Conclusions of
the Study
This survey and workshop have given the
opportunity to take stock of the follow-up activities at a
national level which have begun in EEA Member Countries during
the four years since the adoption of the Convention and its
signing at Rio. The Convention contains many examples of actions
which Contracting Parties are advised to undertake. This requires
not only the commitment to plan these actions, but also to ensure
that policy is translated into action: there must be measurable
actions with real targets. It is important to realise early
successes, even if these are modest, and to set these targets in
place for sustainable use as well as conservation of
The workshop addressed such targets in
agreeing a set of "minimum criteria for success",
described above. However, the survey showed that in reality many
EEA Member Countries seemed to have been slow in their
implementation of the Convention, and little or no information
was provided in the responses on how they would react once their
strategies and plans were ready. For example, in all sixteen
Member Countries which replied in full, procedures for
environmental impact assessment were already in place, but it was
not clear that the results were acted upon. Subsidies which had
adverse environmental consequences were identified in only three
Member Countries, and would be phased out to a greater or lesser
extent; the issue was being actively considered in just one other
Member State.
An important question to be considered in
examining the national responses to the survey questionnaire is
"has the Convention actually changed policies and actions at
a national level, or would these have been adopted without the
Convention?". Most countries reported that they intend to
adapt or use existing legislation in order to meet obligations
under the Convention. For example, the establishment of protected
areas was frequently linked to the requirements under the
Habitats Directive and to the Natura 2000 network of protected
areas, or to other previously existing protection schemes, but
was not sufficient to meet the obligations of the Convention
(Article 8). Action plans for ex-situ conservation
(Article 9) in general promoted the extension and development of
existing programmes.
A number of common themes highlight a set
of requirements for the successful implementation of the
Cooperation and coordination
- It is necessary to identify a
department responsible for the coordination of activities
in following up the Convention, and for a
multi-disciplinary group wider than official government
departments to provide an oversight of the national
response. Only ten countries have such a body. The
Convention requires there to be a cross-sectoral
approach, but the survey responses showed that of groups
consulted in the development of national strategies and
plans, the interests of business and industry had been
given greater priority than those of farming and fishery,
for example. NGOs appeared to play an important role in
the follow-up activities in several countries. Progress
was made in several countries by broad circulation of the
draft strategy. In several countries cooperation (on
sustainable use) was not linked closely to sectoral
- A general problem for Federal States
was that the national response to the survey referred to
delegation at state (regional) level without indicating
what kind of response these regions had given to the
relevant Articles in the Convention. It is not clear what
national actions are being taken in these situations.
- At an international level, cooperation
with east European countries was important for EEA Member
Countries, as was the importance of biodiversity to the
wider issue of sustainable development. Seven countries
had, or soon would have, joint programmes with other
countries for research on genetic resources. Only two
countries, however, had measures that required the
private sector to cooperate with government institutions
and the private sector in developing countries in this
respect. Eight countries mentioned programmes for
exchanging the results of technical, scientific and
socio-economic research, as well as information on
training and surveying programmes, specialised knowledge,
and indigenous and traditional knowledge.
Points for Member Country Governments:
- identify a
multi-disciplinary group to provide an oversight
of the national response to the Convention
- establish a
mechanism to achieve a cross-sectoral approach
which is transparent, identifying which sectors
are involved
- set
implementation standards for reporting, control
and evaluation mechanisms, together with a system
for internal control
- state for what
areas and what types of accidents and
emergencies, and with which countries, mechanisms
for dealing with cross-boundary incidents have
been established
Gathering knowledge, education and
dissemination of information
- Compared to other broad environmental
problems, such as climatic change or acidification, it is
much more difficult to quantify the assessment of
biodiversity and of changes in the state of the biotic
environment. Extensive biodiversity monitoring programmes
had yet to be implemented in most countries, and in most
cases these impacts on biodiversity had not been compared
with the overall status and trends in biodiversity.
ETC/NC reports in 1995 on monitoring and indicators had
stated the need for further research and development of
appropriate methods, and also the need for the
harmonisation of approaches.
- Scientists must translate their
information into a form which can be used and understood
by administrators. Governments should demonstrate what
information and research already exists, and what they
are going to do to maintain and improve research and
training levels. The lack of biodiversity professionals
in some sectors of society was perceived as a problem.
There is a need for standardised forms and guidelines of
criteria and indicators to give to the policy makers, and
these should be reviewed and updated regularly.
Points for Member Country Governments:
- implement
biodiversity monitoring programmes
- compare
impacts on biodiversity with the status and
trends in biodiversity
- initiate
further research on methods for monitoring and
develop appropriate indicators
- disseminate
scientific information in standardised forms
which can be understood and used by
administrators and policy makers
Commitment: political, moral, ethical
and financial
- Adequate progress is dependent on
public awareness and political commitment. The systems of
government organisation in Member Countries tended to
conflict with the cross-cutting nature of the
biodiversity issues involved, and this created
institutional problems, financial difficulties, and the
need for coordination of efforts.
- Responses to the survey suggested that
most countries have made no extra financial resources
available to meet their obligations under the Convention
within their own borders. Nine countries stated that they
had provided new or additional funds to enable developing
countries to meet their obligations under the Convention.
- The main areas of need concern the
identification of cash flows within national government,
knowing at national level what regional and local
authorities are doing, and knowing what is spent outside
government. There should be, as a minimum standard, some
reporting on finance; possibly on direct cash flows, and
an evaluation of the use of positive and negative
economic incentives.
Points for Member Country Governments:
- adopt
programmes for improved public awareness and
increased political commitment
- make
additional financial resources available to meet
obligations under the Convention within own
borders, and provide new or additional funds to
developing countries for this purpose
- identify cash
flows and establish reporting arrangements on
financial arrangements
Legislation and enforcement
- There is a legal basis for the policy
framework and political decisions in that ratification of
the Convention acts as the formal basis, and decisions
should be taken (in parallel with ratification) to adapt
laws as necessary. The Convention itself is not very
strict in this respect, and a minimum standard might be
outside the scope of the Convention.
- In implementing the Convention, the
main problem reported was the need to focus on the gaps
in existing legislation. It should be noted that there is
no mechanism to "police" whether minimum
standards have been reached other than peer pressure from
other contracting parties. The aim should be to share the
benefits (for example, of sustainable use) among all
Points for Member Country Governments:
- draw up list
of legislation in place to implement the
- review the
effectiveness of these laws at a later stage,
focused on gaps in existing legislation
Targets and indicators
- The setting of specific targets for
maintaining biodiversity was seen to be a useful tool in
meeting obligations under the Convention, but the
establishment of these targets had been approached in a
wide variety of ways. There has been limited progress on
development of biodiversity indicators as indicators of
sustainable development. This is a key area for future
research. These indicators and targets are viewed as
essential if land use incentives are to produce
ecological gains. One country noted the need for
indicators of sustainability.
- Integrated environmental assessments
(IEA, see Annex I) are necessary to examine the
inter-relationships between the driving forces created by
human activities in different economic sectors and their
resulting pressures on the environment, and changes in
the state of the environment, impacts on ecosystems and
the consequent political responses (the so-called
"DPSIR" framework). The survey was unable to
discover examples of any such assessments currently in
operation in EEA Member Countries.
Points for Member Country Governments:
- establish
specific targets for maintaining biodiversity
- undertake
research to develop biodiversity indicators of
sustainable development
- initiate
procedures for integrated environmental
assessment of biological diversity
North-South issues
- These were fundamental to the
discussions at Rio. Delegates to the workshop felt that
government aid departments should be more involved
because much of the pressure to see progress was coming
from developing countries.
Points for Member Country Governments:
- give evidence
of governmental contributions to educational
training for the specific needs of developing
- show what
research and training facilities are available to
developing countries
- carry out a
needs assessment or have an evaluation mechanism
European Union issues
- Despite being a signatory to the
Convention, the EU lacks the following measures at
- A legally binding instrument
regulating liability for damage to the
environment at EU level, in compliance with
Article 14 of the Convention;
- A Community Biodiversity
Strategy, in compliance with Article 6 of the
Convention (currently under development);
- Guidelines for the management
of protected areas and buffer zones in compliance
with Article 8 of the Convention;
- Little progress has been made
on modifying economic instruments at the European
level which impact on biodiversity at the
national level.
- The European Commission representative
at the workshop agreed that the EU had in the past been
reactive rather than proactive in its actions and
recognised the need to coordinate the national efforts
and an urgent need to see real progress now. The
Commission was working urgently to complete the Community
Biodiversity Strategy by mid-1997.
- The EU 5th Environmental Action Plan
for 1990-95 required that environmental protection
requirements must be integrated into the definition and
implementation of other community policies (Article
130R(2)), and that biodiversity objectives be taken into
account when developing sectoral policies. A report for
the review of the 5th EAP was published by the EEA in
for improvement
- The need for a
cross-sectoral approach and public participation
is identified as the main cause of problems
limiting progress on implementation of the
- Access to
genetic resources and national property rights is
an area of ongoing international negotiation.
Most national strategies make no commitments on
these issues.
- The
international obligations of the Convention are
often inadequately covered in national action
plans. Little attention is paid to economic
activities in developing countries.

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