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Belgium is bounded by Germany, Luxembourg, France, the North Sea and the Netherlands. It has an area of 30,500 km2 and a population of 10 million. Belgium is divided into three regions: the Flanders region, the Brussels region and the Walloon region.
Belgium is primarily drained by two large river systems, the river Meuse and the river Schelde that drain approx. 44 and 33 per cent of the total land area, respectively. Both rivers arise in France and run north, the Schelde draining the western part of Belgium and discharging into the Schelde Estuary, while the Meuse with tributaries in Germany drains the eastern part of Belgium and runs north into the Netherlands where it discharges near Rotterdam. The Albertkanal connects city of Antwerpen and the river Meuse. There are only few natural lakes in Belgium. Belgium has a 60 km long coastal zone (North Sea).
Due to the changes in the constitution, Belgium has been divided into three regions, each of them responsible for environmental affairs.
The Flemish Environmental Agency (the 'Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij' - VMM) is a para-governmental institution complementary to the environmental administration. One of the important tasks of the VMM is to establish and run the monitoring programme on surface water quality. The VMM also runs the monitoring programmes on industrial and urban discharge and ambient air quality. The VMM calculates rates and collects taxes on water pollution. Another task of the VMM is the annual publication of the results of the monitoring programmes. The VMM also acts as an advisory body to the Administration of the Environment, Nature and Land Planning (AMINAL) with regard to discharge permit procedures.
The main objectives of the water quality monitoring network are :
Since 1989 the VMM physico-chemical monitoring network (R1) has consisted of more than 1,600 sites in the Flemish water courses ranging from canals and navigable rivers to municipal water courses. The basic variables measured are: temperature, dissolved oxygen concentrations, chemical oxygen demand, nitrogen (NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N), phosphate, total phosphorus, chloride, conductivity and pH. For a selected number of sites the following variables are added: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Kjeldahl-nitrogen, sulphates and suspended matter. The annual sampling frequency ranges from 8 to 12. Heavy metals are measured only at locations in the vicinity of industrial discharges and regional borders. The samples of the physico-chemical monitoring network are taken by different regional laboratories.
Since 1989 the VMM biological monitoring network (R2) has consisted of 1,300 different sites at which a Belgian Biotic Index (BBI) based on the presence of aquatic macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators is applied. The diversity and relative sensitivity of these macroinvertebrates are a measure of the degree of pollution at the sampling location. Biological monitoring network samples are all taken by VMM biologists.
The Division de la Police de l'Environnement (DPE) is the institution responsible for monitoring activities in the Walloon region. The DPE carries out physico-chemical and biological monitoring throughout the region. The general physico-chemical network (R5) consists of 90 monitoring sites being sampled 5 times annually, and 7 transboundary sites that are sampled monthly. The transboundary sites are included in the EU Information Exchange Programme. A total of 108 variables are measured at most sampling sites and the results are published as annual administrative reports and periodic thematic quality index maps on organic pollution. The R6 programme covers 49 waterbodies designated as protected. Sampling frequency is usually monthly and between 16 and 28 variables are measured. The biological monitoring programme (R8) covers approx. 410 sites in the running waters of the Walloon region. In addition to the Belgian Biotic Index of macroinvertebrates, phytoplankton and macrophytes and a few basic physico-chemical variables are determined. The programme consists of a general part, a protected waters part (corresponding to R5, R6) and a case-study part (industrial pollution). As for the physico-chemical network administrative reports and quality index maps are published. There is no separate lake monitoring programme, but some reservoirs are included in the general river monitoring programme (R5).
No. | Name | Responsible institution | Variables | Period of operation &
Sampling Frequency (SF) |
coverage |
Data & national
reporting |
Rivers and streams | ||||||
R1 | Physico-chemical monitoring network | VMM | 11-16 physical and chemical variables | Since 1989 SF: 8-12/yr, sometimes 26-52/yr |
Flanders region 1000 sampling sites |
Database and annual report: VMM |
R2 | Biological monitoring network | VMM | Macroinvertebrates, Belgian Biotic Index | Since 1989 SF: 1/yr. |
Flanders region 900 sampling sites |
Database and annual report: VMM |
Measuring network suspended solids | VMM | Water & suspended solids: organic micropollutants & heavy metals | Since: Sep. 1994 SF 3/yr
Flanders Region 20 sampling sites |
Reports after each campaign |
R4 | Measuring network water soils | VMM | Heavy metals & organic micropollutants | Study undertaken in 1991-92 and will be repeated in 1995-1996 | Flanders Region | Reports after each campaign |
R5 | Physico-chemical monitoring of surface waters | DPE | Up to 108 physical and chemical variables | 1. network: 5/yr. 2. network: 12/yr |
Walloon region 90 sites covering main rivers, streams, canal, and reservoirs. |
Database & annual report: DPE. |
R6 | Physico-chemical monitoring of designated protected waters 3 networks 1) Freshwater for fish 2) Surface water for drinking water 3) Natural water networks |
DPE | 16-28 physical & chemical variables | 1) 12/yr 2) 2-8/yr 3) 12/yr |
Walloon region.
1) 38 sampling |
Database & annual report: DPE. |
R7 | Alarm network. | DPE | 6-12 physical & chemical variables | continuous (every 3 minutes) | River Meuse, 3 sites. River Sambre, 2 sites. |
Database & annual report: DPE. |
R8 | Biological quality assessment of water courses | 1980-92:IHE 1993-: DPE | Macroinvertebrates, Belgian Biotic Index, 5 physical & chemical variables | once every 3 years. case-studies: according to occurance |
Walloon region.
200+150+60 sampling sites |
Database & annual report: DPE. |
R9 | Bathing water | 1982-89: IHE 1990-: DPE | physical, chemical & microbiological variables | 9 samples from mid-May to mid-September | Walloon region
47 sampling sites in fresh surface water |
Database & annual report: DPE. |
R10 | Hydrometric networks. | DPE & SETHY |
flow, water height | 4 measures per hour | Walloon region
103+145 hydrometric stations. |
Database: DPE &
VMM - Flemish Environmental Agency / Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij; IHE - Institute for Hygiene and Epidemiology; DPE - Division de la Police de l'Environnement; SETHY - Ministére de l'Equipement et des Transport
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