

Nitrate concentrations in rivers between 1992 and 2003 in different regions of Europe

Figure Created 12 Nov 2009 Published 12 Nov 2009 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
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Western Europe: Austria (152), Denmark (32), France (235), Germany (121), Luxembourg (3), UK (113)


European data


Additional information

Number of stations in brackets. Eastern Europe: Bulgaria (50), Czech Rep. (58), Estonia (43), Hungary (89), Lithuania (57), Latvia (51), Poland (93), Slovak Rep. (9), Slovenia (21). Nordic countries: Finland (26), Sweden (90). Background concentrations of nitrate in rivers (about 1.3 mg NO3/l) are shown to aid the assessment of the significance of the nitrate concentrations (in association with the drinking water MAC). The time series comprise consistent data sets with no data gaps. For each time series the arithmetic mean of the station annual average concentrations was used in the regional aggregations.


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Filed under: csi, water
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