
Data and maps

Public awareness of biodiversity in Europe

In line with its international commitments, the EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 (EC, 2021a) sets out a long-term plan to protect nature and reverse the degradation of ecosystems, and builds on the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 (EC, 2021b). The EU Birds and Habitats Directives are central to EU biodiversity policy, through the designation and protection of areas of high biodiversity value, known as the Natura 2000 network, with the aim of protecting valuable species and habitats on land and at sea (EEA, 2020).

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Total nitrogen input to agro-ecosystems (cropland and grassland)

Total N input to agricultural soils for the year 2010, in kg/ha/yr. Input includes manure application, inorganic fertilizer input, atmospheric deposition and biological fixation.

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Coverage of marine protected areas in Europe's seas

The table shows the percentage cover of MPAs and distance to 10 % target for each regional and sub regional sea and by distance zone from the coastline modified from the report: Spatial analysis of Marine Protected Area Networks in Europe´s seas. EEA Technical report, no 17/2015

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Marine protected area coverage by regional sea, 2016

The map shows the percentage marine protected area (MPA) coverage in Europe's regional seas. It also shows the distance to the Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi target 11 of 10 % coverage. The distance from the network coverage to the coverage target is reported with respect to three different distance buffer zones: 0-1 NM, 1-12 NM and 12 NM - END of national waters (NM = nautical miles, END = outer limit of MPA assessment area).

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Distribution of the eight most relevant Level 2 forestry pressures for habitats and species; shown as percentage of pressures within this Level 1 group

The figure shows the distribution of the eight most relevant Level 2 forestry pressures for habitats and species

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Average levels of carbon storage in the main types of terrestrial and marine habitats

The figure illustrate the average levels of carbon stocks in marine and terrestrial ecosystems.The “x” in the figure represents the average level whereas the green and blue boxes signify the median values and the range is characterised by the individual dots. For further explanation of uncertainties see Box 1. For more detailed information on datasets please use the linked dataset

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Europe's seas and selected characteristics of EU marine protected area networks

The table shows the areal extent of Europe's seas and selected characteristics of EU marine protected areas (MPAs), namely area coverage, percentage of coverage and total number of sites. Data excludes the Icelandic Sea, Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea

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Loss of HNV farmland due to agricultural intensification per NUTS3

The High nature Value Farmland (HNV) comprises hot spots of biodivsersity in rural areas and is usually characterised by extensive farming practices. This figure shows where the HNV are at higher risk due the pressure of agricultural intensification.

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Land productivity dynamics

Land productivity refers to spatial distribution and change of the vegetation cover - a key characteristic of ecosystem condition. By measuring vegetation productivity trends, the indicator is addressing one of the topics requested by the Land Degradation Neutrality target of the United Nations Development Goals (SDG 15.3).

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