
EEA/CAF/04/009 - Award notice

Sida Senast ändrad 2016-04-22

DK-Copenhagen: evaluation of EEA products and services through polling surveys

2005/S 144-143231

Contract award notice


Section I: Contracting authority

 I.1)Official name and address of the contracting authority:  
European Environment Agency, Att: Ms Tarja Knudsen, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen. Tel.: (45) 33 36 71 18. Fax: (45) 33 36 72 95. E-mail: procurement@eea.eu.int. URL: http://org.eea.eu.int/tenders.
 I.2)Type of contracting authority:  
EU institution.

Section II: Object of the contract

 II.1)Type of contract:  
Services category: 10.
 II.2)Framework agreement:  
 II.3.1)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):  
 II.4)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:  
Evaluation of EEA products and services through polling surveys.
 II.5)Short description:  
Evaluation of selected EEA products and services through polling surveys (telephone and face-to-face interviews). Target groups to be addressed include staff members of the European Commission and European Parliament, members of the European Commission and European Parliament, politicians and civil servants in EEA member countries, research institutions and academia, non-governmental organisations, the business world, and the general public.
 II.6)Estimated total value:  
Not applicable.

Section IV: Procedure

 IV.1)Type of procedure:  
 IV.2)Award criteria:  
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of:
technical quality of the offer:
(a) proven experience and good knowledge in polling surveys (35);
(b) proven knowledge and experience in evaluation methodologies (20);
(c) proven track record of work with EC, EuroParl and other stakeholders (35);
(d) composition and qualification of the team (10); and
price (average value of the daily fees for senior and junior consultants).

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: EEA/CAF/04/009.
 V.1)Award and contract value
 V.1.1)Name and address of successful supplier, contractor or service provider:  
Europublic SA/NV, Att: Ms Karin Minke, Avenue Winston Churchill 118 A, Bte 3, B-1180 Brussels.
 V.1.2)Information on value of contract or on lowest and highest tenders taken into consideration:  
Lowest offer: EUR 250 / highest offer: EUR 760.
 V.2.1)Is the contract likely to be subcontracted?  

Section VI: Other information

 VI.2)Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority:  
 VI.3)Date of contract award:  
 VI.4)Number of tenders received:  
 VI.5)This contract was subject to a notice in the OJ:  
Notice number in OJ contents list: 2004/S230-197676, of: 25.11.2004.
 VI.8)Date of dispatch of this notice:  

