

Estimated and projected energy related CO2 emissions from 1990 to 2030

Figure Created 26 Jul 2007 Published 26 Jul 2007 Last modified 28 Jun 2016
2 min read
Data used from the World Energy Outlook from the following pages


European data


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Letter to provide rights requested on the 13th march 2007. World (p. 492-493 and pp. 528-529) OECD North America (p. 496-497 and pp. 532-533) United States (p. 498-499 and pp. 534-535) OECD Europe (pp. 504-505 and pp. 540-541) European Union (pp. 506 - 507 and pp. 542-543) Transition Economies (pp. 508-509 and pp. 544-545) Russia (pp. 510-511 and pp. 546-547) China (pp. 516-517 and pp. 553-554) India (pp. 518-519 and pp. 554-555 Data was modified to represent correspond closely to Belgrade report regions Transition countries (without Russia): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Serbia and Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta Russia Canada Mexico US India China


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