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During the year the Topic Centre has been asked by the Agency to carry out a number of tasks which were not possible to identify in advance such as :
assist the EEA on relevant matters to help develop the EEA work programme;
provide advice to specific clients/users;
provide reviews and comments on draft reports;
prepare data summaries and data assessments;
participate on behalf of the EEA in working groups, committees etc. on air emission inventories, in particular DGXI, EUROSTAT, UNECE/EMEP Task Force on EI and its Expert Panels, EMEP Steering Body, IPCC/OECD Working Groups and others;
compile an overview of such representations and update this overview regularly;
promote the EEA/ETC and the results obtained, for example through technical papers and other publications and seminars.
The ETC/AE has provided technical support to the Agency through the following main deliverables/outputs:
Report on Human activities and emissions inventories" , contribution to the Guidance Report to support further development of air quality directives
Members of the ETC/AEM have participated actively in several IPCC working groups and in the IPCC-OECD Liaison Group (IOLG). Full harmonisation between the CORINAIR methodology and IPCC reporting requirements has been achieved so that CORINAIR now can be used by the members for reporting to all international organisations.
Extraction from the ORACLE database that contains CORINAIR90 data and from the ACCESS DB of CORINAIR94 for several clients and users
Report on Community CO2 and other Green House Gases" based on the national Communications of the EU countries.
ETC members took part in several international meetings and conferences (see section 6) on behalf of the Agency. One task that will continue for a long time is the extensive and permanent verification and extraction of data from the CORINAIR databases available at and maintained by UBA Vienna. This work should be budgeted separately from ad hoc support in future years.
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