All official European Union website addresses are in the domain.
See all EU institutions and bodiesUčinimo nešto za našu planetu, tiskajte ovu stranicu samo ako je nužno. I najmanje djelo čini veliku razliku ako ga milijuni provode!
The EEA, through work by its European Topic Centre on Air Emissions, has compiled the official European Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-1998 in a report and database, both available on this web site.
The EC CHM aims at facilitating scientific and technical co-operation and at providing access to information relevant to the implementation of the CBD by the European Community. It should also contribute to education programmes and to raising public awareness of biodiversity.
On 27 March the formal negotiations for membership of the European Environment Agency kicked off in Brussels with all 13 candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean.
NATLAN (NATure/LANd cover) is an information package designed for viewing and distributing information and applications on topics like land cover and nature in a comprehensive and user-friendly way A lot of information on the environment is linked to nature sites and areas, e.g. the geographical distribution of forests.
On 2 3 March, the European Environment Agency is hosting a symposium "Environmental Film Festivals Co-operation and Networking", in order to prepare for the Millennium Environmental Film Award and to improve co-operation between the major film festivals in Europe.
This seminar was part of the "familiarisation" process prior to Cyprus joining the European Union. It was organised by the Cyprus Government, the European Institute of Cyprus, the European Commission and the European Environment Agency.
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