

Households energy consumption by end uses

Figure Created 20 Aug 2010 Published 14 Sep 2010 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
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Share of energy consumption by end uses in total households consumption.


European data


Additional information

Extrapolated from 16 EU countries (11 main EU-15 countries + Poland, Czech Rep, Estonia, Hungary and Romania) representing more than 90% of the household consumption (e.g. 94% for gas, 92% for electricity).

The energy consumption for all these countries is aggregated by fuel and end-uses and a share is applied to the total consumption by fuel from Eurostat. This method guarantees the coherence between the aggregate and disaggregated energy consumption.

For instance, for space heating, the consumption of gas is calculated as the total consumption of gas as published by Eurostat for the EU-27 multiplied by the share of space heating in the gas consumption in the sample of 16 countries. The space heating consumption for the EU-27 is then calculated as the sum of the consumption for space heating for each fuel.


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Filed under: consumption, energy
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