionData type
WasteTransferID Primary key. Required. int
FacilityReportID Identifies the facility report that the data belongs to. Required. int
WasteTypeCode Identifies the type of waste code (NON-HW, HWIC, HWOC etc.). Required. nvarchar(255)
WasteTypeName Identifies the waste type name (non hazardous, hazardous within country etc.) nvarchar(255)
WasteTreatmentCode Identifies the waste treatment code (R, D). Required unless confidentiality is claimed. nvarchar(255)
WasteTreatmentName Identifies the waste treatment operation name (recovery or disposal). nvarchar(255)
MethodBasisCode Identifies the basis code of the main method used (M/C/E). Required unless confidentiality is claimed. nvarchar(255)
MethodBasisName Identifies the basis name of the main method used nvarchar(255)
Quantity Quantity [t/year]. Required unless confidentiality is claimed float
QuantityUnitCode Identities the unit code of the quantity (Must correspond to ton) Required unless confidentiality is claimed. nvarchar(255)
QuantityUnitName Identities the unit name of the quantity nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartyName Identifies the recoverer/disposer of the waste. Required for transfer of hazardous waste outside the country unless confidentiality is claimed. nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartyAddressStreetName The street name of the waste handler party (WHP) nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartyAddressBuildingNumber The building number of the WHP nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartyAddressCity Name of city where the WHP is located nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartyAddressPostalCode The postal code of the WHP nvarchar(50)
WasteHandlerPartyAddressCountryCode Country code of WHP nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartyAddressCountryName Country name of WHP nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressStreetName Site street name of the WHP nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressBuildingNumber Site building number of the WHP nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressCity Name of city, where the WHP site is located nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressPostalCode The postal code of the WHP site nvarchar(50)
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressCountryCode Country code of the WHP site nvarchar(255)
WasteHandlerPartySiteAddressCountryName Country name of the WHP site nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialIndicator Indicates if confidentiality is claimed. Required. bit
ConfidentialityReasonCode Identifies the reason code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed. nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialityReasonName Identifies the reason name for confidentiality. nvarchar(255)
RemarkText Remark nvarchar(255)



The table lists the methods used for measuring waste quantities.

Field nameField definitionData type
WasteTransferMethodUsedID Primary key. Required. int
WasteTransferID Identifies the waste transfer report that the data belongs to. Required. int
MethodTypeCode Identifies the method type code nvarchar(255)
MethodTypeName Identifies the method type name nvarchar(255)
MethodDesignation Identifies the method designation nvarchar(255)


FACILITYREPORT (231455 records)

The table lists the reported data for a given facility as part of a PollutantAndTransferReport for a given reporting year. A unique E-PRTR identification of a facility is introduced by FacilityID, which is used to hold track of identical facilities across different reporting years, even though national identifier might have changed.

Field nameField definitionData type
FacilityReportID Primary key. Required. int
PollutantReleaseAndTransferReportID Identifies the report that the facility report is a part of. Required. int
FacilityID Unique identification of the facility. Required. int
NationalID National Identification of the facility. Required. nvarchar(255)
ParentCompanyName Name of the parent company, i.e. the company that owns or controls the company operating the facility. Required unless confidentiality is claimed. nvarchar(255)
FacilityName Name of the facility (operator or owner) nvarchar(255)
StreetName The street name of the facility nvarchar(255)
BuildingNumber The building number of the facility nvarchar(255)
City Name of city, where facility is located nvarchar(255)
PostalCode The postal code of the facility nvarchar(50)
CountryCode Country code nvarchar(255)
CountryName Country name nvarchar(255)
Lat Latitude float
Long Longitude float
RBDGeoCode Identifies the river basin district code computed by geo-coding nvarchar(255)
RBDGeoName Identifies the river basin district name computed by geo-coding nvarchar(255)
NUTSRegionGeoCode Identifies the NUTS region code at level 2 computed by geo-coding nvarchar(255)
NUTSRegionGeoName Identifies the NUTS region name at level 2 computed by geo-coding nvarchar(255)
RBDSourceCode Identifies the river basin district code as reported by the RS nvarchar(255)
RBDSourceName Identifies the river basin district name as reported by the RS nvarchar(255)
NUTSRegionSourceCode Identifies the NUTS region code as reported by the RS nvarchar(255)
NUTSRegionSourceName Identifies the NUTS region name as reported by the RS nvarchar(255)
NACEMainEconomicActivityCode Main economic activity Code for NACE reported as NACE Code nvarchar(255)
NACEMainEconomicActivityName Main economic activity Name for NACE reported as NACE Code nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityName Name of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityAddressStreetName Street of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityAddressBuildingNumber Building number of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityAddressCity City of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityAddressPostalCode Postal code of competent authority party nvarchar(50)
CompetentAuthorityAddressCountryCode Country code of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityAddressCountryName Country name of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityTelephoneCommunication Telephone number of competent authority party nvarchar(50)
CompetentAuthorityFaxCommunication Fax number of competent authority party nvarchar(50)
CompetentAuthorityEmailCommunication Email of competent authority party nvarchar(255)
CompetentAuthorityContactPersonName Contact person at competent authority party nvarchar(255)
ProductionVolumeProductName Name of primary product nvarchar(255)
ProductionVolumeQuantity Production quantity of primary product float
ProductionVolumeUnitCode Unit code of quantity nvarchar(255)
ProductionVolumeUnitName Unit name of quantity nvarchar(255)
TotalIPPCInstallationQuantity The total number of IPPC installations covered by the facility int
OperatingHours The number of operating hours in reporting year int
TotalEmployeeQuantity Number of employees int
WebsiteCommunication The website address of Facility nvarchar(255)
PublicInformation Textual information nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialIndicator Indicates if confidentiality for mandatory data is claimed or not. Required. bit
ConfidentialityReasonCode Identifies the reason Code for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. nvarchar(255)
ConfidentialityReasonName Identifies the reason Name for confidentiality. Required if confidentiality is claimed for mandatory data. nvarchar(255)
ProtectVoluntaryData Indicates if voluntary data should be protected or not bit
RemarkText nvarchar(255)
MainIASectorCode Sector Code of main industrial activity nvarchar(255)
MainIASectorName Sector Name of main industrial activity nvarchar(255)
MainIAActivityCode Activity Code of main industrial activity nvarchar(255)
MainIAActivityName Activity Name of main industrial activity nvarchar(255)
MainIASubActivityCode Subactivity Code of main industrial activity nvarchar(255)
MainIASubActivityName Subactivity Name of main industrial activity nvarchar(255)



The table lists common information about a report for a given reporting year. If a country has reported more than once then only the most recent report is shown. A unique E-PRTR identification of a facility is introduced by FacilityID, which is used to hold track of identical facilities across different reporting years, even though national identifier might have changed.

Field nameField definitionData type
PollutantReleaseAndTransferReportID Primary key. Required. int
CountryCode The RS Code reporting. Required. nvarchar(255)
CountryName The RS Name reporting. Required. nvarchar(255)
ReportingYear The calendar year of which data on releases and transfers must be gathered. Required. int
CoordinateSystemCode The coordinate system code used in reporting of coordinates. nvarchar(255)
CoordinateSystemName The coordinate system name used in reporting of coordinates. nvarchar(255)
RemarkText Remarks nvarchar(255)
CdrURL URL of the envelope at within CDR nvarchar(255)
CdrUploaded The time when the report was uploaded in Reportnet. datetime
CdrReleased The time when the report was released in Reportnet. datetime
ForReview nvarchar(255)
Published The time when the report was released to public view datetime
ResubmitReason nvarchar(255)


FACILITYID_CHANGES (231455 records)

The table lists the correspondance between newest FacilityID's and previous ones, by CountryCode and by ReportingYear

Field nameField definitionData type
CountryCode The RS Code reporting nvarchar(255)
ReportingYear The calendar year of which data on releases and transfers must be gathered. int
FacilityReportID Facility report unique identifier. int
NationalID National Identification of the facility. nvarchar(255)
NewFacilityID Unique identification of the facility. int
OldFacilityID Unique identification of the facility. int


Older versions

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