

This page was archived on 27 Feb 2023 with reason: Content not regularly updated
Interview on climate change impacts on agriculture in Europe

Facebook Live interview on Climate Change.

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Climate change impacts in Europe

The observed changes in climate are already having wide-ranging impacts on ecosystems, the economy and on human health and well-being in Europe. New records continue to be set on global and European temperatures, sea levels and reduced sea ice in the Arctic. Precipitation patterns are changing, generally making wet regions in Europe wetter and dry regions drier. Glacier volume and snow cover are decreasing. At the same time, climate-related extremes such as heat waves, heavy precipitation and droughts, are increasing in frequency and intensity in many regions. Improved climate projections provide further evidence that climate-related extremes will increase in many European regions.

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Hans Bruyninckx — Climate change adaptation in cities

Our climate is changing. Home to three quarters of European citizens, cities will need to adapt to a changing climate. Many innovative solutions are already being put to use. Find out what climate change means for cities in Europe and what cities can do.

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Are we ready for climate change?

We need to reduce global greenhouse-gas emissions substantially to avoid the worst impacts of climate change around the world and in Europe. The severity of climate change will depend on how much and how quickly we can cut greenhouse-gas emissions. We also need to adapt to our changing climate.

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Our arctic challenge

Our arctic challenge

13 Jan 2011

Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), and three of her colleagues have chosen to be part of an extraordinary journey in East Greenland. They travel from their offices in Copenhagen to participate in a multi sport race, where they challenge themselves through 250 kilometers of the Arctic wilderness. On their way they encounter the effects of climate change and its impact on the Arctic environment. The Inuit are among the first people to experience the effects of climate change. They are in the middle of an environmental challenge that will change many parts of their culture. What is happening to the Inuit today will happen to the rest of the world tomorrow. We will all need to adapt to climate change.

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