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2/20/98 | Annex I to Report on Seletion Criteria for the ETC/CDS metadatabase, Table 1 | Ebbe Kvist | ||||||
Classification | Series of data | Aggregation | Reference | Notes | Freq | 5AP | Dob+3 | Score |
Sectors and themes | ||||||||
Industry | ||||||||
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP | LPS, NUTS3 | ETC/AEM | CORINAIR | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP | LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares | UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP | 1:1 years ? | y | 4 | |||
PM, abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | y | 3 | ||||
Cd, Hg, dioxines, chlorinated substances, (emis. of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Iron & steel ind. | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
pesticides (production, blending, emission of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | 1:3 years | y | 4 | |||
PM, NOx, Pb, As, Sb, F (emis. of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | glass ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
NOx, S, abatment (emis. of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | pulp & paper ind. | 1:3 years | y | 3 | ||
VOC (emis.of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | plating ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Cl, VOC (emis. of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | textile ind. | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
PM, F, NOx, Cl-compounds (emis. of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Fertilizer ind. | 1:3 years from 2003 onwards | y | 4 | ||
Energy | ||||||||
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP | LPS, NUTS3 | ETC/AEM | CORINAIR | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Emissions | Country | 88/609/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
SOE Indicator data energy consumption | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP | LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares | UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP | 1:1 years ? | y | 4 | |||
HCl, Hg, dioxines, CO, Me (emiss of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Waste burning | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Energy consumption, trends and by sectors in Mtoe | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD(IEA) | Indicator 2.10, 2.11 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Primary total energy supply, trends and by sources in Mtoe | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD(IEA) | Indicator 2.12, 2.13 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Energy prices | Global | OECD(IEA) | Indicator 2.14 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Energy intensety, energy per unit of GDP | Country | OECD(IEA)/Eurostat/World Bank | Indicator 2.15 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Transport | ||||||||
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP | LPS, NUTS3 | ETC/AEM | CORINAIR | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
SOE Indicator data, transports | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP | LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares | UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP | 1:1 years ? | y | 4 | |||
Passenger Road transport | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.14 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Passenger transport by means | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.14 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Freight Road transport | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.14 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Freight transport by means | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.14 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Passenger cars | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.15 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Road density, km/km2 | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.16, 8.14 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Fuel prices for road transport veichels | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.17 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Fuel consumption for road transport veichels | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 4.18 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Number of cars equipped with catalytic converters | Country | EEA | Indicator 5.08 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Agriculture | ||||||||
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP | LPS, NUTS3 | ETC/AEM | CORINAIR | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
SOE Indicator data, crops | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
Use of fertilisers | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 8.12 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Use of pesticides | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 8.13, 9.13 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Sales and apparent consumption of pesticides, tonnes | Country | FAO ECPA | Indicator 9.13 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Water abstraction | Country | ETC/IW EUROSTAT | Indicator 8.13, 9.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Irrigated land % of total areas | Country | ETC/IW | Indicator 9.02 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Damage of O3 on crops | spec prgm | UN/ECE/LRTAP-ICP crops | 1:1 years | y | 3 | |||
Emiss inventory, SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, NH4, heavy Me, POP | LPS, Country/ 50*50 km squares | UN/ECE/ LRTAP/EMEP | 1:1 years ? | y | 4 | |||
Fishery | ||||||||
Aquaculture production in tonnes and nbr of farms | Closed European Seas | ETC/MC, FAO, ICES | Indicator 10.05 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | 5 | ||
Fish catch by species and area | Country and marine areas | ETC/MC, FAO, ICES | Indicator 10.06 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Fishing techniques, nbr of vessels | Country | ETC/MC, FAO, ICES | Indicator 10.07 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Tourism | ||||||||
Climate Change | ||||||||
CO2 Emissions and sinks | Country | 92/72/EEG | 1:1 years | y | 5 | |||
SOE Indicator data, GHG | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
Carbon storage, CO2, CO, CH4, NMVOC, N2O, NOx, HFC, FC, SF6 | sectors according to IPCC | FCCC/IPCC | 1:1 years | y | 4 | |||
CO2 conc and PM in Svalbard in air and precipitation | WMO | y | 3 | |||||
Trend in European/global mean temperature | Europe | WMO | Indicator 2.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Extent of sea ice | Europe | Norwegian Polar Inst | Indicator 2.03 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
CO2, CH4, N20 conc in atmosphere | Global | CDIAC, NOAA/CDML | Indicator 2.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
CO2 (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 2.05 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
CO2, CH4, N2O, GWP (emiss of) by sector | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 2.06, 2.07, 2.08, 2.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Acidification | ||||||||
deposition SO4, NO3, NH4, Cl, Ca, Mg, K, conduct., pH, SO2, NO2, soot, O3, NO3-tot, NH4-tot,NOx, VOC | a nbr of stations and precipitation | UN7ECE/LRTAP/ EMEP | y | 4 | ||||
SO2 (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 4.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
SO2 (emiss of) by sectors | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 4.02 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
NOx (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 4.03 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
NOx (emiss of) by sectors | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 4.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
NH3 (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 4.05 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
NH3 (emiss of) by sectors | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 4.06 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Impacts on materials | Selected sites | ETC/AQ | Indicator 4.08 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Forest damage % trees (four species) that are damaged | Country | EEA | Indicator 4.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Lake acidification | Areas in Europe | ETC/IW - NIVA | Indicator 4.10 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Critical Load exceedence | Areas in Europe | ETC/AQ UNECE/CCE | Indicator 4.11 Dob3 | 1995 | y | y | 5 | |
ox S, ox N and red N (Deposition. of) | Areas in Europe | ETC/AQ EMEP/MSC West | Indicator 4.12 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
pH, SO4, NO3 (conc in precipitation) | ? | ETC/AQ NILU | Indicator 4.13 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Chemicals | ||||||||
Heavy Me and POP and toxoc chem in reindeer | selected stations | AMAP | 4 | |||||
Hevy Me and POP and toxoc chem in fish | selected stations | AMAP | 4 | |||||
Heavy Me (emis of) | Europe | UN/ECE HELCOM OSPARCOM | Indicator 6.02 Dob3 | 1:4 years | y | 5 | ||
PCB's (emis of) | Europe | ETC/AEM EMEP/CCC | Indicator 6.03 Dob3 | y | 4 | |||
Radiation | ||||||||
Radon concentrations in homes | Country | EEA | Indicator 6.07 Dob3 | y | 4 | |||
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion | ||||||||
monitoring of strat. O3 | selection of stations | WODC | contin | 3 | ||||
Stratosph O3 levels | Global/selection of stations | ETC/AQ | Indicator 3.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Atmospheric conc of CFC's | Global | ETC/AQ NOAA | Indicator 3.02 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
UV-radiation | Europe | ETC/AQ | Indicator 3.03 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Production of CFC's | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Sales of CFC's | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Production of HCFC's | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.05 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Sales of HCFC's | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.05 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Production of halons | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.06 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Sales of halons | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.06 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Production of methyl chloroform | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.07 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Sales of methyl chloroform | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.07 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Production of CCl4 | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.08 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Sales of CCl4 | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.08 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Production of Methyl Bromide | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Sales of Methyl Bromide | Europe | ETC/AEM | Indicator 3.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
Air Quality | ||||||||
Air Q Data | Country? | 82/459/EEG | New Dir 97 | y | 5 | |||
Pb | big cities | 82/884/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
SO2 | big cities | 80/779/EEG // 89/427/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
NO2 | big cities | 85/203/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
O3, NOx nbr of exceedence episodes | Country | 92/72/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Air Q data C6H6, CO, Cd, As, Ni, Hg, PAH | cities>250000 | 96/82/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
SO2, NO2, PM, O3, C6H6, CO, Cd, As, Ni, Hg, PAH | cities>250000 | 96/62/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Hg (emis. of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | chloro alkali ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Hg (emis. of) | Katteg/Skager catchm | OSPAR | chloro alkali ind | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Pb (emis. of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 12.17 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
deposition Heavy Me | not yet known | UN/ECE/LRTAP/EMEP | HM protocoll | y | 4 | |||
deposition POP | not yet known | UN/ECE/LRTAP/EMEP | POP protocoll | y | 3 | |||
wet deposition: NO3, NH4, SO4, Cl, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, As, POP; conc: NO2, NH3+NH4, HNO3+NO3, | selected stations | HELCOM | 1:1 years | y | 3 | |||
NO3, NH4, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, a-HCH, g-HCH, HCB, DDE, TDE, DDT, aldrine, dieldrine, endrine, PAH, PCBs, heptachlor (wet depos. of) | selected stations | OSPAR | 1:1 years | y | 3 | |||
Hg-tot, Cd, a-HCH, g-HCH, HNO3-N, NO3-N, NO-N, NH3-N, NH4-N, NO2 | Kattegat & Skagerack | OSPAR | 1:1 years | y | 4 | |||
Summer smog episodes, population exposure | Country | ETC/AQ | Indicator 5.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Exceedence of O3 treshhold at ground level, maps | Europe | ETC/AQ EMEP | Indicator 5.02 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
VOC (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 5.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
VOC (emiss of) by sector | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 5.05 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
CO (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 5.06 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
CO (emiss of) by sector | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 5.07 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Particulates (emiss of) | Country | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.15 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
CO (emiss of), by sector | Country | ETC/AEM | Indicator 12.16 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Water Resources | ||||||||
SOE Indicator data, waters | selected rivers and lakes | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
River quality, BOD, COD, P, NO3, etc | Large River Catchments | ETC/IW | Indicator 9.04, 9.05, 9.06 Dob3 | intermittent | y | y | 4 | |
Water abstraction m3 | Country | Eurostat ETC/IW | Indicator 9.01 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
COD, BOD, N-tot, oil, sulphide, phenols, Ar (discharge of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | refineries | 1:2 yeras | y | 4 | ||
COD, BOD, N-tot, oil, sulphide, phenols, (discharge of) | Katteg/Skager catchm | OSPAR | refineries | 1:3 yeras | y | 4 | ||
Ground Water Supervision | Country | 80/68/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Hg (discharge of) | Country | 82/176/EEG | Chloro Alkali Ind. | y | 5 | |||
Hg (discharge of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | chloro alkali ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Hg (discharge of), production and waste | Katteg/Skager catchm | OSPAR | chloro alkali ind | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Bacteria, Algae, Colour, Oil, Detergents, Phenol, Visibility | Municipality | 76/160/EEG | Bathing Water Dir. | y | 5 | |||
Cd (discharge of) | Country | 83/513/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Cd (production, discharge, usage of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | point sources | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Hg (discharge of) | Country | 84/156/EEG | Non Chloro Alkali | y | 5 | |||
pesticides (production, blending, discharge of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | 1:3 years | y | 4 | |||
Pb, As, Sb, F (discharge of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | glass ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
C6H6Cl6 (discharge of) | Country | 84/491/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Concentrations Haz Substances (discharge of) | Country | 86/464/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Sewage Effluents | Country | 91/271/EEG | 1:2 years | y | 5 | |||
Sewage EffluentsŽŽ determinands | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | 1:5 years | y | 3 | |||
Radionucleides from nuclear power plants | Baltic | HELCOM | 1:1 years | y | 3 | |||
Riverine load of chemicals into seas | Seas | ETC/IW ETC/MC HELCOM OSPARCOM North Sea Task Force Medpol MAP | Indicator 9.08 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
NO3 Surface & Ground Waters | Country | 91/676/EEG | 1:1 years | y | 5 | |||
Water Q 18 determinands | 77/795/EEG | y | 5 | |||||
Org+Me+Nutrients (discharge of) | Catchm Areas | "IPPC" | new 1997 | y | 5 | |||
a nbr of determinands | selection lakes and rivers | UN/ECE/LRTAP/ICP waters | 1:1 years | y | 4 | |||
Integrated Monitoring mosses, lichens, water chem | selection unaffected catchm areas | UN/ECE/LRTAP/ICP -EDC | y | 4 | ||||
new wetland areas, legislation (change of) | Country | RAMSAR convention | 1:3 years | y | 3 | |||
water chem determinands | selection rivers and lakes | UNEP/GEMS | 1:1 years | y | 3 | |||
Hg, Cd, Cd, Cu, Zn, nutrients, organics | river mouths | HELCOM | 1:3 years | y | 4 | |||
Hg, Cd, Cd, Cu, Zn, nutrients, organics, AOX, Ni, Cr, TOC | point sources | HELCOM | 1:3 years | y | 4 | |||
BOD, COD, Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr6+, Zn, tox | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | chem ind. | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Zn, Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni (discharge of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | plating ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Cr, COD, N-tot (discharge of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | leather ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Me (discharge of) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Waste burning | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Sewage treatment plants nbr with N-purification | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Sewage treatm | 1:3 years | y | 3 | ||
% of population connected to different types of waste water treatment plants | Country | ETC/IW EUROSTAT | Indicator 9.14 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
COD, AOX, P-tot, tox.tests (discharge. of) treatment | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | textile ind. | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
susp sol, oil. Pb, Zn (discharge of) treatment | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Iron & Steel ind | 1:3 years from 2000 onwards | y | 4 | ||
NH4-N, N-tot, COD, phenol, CN, PAH | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Iron & Steel ind | 1:3 years from 2003 onwards | y | 4 | ||
Cd, Hg, Zn, P-tot, PO4-P, F (discharge of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Fertilizer ind. | 1:3 years from 2003 onwards | y | 4 | ||
COD, AOX, P-tot, N-tot (discharge of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Pulp ind. | 1:3 years from 2003 onwards | y | 3 | ||
COD, BOD, NH4-N, P-tot (discharge of) abatement | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | Food ind. | 1:3 years from 2000 onwards | y | 3 | ||
P-tot, N-tot (discharge of) | Katteg/Skager catchm | OSPAR | Pressure from sectors | y | 3 | |||
N and P source apportionment for discharge | Large river catchm areas | ETC/IW | Indicator 9.07 Dob3 | Intermittent | y | y | 4 | |
Eutrophication of lakes, P-tot, Chl A, Transparency, maps | Selected lakes | ETC/IW | Indicator 9.09 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
Groundwater NO3, pesticides Which? | Country | ETC/IW | Indicator 9.10, 9.11 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Marine Environment | ||||||||
temp, salin, pH, alkal, O2, H2S, PO4, P-tot, NH4, NO3, NO2, SiO2, N-tot | Baltic | HELCOM | 3 | |||||
Hg, Pb, Cd, in herring, cod etc. | Baltic | HELCOM | 1:1 years | 4 | ||||
hydrography, phyto & zoo plankton, bentofauna | Baltic | HELCOM | 1:1 years | 3 | ||||
dredging and dumping, heavy Me | Baltic | HELCOM | 1:1 years | 4 | ||||
aqua culture, fish breeding, nutrients | Baltic | HELCOM | 1:3 years | 3 | ||||
Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, susp sol., HCH, PCBs, HCs organohalog | ???????Katteg & Skag | OSPAR | pressures from point sources and rivers | 1:1 years | 4 | |||
Hg, Cd, Cu, Zn, HCH, HCB, PAH, dieldrine, Cr, As, Ni, chlordane, TBT, organo-Hg, ???? | Katteg & Skag | OSPAR | 1:1 years | 4 | ||||
Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, PCB (contents in fish and crustacea) | Katteg & Skag | OSPAR | 1:1 years | 4 | ||||
Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, PCB, g-HCH (contents in sediments) | Katteg & Skag | OSPAR | 1:1 years | 4 | ||||
DDE, DDD, DDT, PCB, HCH, HC in biota in some chlordane, dieldrine | Baltic | HELCOM | 1:1 years | 4 | ||||
Radionucleids (discharge of) | Katteg/Skager | OSPAR | 1:4 years | 3 | ||||
nonylphenolethoxylates | Katteg/Skager | OSPAR | pressure from sectors | 1:3 years | 4 | |||
P-tot, N-tot, AOX, chlor subst (discharge of) abatement | Katteg/Skager | OSPAR | pulp ind | 1:3 years | 4 | |||
Forests | ||||||||
State of forests | Net / Country | R 3528/86 | Contin. | 5 | ||||
SOE Indicator data on forests | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | 3 | ||||
inventories needle losses | spec prgm | UN/ECE/LRTAP/ICP forest | 3 | |||||
forest ecosystems | Country | WCMC | 3 | |||||
Nature and Bio-diversity | ||||||||
Birds populations | Country | 79/409/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
Habitats exclusions | Country | 92/43/EEG | 1:2 years | y | 5 | |||
Threatened species, protected areas | Country | ETC/NC | CORINE BIOTOPES | (1:5 years) | y | 4 | ||
SOE Indicator data, flora & fauna | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
threatened species, flora & fauna & hunting | Country | UN/ECE | intermittent | y | 3 | |||
exception from the convention | county | BERN convention | 1:2 years | y | 3 | |||
protection of migratory species | country | BONN convention | irregular | y | 3 | |||
Effecitveness of conservation activities | Country | UNEP/CDB convention | y | 3 | ||||
Habitat Types, map | Country | ETC/LC | CORINE BIOTOPES, CORINE Landcover, Indicator 8.02 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 4 | |
Ecological regions, map | Country | ETC/NC | CORINE BIOTOPES, CORINE Landcover, Indicator 8.01 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 4 | |
Threatened or endagered species, % and numbers | Country | ETC/NC, WCMC, IUCN | Indicator 8.03 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 5 | |
State and trends of selected species | Country | ETC/NC, WCMC, IUCN | Indicator 8.04, 8.05, 8.06 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 5 | |
Status of protected areas and habitats per type | Europe | ETC/NC, WCMC | Indicator 8.07 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 5 | |
Map of naturalness | Europe | ETC/LC, CORINE Land Cover | Indicator 8.16 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 4 | |
Forest Fires, number and area and map | Country | FAO/UNECE, EFI | Indicator 8:17 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
International trade in endangered species, | Europe | ETC/NC, CITES | Indicator 8:.18 Dob3 | ? | y | y | 4 | |
Major protected areas, number and km2 | Country | ETC/NC, WCMC | Indicator 8.19 Dob3 | 1:13 years | y | y | 4 | |
Internationally protected species in Europe, % of group | Europe | ETC/NC, CEC, WCMC | Indicator 8.20 Dob3 | intermittent | y | y | 5 | |
International conventions, ratifications | Europe | ETC/NC, UN/ECE | Indicator 8.21 Dob3 | intermittent | y | 4 | ||
Urban Environment | ||||||||
Area with built-up land | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 8:15 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Annual average concentration of NO2, exceedence of AQG:s | Large Cities | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.10 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Annual average concentration of SO2, exceedence of AQG:s | Large Cities | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Annual average concentration of Pb | Large Cities | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.11 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Annual average concentration of C6H6 | Large Cities | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.12 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 5 | |
Winter smog episodes, number of and potential of, map | Large Cities | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.13, 12.14 Dob3 | Intermittent | y | y | 4 | |
Particulate matter, ambient air Qual. | Large Cities | ETC/AQ | Indicator 12.18 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Number of people affected by health effects from exceedances, map | Large Cities | ETC/AQ, WHO | Indicator 12.19 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 4 | |
Coastal Zones | ||||||||
Coastal waters P and N concentrations | Seas | ETC/MC, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, MED-POL/MAP, ICES | Indicator 10.02 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
Coastal waters heavy Me and micropollutants which ? | Seas | ETC/MC, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, MED-POL/MAP, ICES | Indicator 10.03 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
Load from coastal areas of selected chemicals | Seas | ETC/MC, HELCOM, OSPARCOM, MED-POL/MAP, ICES | Indicator 10.04 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 5 | |
Soils | ||||||||
Heavy Metals in sewage sludge | Country | 86/278/EEG | 1:4 years | 5 | ||||
SOE Indicator data | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | 3 | ||||
Change in farming structure and practices | Country | FAO, ENOF | Indicator 8.10 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Water erosion, map | Regions | ETC/Soil, ISRIC | Indicator 11.01 Dob3 | intermittent | y | 4 | ||
Wind erosion, map | Regions | ETC/Soil, ISRIC | Indicator 11.02 Dob3 | intermittent | y | 4 | ||
Desertification | Regions | ETC/Soil, ISRIC | Indicator 11.03 Dob3 | intermittent | y | 5 | ||
Socio-economics | ||||||||
Rural Development: population | Country | FAO | Indicator 8.08 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Biotechnology, usage of | Country | 90/219/EEG | 5 | |||||
Release of GMO's | Country | EU commission | Indicator 13.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Oil Depots | Country | 96/63/EEG // 91/692/EEG | 5 | |||||
GDP trends index based | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD | Indicator 1.02 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
GDP trends value added per sector % of GDP | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD | Indicator 1.03 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Trends in manuf. industrial production index based | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD | Indicator 1.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Trends in manuf. industrial production per industry branch | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD food, textile, wood, paper, chem, non-metal, basic metal, machinery ind. | Indicator 1.05 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Trends in households final expenditures, index based | Country | EUROSTAT/OECD | Indicator 1.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Trends in hoseholds waste production, kg per capita | Country | EUROSTAT | Indicator 1.10 Dob3 | 1:1 yaers | y | 4 | ||
Trends in households water comsumption, l per capita | Country | MECR, VROM | Indicator 1.10 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Chemical Industry, economic growth | Country | CEFIC | Indicator 6.08 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Chemical Industry, volume growth | Country | EUROSTAT / CEFIC | Indicator 6.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Chemical Industry,market for end-users | Country | EUROSTAT / CEFIC | Indicator 6.10 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Population inhab. | Country | UN | Indicator 1.13 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Urban population, inhab. | Country | UN | Indicator 12.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Population in cities, density inhab per km2 | Large Cities | UN, unclear | Indicator 12.02 Dob3 | intermittent | y | 4 | ||
Population density inhab per km2 | Country | UN | Indicator 1.15 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Land use | Country | FAO databases | Indicator 1.16 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Waste generation by sector in tonnes *1000 | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.01 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | 4 | ||
Municipial Waste generation per capita in tonnes | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.02 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | 4 | ||
Waste Management | ||||||||
Packages | Country | 94/62/EEG | y | 5 | ||||
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP | LPS, NUTS3 | ETC/AEM | CORINAIR | 1:1 years | y | 5 | ||
SOE Indicator data, waste handling | Country | OECD | 1:2 yeras | y | 3 | |||
Disposal of Municipial Waste per treatment | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.03 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 4 | |
Generation of hazardous waste (unknown unit) | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.05 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 3 | |
Disposal of hazardous waste (unknown unit) | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.06 Dob3 | 1:5 years | y | y | 3 | |
Recycling in % (unkonown of what) | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.04 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 3 | |
Import and export of hazardous waste (unknown unit) | Country | OECD | Indicator 7.07 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | y | 3 | |
Hg (to wastes) | Baltic catchm | HELCOM | chloro alkali ind | 1:3 years | y | 4 | ||
Major accidents | ||||||||
Number of major accidents in industry | Country | Major accidents Hazards Bureau/JRC-ISEI | Indicator 13.01 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Number of nuclear accidents | Country | IAEA | Indicator 13.02 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Number of accidents at sea | The seas | ITOPF | Indicator 13.03 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Land Use | ||||||||
Contaminated sites, (number of) | Country | ETC/S | Indicator 6.01 Dob3 | y | 4 | |||
CO2, CO, NH3, NMVOC, SO2, NOx, N2O, CH4, Me, POP (emis of) | LPS, NUTS3 | ETC/AEM | CORINAIR | 1:1 years | 4 | |||
Land Cover data, CORINE programme | squares, 5 ha | ETC/LC | CORINE LC | 1:5 years | 4 | |||
Land Use | Country | UN/ECE | statistics | intermittent | 3 | |||
Land use in agriculture, km2 and % per type | Country | FAO | Indicator 8.09 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 | ||
Livestock in agriculture, animal per group | Country | FAO | Indicator 8.11 Dob3 | 1:1 years | y | 4 |
2/20/98 |
Annex I to Report on Seletion Criteria for the ETC/CDS metadatabase, Abbreviations used in Annex 1 |
AMAP | Arctic Monitoring Programme for Air Pollution |
BERN | Bern Convention, Convention on the Conservation of Europen Wildlife and Natural Habitats |
BONN | Bonn convention, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |
CCC | Chemical Co-ordinating Centre, EMEP |
CCE | Scientific and technologigal co-operation with the countries of Central Europe |
CDIAC | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee. |
CDML | |
CEC | Commission of the European Communities |
CEFIC | Conseil européen des fédérations de l'industrie chimique |
CITES | Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
ECPA | |
EEA | European Environment Agency |
EFI | European Forest Institute |
EMEP | European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme |
ENOF | |
ETC/AEM | European Topic Centre For Air Emission |
ETC/AQ | European Topic Centre For Air Quality |
ETC/IW | European Topic Centre for Inland Waters |
ETC/LC | European Topic Centre for Land Cover |
ETC/MC | European Topic Centre For Marine and Coastal Areas |
ETC/NC | European Topic Centre for Nature Conservation |
ETC/S | European Topic Centre For Soils |
FAO | United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation |
FCCC | Framework Convention on Climate Change under United Nations |
GEMS | Global Environment Monitoring System (UNEP) |
HELCOM | Helsinki Commission (under the Helsinki Convention) |
ICES | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea |
ICP | International Cooperative Programme under LRTAP |
ICP/Forest | International Cooperative Programme under LRTAP, Forests |
ICP/Waters | International Cooperative Programme under LRTAP, Waters |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, setup by UNEP and WMO |
IPPC | Integrated Pollution and Prevention and Control, EU legislative approach and Directive |
ISRIC | International Soil Reference and Information Centre |
ITOPF | International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd. UK |
IUCN | International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources or World Conservation Union |
LRTAP | Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention |
MAP | Middle Atmosphere Programme |
MECR | |
MEDPOL | Barcelona Convention, control of pollution in the Mediterranean region |
MSC | Meteorological Synthesizing Centre, under EMEP |
NILU | Norwegian Institute for Air Research |
NIVA | Norwegian Institute for Water Research |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OSPARCOM | Ospar Convention For The Protection Of The Marine Environment Of The North-East Atlantic |
RAMSAR | Convention on Wetlands |
UN | United Nations |
UN/ECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
UNEP | United Nations Envronmenl Programme |
WCMC | World Conservation Monitoring Centre |
WHO | United Nations' World Health Organisation |
WMO | United Nations' World Metereological Organisation |
WODC | World Ocean Data Centre |
VROM | Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, NL |
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