
Data and maps

How is Europe fighting against climate change?

To prevent the worst impacts of climate change, European countries have developed national strategies, policies and accompanying measures to mitigate climate change. These include for example targets for greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors of the economy, promoting the use of renewable energy and low carbon fuels or efficiency improvements of buildings.

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Number of international environmental agreements adopted

The figure shows the number of international environmental agreements that have been adopted between 1950 and 2009. It distinguishes between agreements, protocols and amendments.

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Population change between 2000 and 2014 by NUTS 3 regions

The observation of demographic trends at the NUTS3 levels between 2000 and 2014 reveals demographic decline across large parts of Central and Eastern Europe. In most of these areas, ‘islands’ of demographic growth can be observed around capital and metropolitan cities.

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Methane gas emissions: a key greenhouse gas crucial to mitigation efforts

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are crucial to tackling the impacts of climate change, especially methane gas emissions which are seen as a priority area for action by the EU. The EEA recently published a briefing on methane emissions in the EU which includes a new data visualisation tool. We sat down with Ricardo Fernandez, EEA climate change mitigation expert and coordinator of the EU’s GHG inventory to the UNFCCC, to explain the briefing and why reducing methane emissions is so crucial to wider mitigation efforts.

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