
Freshwater - National Responses (Croatia)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
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SOER Common environmental theme from Croatia
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020

The process of harmonisation of the Croatian water management policy with EU acquis has led to the adoption of the Strategy [5], two key acts [6, 7] and several by-laws. The Waters Act entered into force on 1 January 2010, and the majority of by-laws (a total of 35) will be adopted by 2012, by which the harmonisation with EU legislation would be complete. Transitional periods for harmonisation, especially with financially demanding directives, are the subject of pre-accession negotiations with the EU (this particularly relates to the short deadlines and high implementation costs of the financially demanding directives: UWWT Directive (91/271/EEC, 98/15/EC) - estimated capital investment of approximately 2.75 billion EUR (20 billion HRK), and the Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) - estimated capital investment of approximately 1,79 billion EUR (13 billion HRK)).

In addition to the regular activities of construction and development of wastewater sewerage and treatment systems, two other projects have been launched in order fully to implement the UWWT Directive, which, in addition to local co-funding, include the funds of World Bank loans:

-      Jadranski Projekt (Adriatic Project) - coastal cities pollution control project (the first project stage completed, the second and third stage are planned for the period 2009-2014)

-      Inland Waters Project - development of wastewater sewerage and treatment systems in the Danube River basin district planned to be completed by the end of 2012.



[1]   Regulation on Water Classification (Official Gazette 77/98, 137/08)

[2]   Ordinance on Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water (Official Gazette 47/08)

[3]   Ordinance on Limit Values of Indicators of Hazardous and Other Substances in Wastewater (Official Gazette 94/08)

[4]   Ordinance on the Environmental Pollution Register (Official Gazette 35/08)

[5]   Water Management Strategy (Official Gazette 91/08)

[6]   Waters Act (Official Gazette 153/09)

[7]   Water Management Funding Act (Official Gazette 153/09)




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