
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Average annual growth rates in total energy consumption by fuel, EU-25

Other energy consumption is not included in the chart as the share is small (e.g

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Indicative estimate of the distribution of energy subsidies in the EU-15, 2001

These figures are based on a synthesis of existing reports and data

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Carbon dioxide intensity of conventional thermal electricity generation, EU15

Conventional thermal electricity generation includes plants fired with fossil fuel, biomass, waste and geothermal energy

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Sea surface temperature anomaly for period 1870-2006

Data (oC) show the difference between annual average temperatures and the period 1982-2006 mean in different European seas

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Stored total amount of high level waste (in tonnes heavy metals)

No information has been included for Bulgaria due to a lack of information.

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Final electricity consumption by sector, EU 25

Final electricity consumption is the electricity consumption of the final energy demand sectors, it does not include own use by electricity producers or transmission and distribution losses

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Real changes in the price of passenger transport, UK

The costs of car use include all costs born directly by the private motorist, i.e

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Policy scenarios compared to Baseline: GHG emissions, CO2 emissions and global temperature change, 2000-2050

The Outlook Baseline uses the UN forecast of population growth to 2050 and estimates that global economic growth will be 2.4% per year (expressed in terms of purchasing power parity or PPP) on average to 2050

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Distribution of Q90

Distribution of Q90

12 Nov 2009

Note: Map prepared at a 10 km x 10 km grid resolution

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