
Data table via SPARQL

Climate change mitigation policies and measures (PaM) - 2015 data

Data table via SPARQL Published 17 Dec 2015 Last modified 30 Nov 2018
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This query returns a number of policies and measures (PAM) implemented or planned by European countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these PAMs have been reported to the European Commission, the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or the EEA.

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Country Name_of_policy_or_measure Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures Number_of_policy_or_measure Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group Type_of_policy_instrument Status_of_implementation Impact_of_policy_or_measure___EU_ETS__outside_the_ETS__ESD__or_LULUCF_ Sector_s__affected Objective_s_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy Implementation_period_start Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ Union_policy_which_resulted_in_the_implementation_of_the_policy_or_measure GHG_s__affected Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included Link_to_national_report Short_description Quantified_objective Implementation_period_finish Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time General_comment Main_reference_to_assessments_and_underpinning_technical_reports URL_to_main_reference GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ Average_emission_reduction__kt_CO2__equivalent_per_year___ex_post_ Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure Reference_for_ex_post_assessment Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Description_of_projected_cost_estimates__basis_for_cost_estimate__what_type_of_costs_are_included Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Description_of_realised_cost_estimates Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits Submission_year ReportID Status_of_implementation_clean Implementation_period_start_clean Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Combustion in Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors" "Group" "64" "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16" "Regulatory" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16" "" "Cross-cutting, Energy_Supply, Energy_Consumption, Transport, Other" "Increase in renewable energy (Energy supply), Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels (Energy supply), Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) (Energy supply), Reduction of losses (Energy supply), Efficiency improvement in the energy and tran" "876.36" "1701.26" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Gov" "Government:-Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Ent" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16" "" "EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU, Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, RES directive 2009/28/EC, Eco-design framewo" "CO2, CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions for Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors" "" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16" "; " "" "" "" "623.22" "253.14" "984.64" "357.84" "1342.48" "1239.72" "461.53" "1207.9" "446.76" "1654.65" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Transport sector" "Group" "65" "4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30" "Regulatory" "See individual PAMs 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30" "" "Energy_Supply, Energy_Consumption, Transport, Other, Cross-cutting" "Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector (Energy supply), Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector (Energy consumption), Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors (Energy consumption), Demand management/reductio" "350.47" "558.01" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Gov" "Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-National Regulatory Authority for Energy, Government:-Ministry of Transport, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of" "See individual PAMs 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30" "" "Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011), Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC, Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC, Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehic" "CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in transport sector" "" "See individual PAMs 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30" "; " "" "" "" "" "350.47" "" "395.07" "395.07" "" "558.01" "" "1078.08" "1078.08" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Other sectors (services, residential, agriculture)" "Group" "66" "3, 5, 4, 11, 14, 16, 32, 33, 34, 36, 35, 37, 38, 39" "Regulatory, Planning" "See individual PAMs 3, 5, 4, 11, 14, 16, 32, 33, 34, 36, 35, 37, 38, 39" "" "Cross-cutting, Energy_Supply, Energy_Consumption, Transport, Other" "Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector (Energy supply), Control of fugitive emissions from energy production (Energy supply), Efficiency improvements of buildings (Energy consumption), Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary s" "320.39" "788.76" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Gov" "Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of E" "See individual PAMs 3, 5, 4, 11, 14, 16, 32, 33, 34, 36, 35, 37, 38, 39" "" "Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, RES directive 2009/28/EC, Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU), Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 20" "CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 3, 5, 4, 11, 14, 16, 32, 33, 34, 36, 35, 37, 38, 39" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Other sectors" "" "See individual PAMs 3, 5, 4, 11, 14, 16, 32, 33, 34, 36, 35, 37, 38, 39" "; " "" "" "" "" "320.39" "" "739.29" "739.29" "" "788.78" "" "907.66" "907.66" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Fugitive emissions sector" "Group" "67" "1, 5, 16" "Regulatory" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 16" "" "Cross-cutting, Energy_Supply, Energy_Consumption" "Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector (Energy supply), Control of fugitive emissions from energy production (Energy supply), Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector (Energy consumption), Efficiency improvement in indus" "1450.74" "1230.74" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government" "Government:-Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of Economy and the Tourism, Gov" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 16" "" "Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC), Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)Regulation (EC) no. 1221/2" "CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 16" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Fugitive emissions sector" "" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 16" "; " "" "" "" "" "1450.74" "" "1394.79" "1394.79" "" "1230.74" "" "1277.4" "1277.4" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Industrial Processes and Product Use sector" "Group" "68" "1, 2, 5, 45" "Regulatory" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 5, 45" "" "Cross-cutting, Industrial_Processes" "Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases (Industrial processes), Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances (Industrial processes), Multi-sectoral policy (Cross-cutting); " "90.24" "227.13" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government" "Government:-Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Fores" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 5, 45" "" "EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU, Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC, Industrial emi" "CO2, CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 5, 45" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Industrial Processes and Product Use sector" "" "See individual PAMs 1, 2, 5, 45" "; " "" "" "" "90.24" "" "161.55" "" "161.55" "227.13" "" "425.75" "" "425.75" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Agriculture sector" "Group" "69" "1, 5, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52" "Regulatory" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52" "" "Cross-cutting, Agriculture" "Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland (Agriculture), Other activities improving cropland management (Agriculture), Improved livestock management (Agriculture), Improved animal waste management systems (Agriculture), Multi-sectoral policy (Cross-c" "1644.04" "2066.42" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government" "Government:-Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of Economy and the Tourism, Gov" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52" "" "Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC), Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC, Other (Union policy " "CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Agriculture sector" "" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52" "; " "" "" "" "" "1644.04" "" "2130.5" "2130.5" "" "2066.42" "" "3505.67" "3505.67" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for LULUCF sector" "Group" "70" "55" "Planning" "See individual PAMs 55" "" "LULUCF" "Afforestation and reforestation (LULUCF), Restoration of degraded lands (LULUCF); " "" "" "Regional" "Regional:-Regional Forest and Hunting Inspectorate" "See individual PAMs 55" "" "PAM not related to Union policies" "CO2" "See individual PAMs 55" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in LULUCF sector" "" "See individual PAMs 55" "; " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WEM Scenario for Waste sector" "Group" "71" "1, 5, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61" "Regulatory" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61" "" "Cross-cutting, Waste" "Demand management / reduction (Waste), Enhanced recycling (Waste), Enhanced CH4 collection and use (Waste), Improved treatment technologies (Waste), Improved landfill management (Waste), Waste incineration with energy use (Waste), Improved wastewater mana" "1891.5" "2883.75" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government, Government" "Government:-Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment, Government:-Ministry of Economy and the Tourism, Gov" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61" "" "Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC, Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC), Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC, Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC, Other (Uni" "CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Waste sector" "" "See individual PAMs 1, 5, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61" "; " "" "" "" "" "1891.5" "" "2316.75" "2316.75" "" "2883.75" "" "3390.75" "3390.75" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WAM Scenario for Combustion in Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors" "Group" "72" "12, 17, 18, 19" "Planning, Voluntary" "See individual PAMs 12, 17, 18, 19" "" "Energy_Supply, Energy_Consumption" "Increase in renewable energy (Energy supply), Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector (Energy supply), Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector (Energy consumption), Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors (E" "258" "309.31" "Government, Government, Government, Government, Companies, Government, Government, Government" "Government:-Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Environment, Government:-National Regulatory Authority for Energy, Government:-Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Government:-Ministry of Transport, Compani" "See individual PAMs 12, 17, 18, 19" "yes" "Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy), PAM not related to Union policiesDirective 2012/27/EU" "CO2" "See individual PAMs 12, 17, 18, 19" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Combustion in Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors" "" "See individual PAMs 12, 17, 18, 19" "; " "" "" "" "188.69" "69.79" "208.4" "77.08" "285.48" "225.8" "83.51" "583.76" "215.82" "799.68" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""
"Romania" "WAM Scenario for Transport sector" "Group" "73" "31" "Planning" "See individual PAMs 31" "" "Transport" "Efficiency improvements of vehicles (Transport), Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport (Transport), Low carbon fuels/electric cars (Transport), Demand management/reduction (Transport), Improved behaviour (Transport), Improved transpor" "251.33" "326.17" "Government" "Government:-Ministry of Transport" "See individual PAMs 31" "yes" "PAM not related to Union policies" "CO2" "See individual PAMs 31" "" "Reduction of GHG emissions in Transport sector" "" "See individual PAMs 31" "; " "" "" "" "" "251.33" "" "334.96" "334.96" "" "326.17" "" "276.3" "276.3" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "2015" "" "" "" ""

Received 1456 rows in 1.302 seconds.

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PREFIX tableFile: <>
_:rec tableFile:Country ?Country .
_:rec tableFile:Name_of_policy_or_measure ?Name_of_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures ?Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures .
_:rec tableFile:Number_of_policy_or_measure ?Number_of_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group ?Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group .
_:rec tableFile:Type_of_policy_instrument ?Type_of_policy_instrument .
_:rec tableFile:Status_of_implementation ?Status_of_implementation .
_:rec tableFile:Impact_of_policy_or_measure___EU_ETS__outside_the_ETS__ESD__or_LULUCF_ ?Impact_of_policy_or_measure___EU_ETS__outside_the_ETS__ESD__or_LULUCF_ .
_:rec tableFile:Sector_s__affected ?Sector_s__affected .
_:rec tableFile:Objective_s_ ?Objective_s_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ ?Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ .
_:rec tableFile:Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy ?Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy .
_:rec tableFile:Implementation_period_start ?Implementation_period_start .
_:rec tableFile:Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ ?Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ .
_:rec tableFile:Union_policy_which_resulted_in_the_implementation_of_the_policy_or_measure ?Union_policy_which_resulted_in_the_implementation_of_the_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_s__affected ?GHG_s__affected .
_:rec tableFile:Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included ?Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included .
_:rec tableFile:Link_to_national_report ?Link_to_national_report .
_:rec tableFile:Short_description ?Short_description .
_:rec tableFile:Quantified_objective ?Quantified_objective .
_:rec tableFile:Implementation_period_finish ?Implementation_period_finish .
_:rec tableFile:Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time ?Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time .
_:rec tableFile:General_comment ?General_comment .
_:rec tableFile:Main_reference_to_assessments_and_underpinning_technical_reports ?Main_reference_to_assessments_and_underpinning_technical_reports .
_:rec tableFile:URL_to_main_reference ?URL_to_main_reference .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_in_the_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?GHG_emissions_reductions_under_the_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ ?Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2_equivalent_per_year_ .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment ?Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment ?Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ ?Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ .
_:rec tableFile:Average_emission_reduction__kt_CO2__equivalent_per_year___ex_post_ ?Average_emission_reduction__kt_CO2__equivalent_per_year___ex_post_ .
_:rec tableFile:Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates ?Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates .
_:rec tableFile:Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure ?Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_ex_post_assessment ?Reference_for_ex_post_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment ?Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ ?Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for ?Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for .
_:rec tableFile:Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ ?Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ ?Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Description_of_projected_cost_estimates__basis_for_cost_estimate__what_type_of_costs_are_included_in_the_estimate__methodology_ ?Description_of_projected_cost_estimates__basis_for_cost_estimate__what_type_of_costs_are_included_in_the_estimate__methodology_ .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits ?Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits ?Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ ?Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for ?Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for .
_:rec tableFile:Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ ?Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ ?Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ .
_:rec tableFile:Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ ?Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ .
_:rec tableFile:Description_of_realised_cost_estimates ?Description_of_realised_cost_estimates .
_:rec tableFile:Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits ?Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits ?Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits .
_:rec tableFile:Submission_year ?Submission_year .
_:rec tableFile:ReportID ?ReportID .
_:rec tableFile:Status_of_implementation_clean ?Status_of_implementation_clean .
_:rec tableFile:Implementation_period_start_clean ?Implementation_period_start_clean .
_:rec tableFile:Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean ?Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean .


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