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This Report presents a summary of the main activities carried out by the European Topic Centre on Marine and Coastal Environment (ETC/MCE) in 1996 including:
Table of contents |
1. Background |
2. Work
Progress During the Year
Ad Hoc Support Activities
6. Management Co-ordination and Control |
7. Proposed Work Programme Items for 1997 |
8. References |
The ENEA ( National Environment and Energy Agency) CRAM (Marine Environment Research Centre) in Santa Teresa has been appointed the lead organisation of the European Environment Agencys Topic Centre on Marine and Coastal environment. This Topic Centre (ETC/MCE) in 1996 consists of a consortium of four European organisations.
The ENEA, CRAM (IT) provides the Project Leader, Dr Giulio Izzo, for the ETC/MCE consortium, the Forum co-ordinator (Dr Maria Dalla Costa) and a Technical Co-ordinator (Dr Giuseppe Manzella). The consortium consists of the following additional partners:
The Topic Centre has also been in contact and have had meetings with the following organisations:
Two projects (MW6-7) were identified by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to be undertaken by the ETC/MCE under the 1995 subvention and related technical annex for work in 1996.
2.1. Project MW6 - Improvement of Information on Coastal and marine Water Quality
The overall role of the EEA is to provide the European Union and Member States with reliable, timely and policy-relevant information on the state of the environment, for policy-making and assessment of the environment, inform the general public, and to provide scientific and technical support to these ends.
This project will determine the nature, organisation and information practices of the monitoring networks relevant to the Marine International Conventions/Organisations to establish how well they meet the EEA requirements in terms of:
2.2. Project MW7- Coastal Zone Pressure and State Indicators
This project will develop and pilot a system of indicators to assess at a pan-European scale the state, pressures and trends of the coastal zone in order to support the definition of an integrated strategy for sustainable development of this area.
This project will also:
3.1. Project MW6 - Improvement of Information on Cuastal and Marine Water Quality
This project will determine the nature, organisation and information practices of the monitoring networks relevant to the Marine International Conventions/Organisations to establish how well they meet the EEA requirements
3.1.1. Requirements from EU legislation and EEA - Identified Environmental Issues
The ETC/MCE has prepared a report to be published by the Agency in 1997 on Integration of information on the marine environment of Europe which highlighted the following requirements.
Water management is not possible without reliable data upon which to base decisions. Most EU water legislation include obligations to monitor the quality of marine waters and/or activities that may affect water quality. Member States incorporate such requirements into their national or regional monitoring networks.
There is also a need for comparable/compatible data across Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is examining ways in which this data comparability/compatibility can be improved and the Agency will work closely with the European Commission when considering the monitoring implications of the Framework Directive.
Several directives have been introduced into European legislation and policy to protect human health. Many of these refer to monitoring requirements, including reporting about the quality of water in general ( marine and freshwater). and, in particular in relation to human functions. Directive 95/337/EC regulates the manner and format in which such data have to be reported. The ETC has produced the following table that provides an overview of European directives connected with the marine and coastal zone and required monitoring parameters relevant to the future Framework Directive.
Table 1. Overview of relevant European directives and required monitoring parameters (based on ENEA, 1995).
Directive |
Subject of concern |
Parameters |
76/160/EEC |
on the quality of bathing water |
coliforms, thermo tolerant coli bacteria, transparency, pH, faecal streptococces |
on the pollution caused by certain substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community |
"umbrella" directive |
78/176/EEC |
on waste from the titanium dioxide industry |
titanium |
79/409/EEC |
on the conservation of wild birds |
list of 161 birds (ca. 40 marine and coastal birds) |
79/923/EEC |
on the quality required of shellfish waters |
salinity, oxygen, pH, temperature, colour, suspended material, hydrocarbons, faecal coliforms, organohalogenated substances, Ag, As, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, saxitoxin |
82/176/EEC |
on the limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry |
Hg |
82/883/EEC |
on procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments relating to the titanium dioxide industry |
83/513/EEC |
on the limit values and quality objectives for cadmium discharges |
Cd |
84/156/EEC |
on the limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by sectors other than the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry |
Hg |
84/491/EEC |
on the limit values and quality objectives for discharges of hexachloro-cyclohexane |
86/280/EEC |
on the limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain substances included in list 1 of the annex to Directive 76/464/EEC |
organohalogenated compounds, organophosphoric compounds, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Se, As, An, Mb, carbon tetra chloride, DDT, PCP, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrin, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, 1.2-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, trichlorobenzene |
91/271/EEC |
concerning urban wastewater treatment |
BOD, COD, suspended solid, total P, total N |
91/676/EEC |
on the protection of water against pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources |
NO3 |
92/43/EEC |
on the conservation of habitats and wild flora and fauna |
list of habitats (50 marine & coastal zone habitats |
95/337/EEC |
on environmental impact assessment |
Europe's Environment - The Dobris Assessment
The key environmental issues and problems facing Europe's seas identified in the Dobris report (Stanners & Bourdeau 1995) are:
According to the Dobris report the most important pollutants in the marine and coastal zone are synthetic organic compounds, microbial organisms, oil, nutrients, litter and , to a lesser extent, heavy metals and radionuclides.
New environmental assessments and status reports for the entire European area will be prepared for the update of the Dobris Report to be published in 1998 (Dobris+3) underlying these key environmental issues.
Marine Environmental Monitoring Issues
In the Long-Term Programme for Pollution Monitoring and Research in the Mediterranean Sea (MEDPOL) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP) of the Oslo and Paris Commissions and in the Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme, a number of urgent environmental issues are identified. These can be broadly listed under six categories based on the effects of human activities on the marine environment:
These issues were identified as being important in the assessments of European seas (e.g. NSTF, 1993; UNEP, 1996). New environmental assessments and status reports will be prepared for the maritime areas of HELCOM by 2001, of OSPAR by 2000, and of MAP by 1999. For each region, the issues as listed above will be reviewed and priority will be given to issues which are relevant and important for each region.
3.1.2. Description of the International Conventions/Organisations
The ETC/MCE has investigated the nature, organisation and information practices of the monitoring networks coordinated by the main Regional Marine Commissions/Action Plans acting in Europe. The description of these Commissions and Action plans is presented in the report prepared by ETC/MCE for publication by the Agency in 1997.
On behalf of the Agency, the ETC/MCE organised in Rome in October 1996 the first Inter-Regional Forum where the main European Regional Organisations, active in the field of marine environment protection and monitoring, presented their activities and operative structure. Representatives of the secretariats of the following organisations were invited and took part in the presentations, discussions and planning of further work:
The ETC/MCE has prepared a report on the First Meeting of the Inter-Regional Forum to be published by the Agency in 1997. Among the main results of the Forum the following is highlighted:
There is a need for more relevant data and information to support the European policy for sustainable development. The EEA stressed the need to make environmental information flows as highly effective as possible, and it underlined its role as an information provider to the European Community and consequently of the possibility to put added value to the data and information provided by the regional bodies. An input/output mechanism was envisaged in which, through a strong collaboration between the EEA and the co-ordinating bodies of the Regional Commissions and Action Plans, following a continuous feedback process could provided the necessary information for environmental policy. This mechanism could help the EEA in achieving better reporting which is one of its primary tasks; the delivery, for example, to the European Commission and to the European Parliament of the "Dobris+3" Report and of the EU98 State of Environment Report, will help in the preparation of the sixth Environmental Action Programme. The collaboration with the main regional organisations will allow the EEA to assess the trends and priority problems areas, to which particular attention must be given.
3.1.3. Sampling and Monitoring Methodologies
All the Conventions derive their founding principles from the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972, where a master plan for the protection of the world environment was developed.
The ETC/MCE highlighted in its Report on the Regional Conventions that the marine European Conventions/Organisations presently adopt different monitoring strategies in relation to the same environmental issues. These strategies are the result of agreements reached in specific meetings of advisory groups and technical bodies under these Conventions. Experience demonstrates that the extent of monitoring is contingent on priorities, capabilities and capacities at national and sub-regional levels. This is true in particular for the Mediterranean region where countries at significantly different stages of development participate in the MAP programme, but it is also found in Northern European countries. Barriers to the harmonisation of monitoring are mainly at the sampling stage for most of the environmental issues and at a wider level for "Eutrophication", since this process is not generally agreed upon in either definition or effects. The ETCs role in this area is to help reach a consensus on the technical development necessary for the harmonisation of monitoring activities.
3.1.4. Data Management (Storage and Availability)
The ETC/MCE identified the topic of data management as an important task to be developed for achieving the efficient flow of data between the Conventions and EEA, and it produced a draft report under the title "Data Management and Quality Assurance" with a preliminary study of data management practices of main regional organisations, and harmonisation requirements. Further development of this task will be made during 1997. Furthermore, the ETC produced the report on "Data Availability and Access" with an inventory of available data.
The MAP data management, and particularly the MED POL data, is handled at the MAP co-ordinating Unit in Athens. The main part of data collected under the OSPAR Convention is stored in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) database in Copenhagen. The rest of data are collected from documents sent by contracting parties and stored on PCs by the OSPARCOM Secretariat in London. The data collected by HELCOM are managed by the Finnish Environment Institute in Helsinki. Little information is available on the quality assurance of the data management, compared to the information usually available on the quality assurance of the data itself. A real harmonisation to meet the EEA requirements would require the building of a European database with harmonised procedures for various aspects from the definition of European water quality standards through common sampling and analysis protocols to data management.
The data set that the ETC/MCE has identified at a European level are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Data available at the European level (Regional Conventions and Action Plans for EU regional seas).
temperature |
x |
x |
x |
salinity |
x |
x |
x |
pH |
x |
x |
x |
oxygen |
x |
x |
x |
alkalinity |
x |
x |
x |
tot.P |
x |
x |
x |
phosphate |
x |
x |
x |
Hydrochemical |
tot N |
x |
x |
x |
variables |
nitr./amm. |
x |
x |
x |
silicate |
x |
x |
x |
heavy met |
Cd/Hg/Pb |
x |
x |
x |
Cu/Zn |
x |
x |
x |
tot.Sn/TBT |
x |
x |
x |
Petr.HC |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Chl. HC |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
dioxin |
x |
x |
toxaphener |
PCCs |
x |
bromin. biph. |
biph.ethers |
x |
chl. naphtal. |
x |
chlordanes/ dieldrines |
x |
x |
x |
phytopl. |
||||| |
x |
x |
chl.a/pigm. |
x |
x |
x |
spes.comp. |
x |
x |
no/biomass |
x |
x |
zoopl. |
spes.comp. |
x |
x |
Biota |
transport |
x |
abund./biomass |
x |
macrozoob |
biomass |
x |
spes.comp. |
x |
soft bottom |
spes.comp |
x |
x |
abund.biomass |
x |
x |
microorg. |
totno./biomass |
x |
x |
x |
microb.activity |
x |
x |
phytobenthos |
spes.comp. |
x |
biomass |
x |
comm.function |
fish |
fish diseases |
x |
fishery activities |
x |
sea mammals |
Enzyme meth. |
Biological Effects |
Physiol. Meth. |
Bioassays |
3.1.5. Quality Control Procedures
In its report describing the Regional Conventions, the ETC/MCE also described the data quality assurance procedures adopted by these bodies and highlighted that the data quality control procedures are developed in all the main organisations under the direction of expert advisory groups. ICES acts as advisor for OSPARCOM and HELCOM and IAEA-MEL for MAP. These procedures do not appear to be an obstacle to the harmonisation since they are developed in all the Regional Conventions. A common European quality control procedure could relatively easy to be agreed upon at international level since both advisory bodies adopt international standards protocols. A common European database could then be used containing data checked at the national and regional levels through these common protocols. The ETC/MCE will encourage the adoption of this common data quality procedure.
3.1.6. Data Accessibility
In its report on data availability, the ETC also considered the accessibility of data. Data accessibility, in principle, should not present major obstacles. Nevertheless, there are still two technical obstacles: there is a two year delay in the delivery of national monitoring data to the regional data collection centres and the conventions are not disposed to provide access to their raw data. These bodies declared in the Forum meeting they will only submit assessed and aggregated data after these have been published in Regional or National Quality Status Reports. Another difficulty is that the reporting of the Conventions is scheduled every five years (different five year reporting period for each of the Conventions) while the EEA is currently scheduled every three. The EEA, together with the Commission and the Contracting Parties, should consider how to remove these obstacles, at least for a defined group of mandatory parameters.
3.1.7. Data Comparability
The EEA is the European body responsible for the comprehensive environmental assessment of the European marine and coastal zone. A new information system needs to be developed through which the ETC/MCE, on behalf of EEA, could supply the EIONET with structural environmental information. Restricted supply of information and inconsistency of the data between the marine conventions although focus on regional and sub-regional environmental issues, it misses the overall objective of European marine environmental policy. The regional conventions/organisations produce Quality Status Reports in which the assessment of the regions of their respective competence is presented. They declared their ability to fulfil the EEA requirements with information mainly in the form of these Regional Assessment Reports. However this is not sufficient for the EEA information requirements since they do not satisfy the necessity to produce an integrated assessment of the European marine environment and thus could create duplicates of the regional reports. The objective to produce an integrated assessment in the European Seas must be based on data deriving from common agreed monitoring procedures, criteria, assessment tools, etc. A common agreement on how to achieve this goal should be reached between the EEA and the European Regional marine organisations.
A first attempt for harmonisation was made at the first meeting of the Inter-Regional Forum. It was agreed that in order to exchange information and to achieve common grounds on technical-scientific issues it is important to establish a dialogue between regions on:
Data accessibility is a short-term issue between the EEA the Marine Conventions and the Member States and could be addressed at a policy level. On the other hand comparability of the data is a longer term issue mainly for national experts at a more technical level.
The problem is far from being solved because a general agreement has to be reached among the EEA and the Regional Conventions pertaining to the regulation of these matters.
A possible role for the ETC/MCE in the field of the marine and coastal environment could thus be envisaged as follows on short (*) and longer term (**) proposals:
3.1.8. Integration of Information
The ETC/MCE has produced a report on the integration of information on the marine environment of Europe and a report on indicators where it was emphasised that the integration of information is a very delicate matter since wide political and technical agreement on water quality standards is necessary. It is the real starting point for any harmonisation required at the European level. The current EU directives do not provide the basis to meet this common goal on data comparability. The two main proposals/approaches analysed by the ETC to meet this challenge are the following:
These two approaches differ from each other in the set of parameters to be monitored and in the final interpretation of the results. The first has as reference the improvement of the ecological quality objective of a certain water body (to be defined through the knowledge of the ecosystem). The second has as reference the specific threats and their reduction in terms of effects on the ecosystem and on human health and welfare. The two approaches could be harmonised. In practice, the first stresses the importance of the environment and proposes to define a specific threshold of quality which is included also, although in a different form, in the DPSIR approach through the definition of reference and values for each indicator.
The information needed to meet the requirement of the EcoQ covers the needs of the DPSIR approach but is more demanding and involves also a stronger development of underlying research. It cannot be forgotten that the Convention for the Protection of Biodiversity, in which Marine Biodiversity is considered (UNCED, Rio 1992), also needs an improvement of research, at least to develop and define European standards for biodiversity inventory and protection in terms of monitoring of negative trends.
The integration of information needs a careful discussion and should certainly be addressed in the future Inter-Regional Forum meetings.
3.1.9. Conclusions
The ETC/MCE has progressed in the MW6 project under 1995 subvention. The main improvements can be summarised as follows:
Table 3. The common parameters reported in the main three Conventions. Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) parameters with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
(*) Total Hg and Cd in organisms and sediments | Hg, Cd and Pb in organisms | Total Hg, Cd and Pb in organisms |
(*) Chlorinated HC in organisms and sediments (DDT/PCB) | Chlorinated HC in organisms and sediments (DDT/PCB) | Chlorinated HC in organisms (DDT/PCB) |
(*) Microbiology (biomass) | Microbiology (biomass) | Microbiology (biomass) |
temperature | temperature | temperature |
salinity | salinity | salinity |
pH | pH | pH |
oxygen | oxygen | oxygen |
alkalinity | alkalinity | alkalinity |
nutrients | nutrients | nutrients |
silicate | silicate | silicate |
phytoplankton(chlorophyll-a) | phytoplankton(species, chlorophyll-a & primary production) | phytoplankton(species chlorophyll-a & primary production) |
zooplankton | zooplankton | zooplankton |
Microbiology (biomass) | Microbiology (biomass) | Microbiology (biomass) |
Radionuclides | Radionuclides | |
PAHs (in organisms) | PAHs (in water, organisms and suspended matter) | PAHs (in organisms) |
The actual situation does not allow a harmonised assessment at the European level. The sub-regional and regional quality status and assessment reports appear to be the only available information sources to be used for the EEA purposes; in particular for the Dobris+3 assessment report. Probably, these data sources will satisfy the guidelines for data collection of the report. For further assessment, the system of indicators the ETC is developing, must be tested.
3.2. Project MW7 - Coastal Zone Pressure and State Indicators
The overall objective of this project is to identify the major pressures on the coastal zone and to develop and pilot an appropriate system of indicators to characterise the pressures and the resulting state of the coastal zone.
3.2.1. Definition of European Coastal Zone
The coastal zone of Europe has been defined by the ETC/MCE as follows:
Sea boundary
The 12 nautical miles line, limit of the territorial waters. It is a criteria of general
use and internationally recognised (UN Convention for Law of the Sea). It covers the area
where activities connected with land proximity take place, and where the majority of the
effects of the land vicinity and activities performed there also have an influence. At the
same time, it is sufficiently narrow to make its monitoring feasible.
Land boundary
As a general operational criteria, the land boundary is a line 10 km away from
the coast line (defined as the limit of High Water at Spring Tides). This 10 km wide
stripe covers the relevant influences of the sea on morphology, ecology and human
activities. The choice of the 10 km line is also justified as this strip will cover most
of the large coastal cities and economic activities connected with the coast.
In the same definition it is also proposed to consider as part of the coastal zone:
3.2.2. The Need for a System of Indicators
A system of indicators is needed for:
the production of information relevant to European coastal zone policy and the development of a system of indicators which can be used to assess the state of the coastal zones and pressures on them.
Indicators are a tool for reporting and communicating with policy makers and the general public on environmental assessment in terms of state and pressures deriving from human activities and affecting the environment.
The task to produce policy-relevant information is the main aim of the EEA reporting system (e.g. The Dobris assessment) and therefore the role of a system of indicators for the coastal zone should be consistent with the aims of the Dobris report.
3.2.3. Inventory of Different Systems of Indicators - the Adopted Metyhodology
The ETC/MCE analysed the different systems and sets of indicators in use at national levels starting from the most thoroughly debated systems; that is, the "pressure-state-response" (PSR) proposed by OECD (1993). This conceptual framework is useful due to its simplicity and wide acceptance, and the fact that it can be applied on any scale. Modifications of the OECD-PSR system resulted in alternative systems, e.g. the PSR/Effects model of the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) (EPA, 1994), the PS/Impact/R model of the UNEP (Swart et al, 1995) and the DPSIR model introduced by the RIVM in 1995 and adopted by the EEA (Wieringa, 1996).
All these systems of indicators, although derived from the OECD approach, give different definitions of pressures, state, indicators, etc. The system proposed by the ETC/MCE although started from the OECD PSR definitions, adopt finally the DPSIR model used by the EEA for other themes.
3.2.4. Criteria for the Selection of Indicators
The ETC/MCE has developed a set of criteria that should be respected by the proposed indicators:
A. Relevance to the coastal zone |
B. Relevance to European policy |
C. Measurability / data availability |
D. Exclusion of natural fluctuations |
E. Spatial aggregation |
F. General |
3.2.5. Proposal for a System of - Indicators to be Applied at European Level
During the ETC/MCE workshop on "Indicators for the coastal zone characterisation and management" (Lisbon, November 1996), the possibility was discussed of creating a table providing an overview on indicators to characterise the coastal zone based on the causal DPSIR chain.
Three main tables were presented in the ETC Report to be published by the Agency in 1997 in which all the relevant indicators for the coastal zone were listed. A Summary of this Report is shown on Table 4.
A selection could be made from these indicators by testing them against all the criteria mentioned above.
The development and the test of indicators will depend on data availability and the potential for spatial aggregation. Spatial aggregation can vary for each of the different issues and for the pressure, state and impact indicators. Parameters concerning water quality can have different boundaries from those parameters concerning the terrestrial characteristics. This aspect needs further development in the next phase of the project. Once data availability and spatial aggregation are known, the methodology for calculating each individual indicator can be defined.
3.2.6. Structure of a Database of main European Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons
The estuaries and coastal lagoons are particular water bodies very sensitive to pressures from human activities. They are at the same time buffer systems for the effects of the marine environment into land ecosystems. Following a DGXI request, a data base of main European estuaries and coastal lagoons is being developed by the ETC/MCE. The general structure of the database has been proposed in an ETC Report to be published in 1997. In the future work of the ETC it is expected to start with data collection for the data base, but this must be agreed upon and put in future ETC workplan.
Table 4. Overview of issues with pressure and state indicators
Environmental issues | Human activities (Driving Forces) | Pressure on
coastal zone Pressure indicators |
State of coastal
zone State indicators |
eutrophication | agriculture, urbanisation, fishery & shell fisheries, mariculture | loads tonnes N + P / year entering sea (river, dredged material, coastal zone point sources, air, diffuse) | total concentration (mg/l) P, N in water in winter season-identification of blooms |
heavy metal pollution | industry, urbanisation, harbour activities (dredging & dumping) | loads of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg) (river, coastal zone point sources, air, diffuse) tonnes heavy metal / year entering coastal zone | concentration heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg) in sediment |
overfishing | fishery & shell fishery, mariculture | sum of HP-capacity of fishing vessels | fishing mortality |
depletion groundwater | tourism & recreation, urbanisation, agriculture | ground water abstracted in the coastal zone | sustainable use of groundwater |
coastal erosion | mining, harbour activities (dredging & dumping), coastal protection | recession of shore in m/year | land loss in m2/year |
climate change | energy conversion, industry, transport & shipping, urbanisation, tourism & recreation | relative sea level rise | land under flooding risk |
habitat loss | mining, harbours activities (dredging & dumping), tourism & recreation, fishery & shell fishery, coastal zone protection, agriculture, mariculture | land use/marine function in coastal zone | loss of priority habitats |
3.2.7. Conclusions
According to the needs of the Agency Work Programme and the relevant tasks carried out in 1996 the following results have been achieved:
In 1997, the ETC/MCE will apply the set of indicators to test their effectiveness to produce thematic maps representing the state and pressures of the European coastal zone.
Information on mercury pollution in the Mediterranean was provided to the Institute for Nature Conservation Research, Tel Aviv University;
Information on limit values for discharge of industrial effluent water was provided to COW 1 (DK).
EUCC Conference in Lille 6-7 June 1996 "European Regiones for a safe and clean coast".
ETC/NC "General Approach Nature" Meeting - Copenhagen 6-7 May 1996
Presentation by Margarida Cardoso da Silva of the paper "Coastal Zone Management initiatives of the European Environment Agency" to the Conference LITTORAL 96 - Portsmouth 16-19 September 1996
Inter-Parlamentary Conference on the Environment Protection of the Black Sea. Istanbul 10-12 July 1996.
ETC/IW Workshop on Eutrophication - Paris 3-4 September 1996
Comments to Dobris+3 and EU State of the Environment
Participation to the preparation of a questionnaire on Eutrophication to be sent to the NFPs
4.1. Visitors to the ETC/MCE Leading Organisation Office
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre - Norway | Olaf M. Johannessen |
Satellite Observing System - UK | Tom Allan |
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie - France | Louis Prieur |
RAC RSC - MAP - Italy | Monique Viel |
Istituto di Fisica dellAtmosfera CNR - Italy | Rosalia Santoleri |
JRC - Ispra - Italy | Vittorio Barale |
5.1. Products/outputs from 1995 Subvention Work Programme
Draft Reports to be published as Topic Reports in 1997
5.2. Other Products
5.3. Statement of Main of Missions and
Meetings by ETC/MCE G. MANZELLA ROME 11/4/96 C. MASELLA S.TERESA 17-19/6/96 LISBON 4-10/7/96 M. C. da SILVA ROME 9/9/96 T. MANNARINO ROME 7-10/9/96 T. MANNARINO ROME 30/9-9/10/96 MANZELLA G. IZZO LISBON 13-17/11/96 L. DE VREES LISBON July-Sept. 96 F. VAN DER
VALK LISBON July-Sept. 96 T. BOKN BERGEN July-Sept. 96 H.R. SKJOLDAL OSLO July-Sept. 96 G. MANZELLA TARANTO 27-28/5/96 G. MANZELLA LILLE 6-9/6/96 1-3/10/96 M.C. da SILVA U.K. 16-19/9/96 ISTANBUL 9-12/7/96 M.DALLA COSTA BRUSSELS 17-18/7/96 G. IZZO PARIS 3-4/9/96 G. MANZELLA PARIS 18-20/12/96 6. MANAGEMENT CO-ORDINATION AND CONTROL The ETC/MCE activities are carried
out by a consortium of European partners co-ordinated by ENEA as a lead organisation and
has devoted a staff of six persons to manage the different aspects of the ETC/MCE. The main decisions (e.g., task
leadership, responsibilities and deadlines) are taken in the consortium planning meeting
of the ETC that is held in the beginning of the subvention activities. For the 1995
subvention a kick-off meeting was held in June 17-18/1996 in S. Teresa. In the meeting,
one of the original partners, the MI (Marine Institute, Ireland), communicated the
impossibility to perform the ETC activities and withdrew from the consortium. This event
caused a reshuffling of MI activities that have been distributed to the remaining
partners. In 1996 activities defined in the
technical annex in three working packages whose responsibilities were respectively split
between ENEA for WP1 and WP2 (EEA Project MW6) and LNEC for WP3 (EEA Project MW7). A great effort in management was
devoted to the building of interconnections and collaborations among the partners of the
consortium as well as in understanding the respective capacities. Complaints were made from partners
in meeting the deadlines of the EEA work programme; little effort has also been shown to
comment on the guidelines of EEA reports (Dobris+3, EU98 Reports). In 1996, in addition to the June
meeting, three other technical meetings were held where the partners met and agreed on
progress in the working plan. For 1997, it was agreed that management committee meetings
should be held at least two times per year. 7. PROPOSED WORK PROGRAMME ITEMS FOR 1997 EEA Reporting
(Dobris+3, Eutrophication monograph, State of European environment) Inventory of
existing models for marine and coastal zone management ENEA (1995) - SCOPING STUDY- Improvement on coastal
and marine water quality
Meeting among ETC/MC lead organisation for task
ETC/MC Kick-off meeting
Meeting with ETC/MC co-leader and Workshop on
Coastal Zone Management
Meeting for the preparation of the
Inter-regional FORUM
Meeting ETC/MC - EEA (E.Papathanassiou) for the
1996 subvention and the preparation of the Inter-regional FORUM
Preparation and participation to the
Interregional FORUM
nter-regional FORUM of the ETC/MC
Workshop on indicators organised by ETC/MC
Meeting with NIVA
Preparation of draft reports to
be sent to the EEA
Meeting for tasks 4 and 5
Meeting for tasks 4 and 5
Meeting for task 2 Action III
Meeting for task 2 Action III
Presentation of the ETC/MC work
to a Meeting Manager for the Marine Environment
EUCC Meeting on Coastal Zone
EURISY Meeting - presentation of
the ETC/MC and satellite data use for environmental problems
UK Littoral 96
Participation of ETC/MC to the
Black Sea Environmental Programme Workshop
European Commission Meeting on
Workshop on eutrophication
organised by ETC/IW
Participation of ETC/MC to the
IOC Meeting on data needs and management (MEDAR-MEDATLAS project) for the Mediterranean
EPA (United States) (1994) - A conceptual framework to support the development and use of environmental information, draft for external review, EPA 230-R-94-012.
NSTF (1993) - North Sea Quality Status Report (Bilan de santé de la mer du Nord) OSPARCOM, London, Olsen & Olsen, Denmark
OECD (1993) - OECD core set of indicators for environmental performance reviews OECD/CD (93) 179
OECD/EUROSTAT (1996) - Questionnaire on the marine environment
STANNERS D., BOURDEAU P(eds), (1995) - Europe's environment. The Dobris Assessment, EEA publications 1995, Copenhagen
SWART R., et al. (1995) - Scanning the global environment, a framework for UNEP's reporting functions. UNEP/EAP.TR/95
UNEP (1992) - CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, 5 JUNE 1992 Na. 92-7807, 24 p.
UNEP (1996) - State of the Marine and Coastal Environment in the Mediterranean Region. MAP TEchnical Reports Series n. 100, UNEP, Athens
Wieringa K (ed.) (1995)-Environment in the European Union- 1995: Report for review of the fifth environmental action programme EEA publications 1995, Copenhagen, 151p.
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