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2.7.1 Characteristics of Groundwater
The groundwater potential in Greece is around 10.3 x 109 m3/year, whilst 7.4 x 109 m3/year is karst groundwater. Spring water is considered as surface water and it is, therefore, not included in the groundwater potential.
2.7.2. Structure of the Administrative Organisations Concerning Groundwater
Due to the decentralised structure it was impossible for the Greeks to provide answered questionnaires in time. They tried to give a first common overview in a letter attached and in the first part of the MW2 questionnaires. The organisations involved in groundwater quality monitoring are many different ones such as the Greek Ministry of Agriculture, the Institute of Geological and Mining Research, the Public Service for Sewerage and Domestic Water Consumption. Even some universities carry out groundwater quality monitoring within the framework of research programmes. The monitoring helps to survey and control the exploitation of groundwater for consumption in households, industry and agriculture (mostly irrigation purposes).
For the future a national network is planned within the second EC Structural Fund under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works with high priority. The network will comprise 186 monitoring sites and laboratory analyses will be carried out to determine NO2, NO3 and NH4 concentrations in accordance with the EC Directive 80/778 EEC (quality of water for human consumption). In addition pH, temperature, conductivity, total hardness and solid residue will be determined together with ion concentrations (Cl, SO4, Ca, Na). Samplings will be carried out on a six monthly basis (wet and dry season).
2.7.3 Monitoring of Groundwater Quality
Due to the decentralised structure it was impossible for the Greeks to provide answered questionnaires in time. In a letter attached as well as in the first part of the MW2 questionnaires they tried to give a first common overview.
The Ministry of Agriculture carries out groundwater quality monitoring programmes comprising 275 sampling sites distributed all over Greece. The sampling frequency is 3 times a year and the aim of the monitoring is for the exploitation of groundwater for irrigation purposes.
2.7.4. Structure of the Administrative Organisations Concerning Groundwater Quantity
The responsible organisation is the
Institute of Geological and Mining Research. The Institute caries out monitoring
programmes on groundwater quantity within the framework of certain projects
(hydrogeological studies) in specific areas and for given period of time. A database is
now under development.
2.7.5. Monitoring of Groundwater Quantity
Monitoring of groundwater quantity is carried out by the Institute of Geological and Mining Research (see section 2.7.4). At the present time a database is under development using GIS and the Institute could not provide an answer in line with the structure of the circulated questionnaire.
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