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Alcamo, J. and E. Kreileman (1996). The global climate system: near term action for long term protection. Background report prepared for the workshop on Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Objectives at the third meeting of the Ad hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) Framework Convention on Climate Change, Geneva, 28 February 1996. RIVM: Bilthoven
AGGG (1990). Targets and indicators of climatic change, Report of working Group 2 of the Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases.
CDIAC (1994). Trends 93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.
CRU (1996). Trends in global mean air temperature. CRU Internet homepage. Climate Unit Research, University of East Anglia (UK).
DEA (1995). World Oil Prices. Danish Environmental Agency (unpublished data).
DRI in association with DHV, TME, IVM, ERM, ECOTEC, Travers and Morgan and M+R (1994). Potential Benefits of Integration of Environmental and Economic Policies. An incentive based approach to policy integration. EC Environmental Policy Series. Graham & Trotman and Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, London/Luxembourg.
EC (1990). Energy in Europe. Energy for a new century: the European perspective. Special issue.
EC (1992). Energy in Europe, A view to the future. DG-XVII.
EC (1992). Towards sustainability. A European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development. COM(92)23 - Vol. II. (5th EAP).
EC (1992). White Paper on The future development of the common transport policy: a global approach to the construction of a Community framework for sustainable mobility. COM(92) 494
EC (1992). Green Paper on the impact of transport on the environment - A Community strategy for sustainable mobility. COM(92) 46 final.
EC (1994). Commissions Green Paper "For a European Union Energy Policy". COM (94) 659.
EC (1995). Commissions White paper "An energy policy for the European Union". COM (95)0682
EC (1995). Commission Working Paper on "European Energy to 2020: A scenario approach". SEC (95)2283
EC (1995). Common transport policy action programme 1995-2000. COM (95)302 final.
EC (1996a). Report from the Commission under Council Decision 93/389/EEC, Second evaluation of national programmes under the monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. Progress towards the Community CO2 stabilisation target. COM (96) 91 final.
EC (1996b). Communication from the Commission under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. COM (96) 217 final.
EC (1996c). Communication on Community strategy on climate change. Council conclusions, 25-26 June 1996.
EC (1996d). Communication on a "Community strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and improve fuel economy. Council conclusions, 25-26 June 1996.
EC (1996e). Progress report from the Commission on the Implementation of the European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards Sustainability". COM(95) 624 final.
EC (1996f). Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Decision on the review of the European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards Sustainability". COM(95) 647 final.
EC-DGXI (1995). Statistical factsheet 1986-1994;Ozone Depletion Substances. (Data on 1993-94: provisional), Brussels.
ECGB (1992). Enquete Commission (Protection the Earths Atmosphere) of the German Bundestag (Ed), Climate Change: a threat to global development. Economia Verlag, Bonn.
EEA (1995). Europes Environment: The Dobris Assessment. Edited by D. Stanners and Ph. Bourdeau. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
EEA (1995). Environment in the European Union 1995. Report for the review of the Fifth Environmental Action Programme. Edited by Keimpe Wieringa. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
EEA-ETC/AE (1996). Corinair 94 Summary. In preparation. European Environment Agency.
European Conference of Ministers of Transport (1995). European transport trends and infrastructural needs.
Eurostat (1995). Europes Environment: Statistical Compendium for the Dobris Assessment. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
Eurostat (1996). Energy data (Sirene database-Energy balance sheets). Luxembourg.
Eurostat (1996). Carbondioxide emissions from fossil fuels, 1985-1993. Luxembourg.
Eurostat (1996). News release "EU Carbon dioxide emissions down" (25 April 1996).
International Energy Agency (1993). World Energy Outlook to the year 2010.
IPCC (1990). Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Houghton J.T., Jenkins G.K. and Ephraums, J.J. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
IPCC (1992). Climate change 1992. The Supplementary Report to The IPCC Scientific Assessment. WMO/UNEP Programme. University Press, Cambridge.
IPCC (1994). Radioactive forcing of climate change.
IPCC (1995). Second Assessment Synthesis Report and three Summaries for Policymakers (Working Groups 1, 2 and 3)
Krause F., Bach W. And Koomey J. (1990). Energy policy in the greenhouse. Vol 1. From warming fate to warming limit. Benchmarks for a global convention. International project for sustainable energy paths, El Cerrito, California.
RIVM (1992). The environment in Europe, a global perspective. Rep. no 4812505001, Bilthoven.
RIVM (1996). Environmental balance 1996 (in Dutch), Bilthoven, Nederland.
RIVM/CPB/ECN (1995). Energy and CO2-emission forecasts for the year 2000 (in Dutch), Bilthoven, Nederland.
WEC (1996). "Carbon dioxide Emissions 1990-1995 " by M. Jefferson in World Energy Council Journal, July1996.
WMO/UNEP (1990), Climate change response strategies 1990
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