
EEA/AIR/04/003 - Award notice

Sida Senast ändrad 2016-04-22

DK-Copenhagen: expert assistance on State Of the Environment Reporting (SOER2005) and indicator-related activities

2004/S 137-116817

Contract award notice


Is this contract covered by the government procurement agreement (GPA)? No.

I.1)Official name and address of the contracting authority:  European Environment Agency, Att.: Ivone Pereira Martins, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel.: +45 33 36 71 69 . Fax: +45 33 36 72 93. E-mail: Ivone.PereiraMartins@eea.eu.int. URL: http://eea.eu.int.
I.2)Type of contracting authority:  EU institution
II.1) Type of contract:  Services.Service category: 27. In case of contract for service categories 17 to 27, do you agree to the publication of this notice? Yes.
II.2)Is it a framework agreement?  Yes.
II.3.1)Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):  Main object: 90311000.
II.3.2)Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC)
II.4)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:  Expert assistance on State Of the Environment Reporting (SOER2005) and indicator-related activities.
II.5)Short description:  Preparing/writing SOER2005 assessment report based on sub-reports and other relevant information; Supporting the further development of the Signals indicator-based report; Supporting the further development of the Core Set of IndicatorsProviding data, methodological and assessment support on previous products on impacts and effectiveness of environmental and sectoral policy instruments and measures; Supporting the EG-IRG network and other related experts, organisations and authorities throughout Europe;
II.6)Estimated total value (excluding VAT):  
IV.1)Type of procedure:  Open.
IV.1.1)Justification for the choice of negotiated procedure without call for competition  See annex.
IV.2)Award criteria:  The most economically advantageous tender in terms of:- Proven experience and good knowledge of policies, sectoral integration and sustainable development, data, information sources and State of the Environment assessments at the European level (15 points);- Proven track record of similar activities at the European level, i.e. competence of the working team and capacities to offer expertise on a broad range of assessment frames, and proof of delivery of high quality outputs at EU level, namely successful and land marking publications (30 points); - Composition of the team or consortium, which should reflect the wide geographical area of all EEA member countries (north-south-east-west) and cover the broad type of activities to be performed, as well as good networking capacities throughout Europe (10 points);- Proven experience on methodological indicator development including distance to target analysis, country benchmarking, indicators integrating data across the environmental, social and economic dimensions of Sustainable Development (15 points);- Excellent writing skills, English editing, and experience in reporting for policy support purposes, and targeted audiences (30 points).Price: Provided a minimum of 70 points are achieved, the tender offering the best value for money will be the one which receives the highest score when the total number of points awarded is divided by the average value of the daily fees for senior and junior consultants for extra-muros work.
V.1)Award and contract value
V.1.1)Name and address of successful supplier, contractor or service provider:  Contract No EEA/AIR/04/003Consortium led by National Environmental Research Institute, Attn: Ms. Hanne Bach, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. Tel.: +45 46 30 12 00. Fax: +45 46 30 11 14. E-mail: dmu@dmu.dk. Internet address: http://www.dmu.dk
V.1.2)Information on value of contract or on lowest and highest tenders taken into consideration (excluding VAT):  See under 'other information' below.
V.2.1)Is the contract likely to be subcontracted?  No.
VI.1)Is this notice a non-mandatory notice?  No.
VI.2)Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority:  EEA/AIR/04/003
VI.3)Date of contract award:  11.6.2004.
VI.4)Number of tenders received:  4.
VI.5)Was this contract subject to a notice in the Official Journal?  Yes. Notice number in OJ content list: 2004/s 75-063220 of 16.4.2004.
VI.6)Does this contract relate to a project/programme financed by EU Funds?  No
VI.7)Other information:  A framework contract has been awarded for a period of up to 48 months. It has no amount attached to it. Specific agreements will be issued as and when services are needed.
VI.9)Date of dispatch of this notice:  6.7.2004.

