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A.1. Copy of questionnaire for the united kingdom
A.2 International agreements reviewed in MW1
Table A.1 List of international agreements reviewed in MW1 by chronological order
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Agreement between Austria and Bavaria on the Inn River 1858 | N | 8 |
Treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands concerning the regulation of Water Supply from the Meuse 1863 | Y1 | 105 |
Agreement concerning the Hydropower station at Rheinfelden between Germany and Switzerland 1890 | NS | 34 |
Convention between France and Switzerland on the development of Water Power in the Rhone (4/10/1913) | N | 50 |
Agreement between Denmark and Germany relating to Watercourses and Dikes on the German-Danish frontier 1922 | N | 12 |
Convention regulating the relations between France and Switzerland with regard to certain clauses of the legal regime of the future kembs derivation with additional protocol (27/08/1926) | N | 67 |
Convention between Germany and Switzerland regarding regulation of the Rhine between Strasbourg-Kehl and Istein 1929/1955 | NS | 51 |
Convention between Norway and Sweden on certain questions relating to the law on Watercourses 1929 | NS | 55 |
Protocol determining the methods of Technical and Administrative Co-operation between Germany, France and Switzerland in the work for the regulation of the Rhine between Strasbourg-Kehl and Istein (18/12/1929) supplemented by Protocol (3/01/1930) | N | 87 |
Convention respecting the Chatelot falls concession between France and Switzerland 1930 | N | 68 |
Agreement on the Reno di Lei Hydraulic Power Concession 1949 | NS | 38 |
Agreement between Austria and Bavarian State on Diversion of Water in the Rissbach, Durrah and Walchein districts 1950 | N | 9 |
State Treaty between Luxembourg and the Land Rhineland Palatinate on construction of Hydro-electric power plant on the Sauer at Rosport/Ralingen 1950 | N | 99 |
Agreement between Finland and Norway on the transfer from the course of the Naatamo (Neiden) river to the course of the Gandvik river of water from the Garjoen, Kjerringvatn and Forstevannene Lakes 1951 | N | 14 |
Table A.1 continued
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Agreement between Austria and Germany and of the free State of Bavaria concerning the Donaukraftwerk Jochenstein Aktiengesellschaft 1952 | N | 10 |
The Foyle Fisheries Commission between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland 1952 | Y | 100 |
Agreement concerning Water Economy in respect of the Frontier sector of the Mura 1954 | Y | 35 |
Convention concerning Water Economy questions relating to the Drava 1954 | Y | 63 |
Treaty between Austria and Switzerland for the Regulation of the Rhine from Ill confluence to Lake Constance 1954 | N | 104 |
Convention between Italy and Switzerland concerning Lake Lugano 1955 | Y3 | 53 |
Convention between the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duche of Luxembourg concerning the Canalisation of the Moselle (27/10/1956 modified in 28 /11/1974) | N | 57 |
Treaty between Hungary and Austria on Water Economy 1956 | Y | 109 |
Agreement between Switzerland and the Land Baden-Wurttemberg on Fishing in the waters of the reservoir at the power station Rheinau 1957 | NS | 26 |
Agreement between the Russian Federation and Norway on the utilisation of Water Power on the Pasvik (Paatso) river 1957 | NS | 30 |
Convention concerning the use of Water Power of the Spol 1957 | NS | 62 |
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Spanish Government relating to Lake Lanoux (12/07/1958) | N | 28 |
Agreement between the Russian Federation, Norway and Finland concerning the Regulation of Lake Inari by means of the Kaitakosky Hydro-electric power station and dam 1959 | Y | 31 |
Convention between France and Spain concerning Fishing in the Bidasoa River and the Bay of Figuier (14/07/1959) | N | 48 |
Convention between Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland on the Protection of Lake Constance against Pollution 1960 | Y | 58 |
Convention between France and Italy concerning Hydroelectric development of Mont Cenis (14/09/1960) | N | 46 |
Table A.1 continued
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Convention on the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal 1960 | Y1 | 65 |
Treaty between Germany and the Netherlands on arrangements for Co-operation in the Ems estuary (Ems-Dollard Treaty) 1960 | N | 107 |
Treaty between Germany and the Netherlands on the course of the common frontier, the boundary waters, real property situated near the frontier, traffic crossing the frontier on land via inland waters 1960 | N | 108 |
Protocol establishing an International Commission for the River Sarre 1961 | Y | 129 |
Protocol for the Protection of the Moselle 1961 | Y | 128 |
Convention concerning the Protection of Lake Geneva against Pollution (16/11/1962) | Y3 | 61 |
Agreement concerning an International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution (Bern 29/04/1963) supplemented by the Agreement of 3/12/1976 | Y | 33 |
Convention between France and Spain concerning the Upper Reaches of the Garonne 1963 | N | 49 |
Convention on the Emission Hydro-electric project (23/08/1963) | N | 66 |
Treaty between Belgium, the Netherlands concerning the connection between the Scheldt and the Rhine 1963 | Y1 | 106 |
Agreement between Finland and Russian Federation concerning Frontier Water Courses 1964 | Y | 16 |
Convention between Spain and Portugal concerning the use of International sections of the Duoro River and its tributaries for Hydropower production 1964 | N | 56 |
Convention between France and Italy concerning the Water Supply of the French commune of Menton ( 28/09/1967) | N | 47 |
Treaty between Austria and Czech Republic on Frontiers Waters 1967 | Y | 103 |
Convention for the Regulation of the Use and Hydraulic development of the international sections of the rivers Minho, Lima, Tejo, Guadiana, Chanca and their tributaries 1968 | N | 64 |
New regulation between Portugal and Spain concerning Fishing in the international section of the Minho river 1968 | N | 79 |
Table A.1 continued
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Convention between Germany and France concerning the Development of the Rhine between Strasbourg-Kehl and Lauterbourg/Neuburgweier (4/07/1969, supplemented by the Conventions of 16/07/1975 and 6/12/1982) | N | 41 |
Exchange of Notes between Norway and Sweden constituting an agreement concerning the free passage for Salmon to and from Lake Vaenern 1969 | N | 70 |
Operating status of the Commission created under the Convention between Spain and Portugal for the Regulation of the use and Hydraulic development of the international sections of the rivers Minho, Lima, Tejo, Guadiana, Chanca and their tributaries 1969. | N | 80 |
Convention between Belgium and the Netherlands on the improvement of the Navigable Water way of the Western Scheldt near Vilvoorden 1970 | NS | 44 |
Treaty between the Flemish Region and the Netherlands concerning Water Supply from the River Meuse 1970 | Y1 | 116 |
Treaty on Frontier Waters between Austria and the Slovak Republic 1970 | Y | 125 |
Agreement between Finland and Sweden concerning Frontier Rivers 1971 | Y | 17 |
Agreement between Norway and Russian Federation regulating the Fishing and Conserving the fish stock in the Greense Jakob river (Voriema) and Pasvik river (Patsojoki) 1971 | NS | 21 |
Agreement between Finland and Russian Federation concerning the Production of Electric power in the part of the Vuoksa river bounded by the Imatra and Swetogorsk hydroelectric stations 1972, 1983 | Y | 15 |
Oslo Convention (Prevention of marine pollution by dumping waste) 1972 5 | Y | 73 |
Convention concerning the Protection of the Adriatic Sea and its coastal areas against Pollution 1974 | Y3 | 60 |
Helsinki Convention 1974 as revised in 1992 (Baltic Sea) | Y | 1 |
Paris Convention 1974 5 | Y | 82 |
The Nordic Environmental Protection Convention between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden (Stockholm) 1974 | N | 101 |
Table A.1 continued
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Treaty between the Luxembourg and the Land Rhineland-Palatinate concerning the Common Performance of tasks related to Water Management by local authorities and other communities 1974 | N | 110 |
Agreement between France and Switzerland concerning Navigation on Lake Geneva (7/12/1976) | Y | 18 |
Agreement between Germany and Luxembourg on Maintenance, Restoration and Operation of the section of the Moselle common to the two states 1976 | N | 19 |
Agreement between Norway and the Russian Federation concerning water abstraction by Norway from the upper Reservoir of the Borisoglebsk Hydropower plant at the transboundary river Pasvik 1976 | NS | 23 |
Barcelona Convention 1976 (Mediterranean Sea) and different protocols | Y | 39 |
Rhine Convention against chemical pollution (Bonn 3/12/1976) | Y | 115 |
Rhine Convention against chloride pollution (Bonn 1976) supplemented by Protocol of 25/09/1991 | Y4 | 95 |
Agreement between Finland and Norway concerning fishing in the Neiden (Naatamo) River 1977 | N | 13 |
Record of the demarcation of the extremity of waters below the area reserved to Spain in the International sections of the Duoro River, in relation with the Hydroelectric use of that river 1977 | N | 91 |
Agreement concerning co-operation on Water Management of Frontier waters between Italy and Slovenia 1978 | Y3 | 32 |
London Dumping Convention 1978 | N | 74 |
MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships) 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 | N | 77 |
Agreement between France and Switzerland concerning Fishing in Lake Geneva (20/11/1980) | N | 5 |
Agreement between the French Republic and the Swiss Confederation concerning the Reduction of the Phosphorus concentration in the waters of Lake Geneva (20/11/1980) | Y3 | 27 |
Agreement on a Finnish Norwegian Commission on Boundary Watercourses 1980 | Y | 36 |
Convention between Belgium and Luxembourg concerning the waters of the Sure 1980 | N | 42 |
Table A.1 continued
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Protocol between Finland and the Russian Federation on the participation of the Soviet socialist organisation in Pisciculture measures in order to preserve the fish stocks in Lake Inari 1983 | N | 83 |
Bucharest Declaration (Danube) 1985 | Y | 113 |
Convention between France and Luxembourg concerning certain Industrial Installations on the Moselle 1986 | Y | 45 |
Convention between Italy and Switzerland concerning Fishing in Italo-Swiss waters 1986 | N | 52 |
Convention between the Swiss cantons of Vaud, Valais and Geneva and the French Departments Ain and Haute Savoie concerning the setting up of the Council of Lake Geneva (19/02/1987) | N | 59 |
Regensburg Agreement 1987 (Danube Basin) | Y | 92 |
Rhine Action Programme 1987 | N | 94 |
North Sea Task Force 1987 | Y | 126 |
Frankfurt Seminar 1988 | N | 71 |
Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the Soviet Union concerning the release of water of Lake Saimaa and River Vuoski 1989 | Y | 130 |
Agreement on joint rules for the River Tana fishing area between Finland and Norway 1989 | N | 37 |
International Commission on Hydrology - Rhine 1989 | Y | 127 |
3rd North Sea Conference 1990 (The Hague) | Y | 2 |
Agreement between the Land Baden-Wurttemberg and Switzerland concerning a joint construction and operation of a monitoring and control station downstream of Basle to monitor the water quality of the Rhine 1990 | NS | 29 |
Agreement between Norway and Sweden concerning the salmon and sea salmon fisheries in the Svinesund, the Iddefjord and the river Enningsdals 1991 | NS | 7 |
Ministerial Seminar on Groundwater 1991 (The Hague) | N | 78 |
Protocol for Technical Co-operation between Greece and Bulgaria 1991 | Y | 114 |
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Ministerial Conference in Rovaniemi, Finland June 1991 | Y2 | 132 |
5th EU Environmental Action Programme 1992 | N | 3 |
Table A.1 continued
International Agreement | MON | Database number |
Agenda 21 1992 (Rio) | N | 4 |
Agreement between Germany and Poland on Co-operation in the field of Water Management at border waters 1992 | NS | 20 |
Black Sea Convention 1992 | Y | 40 |
OSPAR (North East Atlantic Treaty) 1992 5 | Y | 81 |
Transboundary Watercourses and International Lake Convention 1992 | Y | 102 |
UN Conference on Water and Environment 1992 (Dublin) | N | 112 |
Convention on Co-operation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the River Danube 29/6/1994 (Sofia) | Y2 | 131 |
River Meuse Convention 1994 | Y2 | 96 |
River Scheldt Convention 1994 | Y2 | 97 |
MON Is there any monitoring requirements specified in the following commitments?
NS Not specified (No information was received from the relevant countries, either because the agreement was not recognised as being a relevant commitment or because it was not possible to specify if monitoring was required under the commitment)
N No monitoring requirements for water quantity and/or quality were made under the commitment
Y Monitoring requirements for water quantity and/or quality were made under the commitment
1 Replaced
2 Under preparation
3 No copy was provided and no details could be specified further in the text
4 Monitoring details considered together with (115) Rhine Convention against chemical pollution, 1976
5 Monitoring requirements for the Oslo Convention are incorporated with those of the Paris Convention in the JMP, and, in this report, are considered under the Paris Convention. The JMP will be replaced in the future by the JAMP under OSPAR 1992.
Database number Numbering of agreements used in the database held at ETC/IW
Table A.2 List of international agreements requiring water quality and/or quantity monitoring and reviewed in MW1 (chronological order)
International agreement | Reference No. | ||
Full name | Short name used in this report | Data base | Report |
Protocol for the Protection of the Moselle 1961 | Moselle 1961 | 128 | A.1 |
Agreement concerning an International Commission for the protection of the Rhine against Pollution (Bern 29/04/1963) supplemented by the Agreement of 3/12/1976 3 | Rhine Commission 1963 | 33 | |
Oslo Convention (prevention of Marine pollution by Dumping Waste) 1972 4 | North East Atlantic (Oslo) 1972 | 73 | A.2 |
Helsinki Convention 1974 as revised in 1992 (Baltic Sea) | Baltic Sea (Helsinki) 1974/92 | 1 | A.3 |
Paris Convention 1974 4 | North East Atlantic (Paris) 1974 | 82 | A.4 |
Barcelona Convention 1976 (Mediterranean Sea) and different Protocols | Mediterranean (Barcelona) 1976 | 39 | A.5 |
Rhine Convention against Chemical Pollution (Bonn 3/12/1976) 3 | Rhine 1976 | 115 | A.6 |
Rhine Convention against Chloride Pollution (Bonn 1976) supplemented by Protocol of 25/09/1991 3 | Rhine (chloride) 1976/91 | 95 | |
North Sea Task Force 1987 | North Sea (NSTF) 1987 | 126 | A.7 |
International Commission on Hydrology - Rhine 1989 | Rhine (hydrology) 1989 | 127 | A.8 |
3rd North Sea Conference 1990 (The Hague) | North Sea (conference) 1990 | 2 | A.9 |
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Ministerial Conference in Rovaniemi, Finland, June 1991 | Arctic Sea (AMAP) 1991 | A.10 | |
OSPAR (North East Atlantic Treaty) 1992 4 | North East Atlantic (OSPAR) 1992 | 81 | A.11 |
Transboundary Watercourses and International Lake Convention 1992 | Transboundary Waters 1992 | 102 | A.12 |
River Meuse Convention 1994 1 | Meuse 1994 | 96 | A.13 |
River Scheldt Convention 1994 1 | Scheldt 1994 | 97 | A.14 |
The Foyle Fisheries Commission between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland 1952 | Foyle Fisheries 1952 | 100 | B.1 |
Agreement between the Russian Federation, Norway and Finland concerning the Regulation of Lake Inari by means of the Kaitakosky Hydro-electric power station and dam 1959 | Lake Inari 1959 | 31 | B.2 |
Convention between Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland on the Protection of Lake Constance against Pollution 1960 | Lake Constance 1960 | 58 | B.3 |
Protocol establishing an International Commission for the River Sarre 1961 | Sarre 1961 | 129 | B.4 |
Agreement between Germany, Austria, Switzerland on the Withdrawal of Water from Lake Constance 1966 | Lake Constance (water withdrawal) 1966 | 6 | B.5 |
Agreement between Finland and Sweden concerning Frontier Rivers 1971 | Frontier Rivers (Fi/S) 1971 | 17 | B.6 |
Agreement on a Finnish Norwegian Commission on Boundary Watercourses 1980 | Boundary Waters (Fi/N) 1980 | 36 | B.7 |
Bucharest Declaration (Danube) 1985 | Danube (Bucharest) 1985 | 113 | B.8 |
Convention between France and Luxembourg concerning certain Industrial Installations on the Moselle 1986 | Moselle (industry) 1986 | 45 | B.9 |
Regensburg Agreement 1987 (Danube Basin) | Danube (Regensburg) 1987 | 92 | B.10 |
Elbe Convention 1990 (Magdeburg) | Elbe (Magdeburg) 1990 | 75 | B.11 |
Convention on Co-operation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the River Danube 29/6/1994 (Sofia) 1 | Danube (Sofia) 1994 | 131 | B.12 |
Convention concerning Water Economy questions relating to the Drava 1954 | Drava 1954 | 63 | C.1 |
Agreement concerning Water Economy in respect of the frontier sector of the Mura 1954 | Mura 1954 | 35 | C.2 |
Convention between Italy and Switzerland concerning Lake Lugano, 1955 2 | Lake Lugano 1955 | 53 | C.3 |
Treaty between Hungary and Austria on Water Economy 1956 | Water Economy (Au/Hu) 1956 | 109 | C.4 |
Convention concerning the Protection of Lake Geneva against Pollution (16/11/1962) | Lake Geneva 1962 | 61 | C.5 |
Agreement between Finland and Russian Federation concerning Frontier Water Courses 1964 | Frontier Waters (Fi/Ru) 1964 | 16 | C.6 |
Treaty between Austria and Czech Republic on Frontier Waters 1967 | Frontier Waters (Au/Cz) 1967 | 103 | C.7 |
Treaty on Frontier Waters between Austria and the Slovak Republic 1970 | Frontier Waters (Au/Sl) 1970 | 125 | C.8 |
Agreement between Finland and the Russian Federation concerning the Production of Electric power in the part of the Vuoska River bounded by the Imatra and Swetogorsk Hydroelectric stations 1972, 1983 | Vuoska 1972/83 | 15 | C.9 |
Convention between Italy and Switzerland on the protection of Italo-Swiss waters against pollution 1972/1986 2 | Italo-Swiss Waters 1972/86 | 54 | C.10 |
Convention concerning the protection of the Adriatic Sea and its Coastal areas against pollution 1974 2 | Adriatic 1974 | 60 | C.11 |
Agreement between France and Switzerland concerning Navigation on Lake Geneva (7/12/1976) 2 | Lake Geneva (navigation) 1976 | 18 | C.12 |
Agreement concerning Co-operation on water management of Frontier Waters between Italy and Slovenia 1978 2 | Frontier Waters (I/Sv) 1978 | 32 | C.13 |
Agreement between the French Republic and the Swiss confederation concerning the Reduction of the phosphorus concentration of the waters of Lake Geneva (20/11/1980) 2 | Lake Geneva (phosphorus) 1980 | 27 | C.14 |
Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the Soviet Union concerning the Release of water of Lake Saimaa and River Vuoski 1989 | Saimaa/Vuoski 1989 | 130 | C.15 |
Protocol for Technical Co-operation between Greece and Bulgaria 1991 | Technical Co-operation (Bu/Gr) 1991 | 114 | C.16 |
Black Sea Convention 1992 | Black Sea 1992 | 40 | C.17 |
1 Under preparation
2 No copy of agreement provided and hence no details could be specified in this report
3 Monitoring details considered together with Rhine Convention (database number 115) against chemical pollution, 1976
4 Monitoring requirements for the Oslo Convention are incorporated with those of the Paris Convention in the JMP, and, in this report, are considered under the Paris Convention. The JMP will be replaced in the future by the JAMP under OSPAR 1992
Database number Numbering of agreements used in the database held at ETC/IW
Report number Numbering of agreements used in this report
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