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Analyses energy-related activities at three stages - production of primary energy, conversion to derived energy (electricity and heat) and end-use - on local and pan-European scales. Environmental impacts from fossil fuels, nuclear power and renewable energy are briefly reviewed. Factors determining future energy use and projected changes are presented.
Presents an overview of the environmental impact of pan-European industry, and highlights differences between various parts of Europe. The importance of industry as a whole in terms of emissions, waste production and the use of natural resources is examined and an evaluation is made of the 'environmental performance' of certain industrial sectors. Ways in which business practice has changed in response to environmental challenges are also considered. There is little industrial data that can be directly related to environmental impact. Production and energy use data are available from international sources and national and state of the environment reports for specific industries.
Reviews the impacts of transport on the environment and provides an overview of the pan-European transport situation the regional differences. Trends in transport activities and their implications for the environment are examined, as well some underlying forces. The future outlook for transport Europe is also assessed. The main data used are drawn from international sources, especially the European Conference of ministers for Transport (ECMT), Eurostat and UNECE. Data from the scientific literature are used for illustrating
Analyses the trends in agricultural structure and practice which have evolved to meet demands and indicates the associated potential impacts of agriculture on the environment. Although plenty of data are available at national level, especially in the ] and EFTA countries, most are related to production, employment structure, fertilizer and pesticide use, livestock demographics and farm sizes; fewer examine the size and contribution to impacts on the environment of agricultural production and changes in agricultural systems.
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Agricultural production and employees in selected European countries |
Examines the situation of Europe's forests and how they are being used. The chapter summarizes how associated activities and practices can result in impacts on the environment, and identifies the main driving forces influencing these changes The data used include traditional forest inventories as well as qualitative information on specific environmental effects and non-wood production forestry.
Evolution in wooded area in Europe
(Excluding the Russian Federation)
Reviews the nature and importance of the impacts of fishing on the environment, and provides an overview of the panEuropean situation with regard to fishing and aquaculture, with regional differences. The effectiveness of existing fishing policies are evaluated. The main data sources are drawn from international organizations (FAO and Eurostat) and examples are taken from state of the environment reports and the scientific literature.
Total international fish catch in the North Sea, 1903 - 1988
Presents an overview of the pan-European situation with regard to tourism and recreation and highlights local differences. The impacts of tourism and recreation are assessed in six key settings: protected areas; rural zones; mountains; coastal areas; cities and heritage sites; and theme and leisure parks. General trends are presented using data from the World Tourism Organization, but since tourism statistics do not adequately reflect the pressures of tourism and recreation on the environment, a case-by-case approach using national or local data is adopted.
Reviews the environmental impacts of households in terms o resource use and emissions, assesses underlying driving force and evaluates possible control measures. Data relating households directly to the environment are not available. Socioeconomic data are available from international organizations such as Eurostat. Case studies using national data are used to help create a more complete picture.
European household sizes, 1980-90(Euromonitor)
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