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Table A.1 Organisations and persons consulted and contact organisation and contact person for each monitoring programme.
Monit. Programme | Contact Organisation | Contact Person | Q | Reply |
AMAP | X | - | ||
AMHY | CEMAGREF (France) | Ms. Alexandra Manea | X | Q |
BMP. | Finnish Environment Institute (FEI) | Ms. L Tuominen-Roto | X | Q |
Bucharest/85 | Institut für Wassergüte des Bundesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft (Austria) | Dipl. Ing. Peter Kreitner | X | Q |
CORINE/WATER | EEA (Denmark) | Mr. Niels Thyssen | X | - |
EC Bathing Water | EC /DGXI (Belgium) | Mr. I. Papadopoulos | X | D |
EC Freshwater Fish | EC /DGXI (Belgium) | Mr. Jonathan Moore | X | - |
EC Shellfish Waters | EC /DGXI (Belgium) | Mr. Jonathan Moore | X | - |
EEA -TF (Dobris) | NERI (Denmark) | Mr. Peter Kristensen | X | - |
Elbe/89 | Wassergütestelle Elbe (Germany) | Herr Dr. Stachel | X | D |
EU Exchange | EC /DGXI (Belgium) | Mrs. Adeline Kroll | X | A |
FRIEND | IH Wallingford (UK) | Mr. Gwyn Rees | X | Q |
GEMS/WATER | NWRI/CCIW (Canada) | Mr. Bob Duffield | I | I |
GRDC/WMO | GRDC/Federal Institute of Hydrology (Germany) | Dr. Wolfgang Grabs | X | M |
HYDABA/ICPR | Federal Institute of Hydrology (Germany) | Mr. Dr. Keller | X | D |
ICP-IM | Finnish Environment Institute (FEI) | Ms. Sirpa Kleemola | I | G |
ICES Environmental data bank | ICES (DK) | Mr Jan René Larsen | X | I |
JMP | OSPARCOM (UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | D |
Lakes/EUROSTAT | EUROSTAT (Luxembourg) | Mr. Theo van Cruchten | A | A |
LRTAP/ICP-Waters | NIVA (Norway) | Ms. Merete Johannessen | X | Q |
MMP | OSPARCOM (UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | D |
MED-POL | UNEP (Greece) | Mr. A. Aksel | X | M |
PARCOM/Hg | OSPARCOM (UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | D |
PARCOM/Radioactive | OSPARCOM (UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | D |
PARCOM/Refineries | OSPARCOM(UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | D |
PARCOM/TiO2 | OSPARCOM (UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | D |
PLCs/HELCOM | HELCOM (Finland) | Ms Eeva-Liisa Poutanen | L | G |
Regensburg/87 | Bundesministerium für Land und Forstwirtschaft.(Austria) | Dr Monika Eder-Paier | X | Q |
Rivers/EUROSTAT | EUROSTAT (Luxembourg) | Mr. Theo van Cruchten | X | A |
SIREN-IW/OECD | OECD Environment Committee (France) | A | A | |
JAMP/OSPAR94 | OSPARCOM (UK) | Mr. B van de Wetering | X | G |
Key to the "Q"
(Questionnaire forwarded to) and "Reply" column:
X: Questionnaire forwarded to the "Organ_consulted".
-: No response to the questionnaire forwarded to collate (and complete as necessary) the
data. Information collected in the database is not complete.
Q: Filled questionnaire
D: Data compilations in reports
G: Guidelines in reports
L: Letter
I: Internet
M: Data on magnetic supports
A: Data available in the ETC/IW office.
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