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Indicator 27: Implementation of integrated transport strategies
Eight Member States are developing integrated transport policies, but most have yet to be fully approved, funded and implemented. Objective
Policy and targets
Integration of environmental requirements at various levels of transport policy-making and planning is effective only if policy measures are combined in a consistent strategy. The need for integrated sectoral strategies was already stated in the EUs fifth environmental action programme (5EAP) and became a high priority with the Amsterdam Treaty. The European Council, at its Summit in Cardiff in 1998, requested the Commission and the transport ministers to focus their efforts on developing integrated transport and environment strategies. The 1998-2004 action plan on the Common Transport Policy (CTP) includes a limited number of initiatives towards environmental integration (CEC, 1998). An overview of the principal initiatives to integrate environmental concerns into the transport sector was presented at the Vienna European Council in December 1998. The Council identified transport pricing and environmental costs, the revitalisation of rail transport and the promotion of inland waterways, maritime transport and combined transport as main areas of action. Against this background, Member State initiatives gain importance and the need for coordinated action becomes apparent.
A preliminary survey of Member States strategies was made in the context of the EEAs contribution to the Global Assessment of the 5EAP (EEA, 1999) and additional information was obtained from the DG EnvironmentDG Transport expert group on transport and environment. Eight countries are developing integrated national transport/environment strategies, but for several of these implementation has yet to start and funding has still to be established.
Table 7.2: Integrated transport strategies in Member States
Integrated transport strategy |
Scope of policy measures included
demand management |
improvement of modal split |
environmental measures |
safety measures |
Austria |
AD |
Belgium (Federal) |
- Brussels |
- Flanders |
UD |
- Wallonia |
Denmark |
AD |
Finland |
AD |
France |
Germany |
Greece |
Ireland |
Italy |
Luxembourg |
UD |
Netherlands |
AD |
Portugal |
Spain |
Sweden |
AD |
United Kingdom |
AD |
UD under development ; AD adopted Source: EEA, 1999; Questionnaire on Transport and Environment Strategies by the Community Expert Group on Transport and Environment Strategies |
Future work
More detailed information should be collected to obtain a more accurate picture of the status and scope of strategies in Member States.
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