Topic report 2/97
Juan Manuel de Benito
European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation
January 1997
This report was prepared under the supervision of Ulla
Pinborg, Project Manager,
European Environment Agency |
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The European Topic Centre on Nature
Conservation (ETC/NC) was appointed in December 1994 by the European Environment
Agencys Management Board to carry out specific tasks identified in the Agencys
Work Programme.
The report for 1996 summarises the main
results and points to future work needed. In 1996 the ETC/NC became increasingly involved
in the Agencys reporting tasks and in collaboration with other ETCc, but the main
tasks were still continuations of work started in 1995.
The ETC/NC performed the following main tasks
in 1996:
- Technical support to the EU Commission in
handling incoming data from Member States on sites for the NATURA 2000 Network, including
assistance to a regional seminar for Macaronesia.
- Updating of information on datasources on
- Major work on definition of the content and
the first data collections for a European Information System on Nature - EUNIS - which
aims to serve both the Commissions NATURA 2000 information needs and the
Agencys wider reporting and integration needs.
- Development of a Pan-European descriptive
frame and revised Habitat classification.
- Development of first list of synonyms for
environmentally important species.
- Continuation of development of map on
ecological regions in Europe.
- Assistance in definition of indicators for the
Agencys reporting needs.
- Assistance to the Agency monograph on excess
nutrients in the environment.
- Assistance to the Agency in representation and
preparation for meetings.
of contents |
1 Background |
2 Work Programme
2.1. Project Mn1 - General Approach to Nature
2.2. Project Mn2 - State and Trends of Biodiversity in Europe
2.3. Project Mn3 - Support to Natura 2000
3 Progress During the Year
3.1. Project Mn1- General Approach To Nature
3.1.1. EEA Strategic Priorities in the Field of
Nature Conservation
3.1.2. Development of the EEA Information Strategy for Nature
3.1.3. Contribution to the EEA Catalogue of Data Sources
3.2. Project Mn2 - State And Trends of Biodiversity
in Europe
3.2.1. Digitised Map of European Ecological Regions
3.2.2. Methodology for an Assessment of Europes Biodiversity
3.2.3. European Information System on Nature
3.2.4. Reporting Activities
3.3. Project Mn3 - Support to Natura 2000
3.3.1. Improvement of the Natura 2000 Software
3.3.2. Handling the Natura 2000 Database (table 3.5 - product n° 4)
3.3.3. Assessment of Natura 2000 Proposals (table 3.5 - product n° 18)
3.4. Ad Hoc Technical Support to the Agency
3.5. Products / Outputs Produced by Etc/Nc in 1996
3.6. Main Meetings Attended and Missions by Etc/Nc
Core Team
3.7. Visitors to the Etc/Nc Central Office
4 Proposed ETC/NC Work
Programe Items for 1997
4.1. Development of Eunis
4.2. Support to NATURA 2000
4.3. Foreseen 1997 Budget Distribution

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