
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Summary of EU-15 projections of greenhouse gas emissions reductions by 2010

The column on the right (2010 projections excluding over-delivery) represents the projected EU-15 emission reduction if over-deliveries achieved by some Member States were not available to the rest of the EU-15

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Leading horizontal climate sub-regions of the Greater Alpine Region (GAR)

Bold lines: north-west (NW), north-east (NE), southwest (SW) and southeast (SE)

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Direct and riverine inputs of hazardous substances into the north-east Atlantic

Total direct and riverine inputs into the North-East Atlantic of the six monitored substances fell between 1990 and 1998 (some data is missing from the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian coast, as is river flow data for 1997-98).

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Red List Index for birds

The RLI for European birds based on panEuropean extinction risk uses information from the Birds in Europe database (Tucker and Heath 1994; BirdLife International, 2004) to measure the projected overall regional extinction risk of sets of species, and to track changes in this risk

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Physical map of Eurasia

The map addresses the region covered in Europe's environment: the third assessment 2003 (also called Kiev report).

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Transport emissions of air pollutants for EEA-31 (acidifying substances, ozone precursors and particulates), 1990-2001

The transport emissions data include all of "road transport" and "other transport/mobile sources", less the memo items, which include international aviation (LTO (landing and take-off) and cruise) and international marine (international sea traffic - bunkers)

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Changes in EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions by sector and shares of sectors

This graph shows the changes in greenhouse gas emissions of the EU-15 between the base year and 2004 by sector.

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Estimated average EU-25 external costs for electricity generation technologies in 2003

Average emissions per unit of electricity generation are taken from ExternE-Pol (2005) and include emissions from the operation of the power plant and the rest of the energy chain

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Efficiency of conventional electricity generation in 1990 and 2003

The efficiency is calculated as total electricity output from conventional thermal power plants divided by total fuel input

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Changes in the contribution of heavy rainfall to total precipitation 1961-2006

The map shows changes in the contribution of heavy rainfall to total precipitation

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