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Summary of requirements for reporting monitoring programmes under international agreements
Agreement | Reporting requirement | Report frequency | Reporting authority | Reporting composition |
Helsinki Convention 1974 as revised in 1992 (Baltic Sea) | on a voluntary basis | every 5th year (starting in 1993) | contracting authorities report to Commission | very detailed format |
Agreement between Finland and Russian Federation concerning frontier water courses 1964 | resolution of commission under agreement | annually, two months after sampling | Working group under commission | Results and conclusions exchanged with other party. Commission produces a joint report |
Regensburg Agreement 1987 (Danube Basin) | not specified | annual | Ständige Gewässerkommission nach dem Regensburger Vertag | Protokoll der Tagung der Gewasserkommission nach dem Regensburger Vertag, 1992 |
Convention concerning water economy questions relating to the Drava 1954 | ni | annual | Österreichisch-Slowensiche Kommission für die Drau | ni |
Agreement concerning water economy in respect of the frontier sector of the Mura 1954 | ni | annual | Österreichisch-Slowensiche Kommission für die Mura | ni |
Convention between the Land Baden-Wurttemberg, the free State of Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland on the protection of Lake Constance against pollution 1960 | ni | ni | Internationalen Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee (IKGB) | ni |
Treaty between Hungary and Austria on water economy 1956 | ni | annual | Österreichisch-Ungarische Gewässerkommission | ni |
Treaty between Austria and Czech Republic on frontiers waters | ni | annual | Österreichisch-tschechische Grenzgewässerkommission | ni |
Treaty between Austria and Slovak Republic on frontiers waters | ni | annual | Österreichisch-Slowakische Grenzgewässerkommission | ni |
Bucharest Declaration (1985) | ni | ni | Expertentreffen der Bukarester Deklaration Koordinatonationsstelle der Bukarester deklaration Romani | ni |
Rhine Convention 1976 | Annually | International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine | Tables of figures and a quality report | |
Elbe Convention 1990 | ni | Annually | International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe |
OSPAR (North East Atlantic Treaty) 1992 | ni | annual report | Oslo and Paris Commissions | Annual review plus addition publications in specific areas e.g. Nutrients and Mercury |
North Sea Task Force, 1990 | North Sea Quality Status Report | once so far | North Sea Task Force | Related to OSPAR and ICES |
Protocol establishing an International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle (20/12/1961) | ni | annually since 1964 | ni | ni |
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