

Share of combined heat and power in gross electricity production in 2009

Figure Created 28 Mar 2012 Published 02 Apr 2012 Last modified 29 Nov 2012
2 min read
Share of combined heat and power in gross electricity production in 2009

European data


Additional information

The share is defined as the proportion of CHP electricity production in total electricity production.  Note, however not all electricity production from a CHP ‘plant’ may be considered as CHP production as the plant may consist of different types of units (such as heat only, or flexible units where the power-to-heat ratio may be adjusted). The electrical output of CHP is that part which related to the CHP process, as defined by the CHP Directive (2004/8/EC).  The division in auto-producers and main activity producers is unknown for some counties, such as Denmark, as well as other Member States due to the interpretation of the definition applied.  The single colour purple in the bars show the countries with the highest data uncertainty. For instance, in the UK, at least 30% of CHP is operated by electricity companies (Challoch Energy assessment for this indicator).


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Filed under: electricity, energy, heat
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