2.6 Difficulties
and Problems Experienced in Implementation of the Convention
A number of common problems were raised at
the workshop in London, in particular by those people in
positions which gave them some official responsibility for
implementing the Convention at a national level. They may have
felt more able to speak freely in the working groups than in
their more formal responses to the survey. The discussion, over
two sessions, highlighted difficulties and problems under several
Coordination at a national level
- In order to guarantee ratification of
the Convention it was necessary to secure a political
commitment. In most cases this was achieved at Rio, but
in others the NGOs played a significant role. In certain
instances anticipated international peer pressure arising
from the 3rd Conference of Parties had probably prompted
- The primary key feature of the
Convention is an international agreement to act at a
national and local level. The second key component is
that "biodiversity" is broader than just
"conservation" and incorporates cross-sectoral
concepts of sustainable use. The need for a
cross-sectoral approach and public participation has been
the main cause of problems limiting progress on
implementation of the Convention;
- In some Member Countries, the
Convention has been taken forward through a national
committee. The membership has varied from a full
representation of government departments, land owners and
NGOs (e.g. UK, Sweden, Finland) to a small group of
Ministries (e.g. the Netherlands). Difficulties have
arisen when the land use interests, in particular,
perceived the Convention to be a threat through increased
designation of sites for conservation. The coordination
committees worked most effectively when the
representation was at an intermediate level and the
parties saw benefit in compromise solutions.
Development of a national strategy
- The key objective is to develop a
strategy which has cross-sectoral ownership. Most Member
Countries used existing legislation to implement the
Convention, although some have introduced new
legislation. The main problem was to engage all sectors
in the debate and to focus on the gaps in existing
legislation. Progress was made in several Member
Countries by broad circulation of the draft strategy;
- There are still many gaps in most
national strategies. These relate to all areas, but the
coastal and marine environment sector and international
issues such as fisheries, whaling, technology transfer to
developing countries, and property rights for genetic
resources will require specific solutions outside the
Convention framework, and the challenges of integration
are greater.
Development of action plans
- The main objective of the action plans
is to translate policy into action. This requires
measurable actions with real targets. The difficulty has
been to develop indicators as a basis for monitoring,
audit and refocusing objectives. In most action plans the
targets have been a compromise reached on a pragmatic
basis. This may limit the short-term biodiversity gains
but it was felt important to realise early successes,
even if these were modest. In addition, the action plans
are part of an evolutionary process. It was important to
set these targets in place for sustainable use as well as
conservation of biodiversity. Future agreements on free
trade could threaten their objectives.
Indicators of sustainable use
- This was an important issue linking
the Convention on Biological Diversity to Agenda 21,
concerning Sustainable Development. The objective was to
balance the need for economic development with sustaining
biodiversity. The key problem has been to develop
indicators for achieving biodiversity objectives
(particularly for agriculture and forestry). These
indicators and targets are essential if land use
incentives are to produce ecological gains.
Fostering good practice in developing
- It was agreed that the international
obligations of the Convention were less adequately
covered in national action plans. There was little
attention paid to economic activities in developing
countries (the "ecological footprints" of
developed countries actions and interests).
Genetic resources
- There were several important issues
(such as genetic erosion in isolated populations; genetic
aspects of introduced species; consequences of invasions
by alien species) which were only marginally considered
in most national strategies. Access to genetic resources
and national property rights were seen as an area of
ongoing international negotiation. Most national
strategies make no commitments on this issue.
General points
- Most Member Countries have made no
extra financial resources available to implement the
- Adequate progress is dependent on
public awareness and political commitment;
- Little progress has been made on
modifying economic instruments at the European level
which impact on biodiversity at the national level;
- There has been limited progress on
biodiversity indicators as indicators of sustainable
development: this is a key area for future research.
Examples of other problems mentioned
in national responses to the survey
Organisational problems
- There were political difficulties in
determining the Government Department responsible for the
coordination of activities in elaborating the National
- There were problems in creating a
national committee on biodiversity where there are
attempts to involve regional authorities as well as the
private sector, NGOs and other social representatives;
- The time elapsing between consecutive
COPs is too short to reach goals: it would be better to
programme action on a triennial basis;
- The shift from implementing
older Conventions such as Ramsar, Berne,
Bonn, CITES, and EU Directives (Birds, Habitats,
Biotechnology) towards the biodiversity component of the
European Environment Agency, the Convention on
Sustainable Development and the CBD itself, creates an
excessive workload for national institutions, as they are
charged with new communication and coordination duties on
much broader policy issues.
Cross-sectoral problems
- The content of the Convention does not
fit into existing traditional competencies, partly due to
the cross-cutting nature of the issues;
- There are difficulties in defining the
responsibilities of departments other than environment,
agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishery;
- There are difficulties in developing
and implementing sustainable use methods in forestry,
agriculture and fisheries;
- There are difficulties in defining the
importance of biodiversity in urban areas, as well as in
maintaining ecological relationships between green areas
within urban areas;
- There are difficulties in realising
the full potential values of biodiversity for sustainable
development, for example in promoting the development of
new energy sources and of new environmentally-friendly
industrial, agricultural and pharmaceutical products;
- The total planning scheme for
biodiversity has become rather complex and activities
relevant to the implementation of the Convention are not
always explicitly identified as being part of the
national strategy on biological diversity;
- It is (more often than not) a matter
of interpretation whether a given policy or measure can
actually be said to be an implementation of a specific
article in the Convention.
Limitations of knowledge
- Lack of biodiversity professionals in
some sectors of society;
- Lack of quantitative and qualitative
scientific information on the existing genetic resources,
species, and habitats at the national level;
- Lack of operational networks between
scientists and institutions which deal with relevant
issues at the national, European and Mediterranean
levels, and lack of funds for relevant joint research or
implementation projects;
- Lack of standards and methodologies
which are also reflected at international and European
levels, especially in evaluating the ecosystem component.
Broadly-used perceptions are either too general to allow
wide interpretations or very country-specific.
Financial constraints
- Financial mechanisms concerning
implementation of the Convention should be viewed within
the GEF framework, which is not fully adequate:
restructuring and a sharing mechanism are necessary;
- Financial problems are being faced in
order to develop different issues of the implementation
of the Convention, like cooperation projects,
organisation of seminars and publications;
- Funds and personnel in the competent
authorities are insufficient to tackle the issues,
especially since the efforts so far have concentrated on
establishing and managing reserves for endangered species
and habitats, which still remains a priority.

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