
Indicator Assessment

Emissions of ozone precursors

Indicator Assessment
Prod-ID: IND-23-en
  Also known as: CSI 002 , APE 008
Published 25 Oct 2010 Last modified 11 May 2021
19 min read
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 09 Feb 2021 with reason: Other (Discontinued indicator)
  • Emissions of all ground-level ozone precursor pollutants have decreased across the EEA-32 region between 1990 and 2008; nitrogen oxides (NOX) by 34%, non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) by 45%, carbon monoxide (CO) by 56% and methane (CH4) by 26%.
  • This decrease has been achieved mainly as a result of the introduction of catalytic converters for vehicles. These changes have significantly reduced emissions of NOX and CO from the road transport sector, the main source of ozone precursor emissions.
  • The EU-27 is still some way from meeting its 2010 target to reduce emissions of NOX, one of the two ozone precursors (NOX and NMVOC) for which emission limits exist under the EU's NEC Directive (NECD). Whilst total NMVOC emissions in the EU-27 were below the NECD limit in 2008, a number of individual Member States anticipate missing their ceilings for one or either of these two pollutants.
  • Of the three non-EU countries having emission ceilings set under the UNECE/CLRTAP Gothenburg protocol (Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), all three countries reported NMVOC emissions in 2008 that were lower than their respective 2010 ceilings. However both Liechtenstein and Norway reported NOx emissions in 2008 that were substantially higher than their respective 2010 ceilings.
This indicator is discontinued. No more assessments will be produced.

Change in emissions of nitrogen oxides compared with the 2010 NECD and Gothenburg protocol targets (EEA member countries)

Note: The reported change in nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) for each country, 1990-2008, in comparison with the 2010 NECD and Gothenburg protocol targets.

Change in emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds compared with the 2010 NECD and Gothenburg protocol targets (EEA member countries)

Note: The reported change in NMVOC emissions for each country, 1990-2008, in comparison with the 2010 NECD and Gothenburg protocol targets.

Change in CO emissions 1990-2008 (EEA member countries)

Note: The reported change in carbon monoxide (CO) emissions for each country, 1990-2008.

Change in CH4 emissions 1990-2008 (EEA member countries)

Note: The reported change in methane (CH4) emissions for each country, 1990-2008.

Data source:

Emissions of tropospheric (ground-level) ozone precursors reduced across the EEA-32 region between 1990 and 2008 (Figure 1). The different precursor species contribute to ground-level ozone formation to differing extents, in general NOX and NMVOC are considered the most important precursor species.

In most countries, reductions have occurred for both the two ozone precursors for which emission limits exist under the NEC Directive and UNECE Gothenburg protocol (NOX and NMVOC) (Figure 2); detailed breakdowns of sectoral and national emissions of NOX and NMVOC are given in the pollutant specific factsheets for these pollutants, together with assessments of the progress being made by countries towards meeting their respective 2010 emission ceiling limits..

Emissions of CO in 2008 were 30.8 kt in the EEA-32 group of countries compared to 69.8 kt in 1990, a reduction of 56%. Methane and NMVOC emissions also significantly reduced between 1990 and 2008, by 26% and 45% respectively. Emissions of nitrogen oxides have fallen from 18.2 kt in 1990 to 12.0 kt in 2008 (a 34% reduction), mainly due to the introduction of three way catalytic converters for cars. The introduction of other European legislative measures has also contributed to the reduction of ozone precursors, such as reductions of NMVOCs as a result of the implementation of the Solvent Emissions Directive in industrial processes. Further reasons for the observed reductions in emissions are provided in the 'Specific assessment' section of this indicator factsheet below.

The global recession that commenced mid-2008 has contributed to the emission reduction of NOX emissions between 2007 and 2008. For example, emissions of NOX in the EEA-32 have fallen by 5% between 2007 and 2008, a significantly greater reduction than in the preceding years.

The National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) and Gothenburg protocol sets, for each of the EU-27 Member States, ceilings (i.e. limits) for the two main ozone precursors, NOX and NMVOC, that must be met by 2010 [1]. The reported data shows that as of 2008, slightly more than half of the 27 Member States are not on track towards meeting their combined target for NOX. Three Member States are not on track to achieve reduction targets for NMVOC (Figure 3). Several of the non-EU countries (ie. Liechtenstein [2], Norway and Switzerland) also have 2010 emissions ceilings defined under the Gothenburg protocol of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Of these countries, Liechtenstein and Norway have both reported emissions that lie above a linear target path to their 2010 NOX ceilings. However all three countries appear on track to meet their respective NMVOC ceilings.

Further details concerning emissions of the main ozone precursor pollutants may be found in the following indicator fact sheets:

  • Emission trends of nitrogen oxides (NOX)
  • Emission trends of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)

[1] The NECD and Gothenburg protocol also set emission ceilings for two other pollutants ammonia (NH3) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) that contribute to acidification and particulate matter formation.
[2] Lichtenstein has signed, but not yet ratified, the Gothenburg protocol.

Change in nitrogen oxides emissions for each sector between 1990 and 2008 (EEA member countries)

Note: Percentage change in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions for each sector between 1990 and 2008.

Change in non-methane volatile organic compound emissions for each sector between 1990 and 2008 (EEA member countries)

Note: Percentage change in non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions for each sector between 1990 and 2008.

Change in CO emissions for each sector 1990-2008 (EEA member countries)

Note: Percentage change in carbon monoxide (CO) emissions for each sector between 1990 and 2008.

Change in CH4 emissions for each sector 1990-2008 (EEA member countries)

Note: Percentage change in methane (CH4) emissions for each sector between 1990 and 2008.

Data source:

Contribution to total change in nitrogen oxides emissions for each sector (EEA member countries)

Note: The contribution made by each sector to the total change in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions between 1990 and 2008.

Contribution to total change in non-methane volatile organic compound emissions for each sector (EEA member countries)

Note: The contribution made by each sector to the total change in non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) emissions between 1990 and 2008.

Contribution to total change in CO emissions for each sector (EEA member countries)

Note: The contribution made by each sector to the total change in carbon monoxide (CO) emissions between 1990 and 2008.

Sector contributions of ozone precursor emissions (EEA member countries)

Note: The contribution made by different sectors to emissions of the tropospheric (ground-level) ozone precursors.

Data source:

Contribution to total change in CH4 emissions for each sector (EEA member countries)

Note: The contribution made by each sector to the total change in methane (CH4) emissions between 1990 and 2008.

Data source:

In 2008, the most significant sources of the ozone precursor pollutants in the EEA-32 region were the 'Agriculture' (45% of CH4 emissions), Solvent and Product Use' (36% of NMVOC emissions), and ‘Road Transport’ sources (40% of NOX and 34% of CO emissions) (Figure 4). Emissions of the various ozone-precursor pollutants have decreased in all sectors since 1990 except in the ‘Waste’ (CO emissions +19%), ‘Solvent and Product Use’ (NOX emissions ×2.7, CO emissions ×110), Non-road transport (CO emissions +8%, NOX emissions + 7%), and ‘Industrial Processes’ sectors (NMVOC emissions +44%) (Figure 5).

Within the EEA-32, the transport sector is clearly the dominant source of ozone precursor pollutants. Combined, emissions from 'Road Transport' and ‘Other Transport’ contribute 41% of CO emissions in the EEA-32, 55% of NOX, and 22% of NMVOC. Since 1990, the vast majority of the reduction of ozone precursor pollutants has occurred in the road transport sector, despite the general increase in activity within this sector over the period. This sector alone has contributed 69% of the total reduction of CO emissions, 43% of NOX reduction and 61% of NMVOC reduction (Figure 6). The emission reductions have primarily been achieved as a result of fitting three way catalytic converters for petrol-fuelled cars (driven by the legislative 'Euro' standards).

Emissions of NOX from the fuel-combustion related sectors 'Energy Industries' and 'Industry (Energy)' have also decreased significantly, together contributing 35% of the total reduction of NOX emissions since 1990. In this instance the reduction has been achieved as a result of measures including the introduction of combustion modification technologies (such as use of low NOX burners), implementation of flue-gas abatement techniques (e.g. NOX scrubbers and selective (SCR) and non-selective (SNCR) catalytic reduction techniques) and fuel-switching from coal to gas (which has led e.g. to increases in energy efficiency and lower rates of NOX emissions).

Significant reductions have also been achieved in the 'Other (Non Energy)' sector, which accounts for 19%, 21% and 28% of the reductions in emissions of CO, NOX and NMVOC respectively since 1990. This reflects, amongst other measures, the introduction and implementation of the Solvent Emissions and Paints Directives.

Supporting information

Indicator definition

  • This indicator tracks trends since 1990 in anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursor pollutants: nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and non methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs).
  • The indicator also provides information on emissions by sectors: Energy production and distribution; Energy use in industry;, Industrial processes; Road transport; Non-road transport; Commercial, institutional and households; Solvent and product use; Agriculture; Waste; Other.
  • Geographical coverage: EEA-32. The EEA-32 country grouping includes countries of the EU-27 (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) EFTA-4 (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Norway) and Turkey.
  • Temporal coverage: 1990-2010.


ktonnes (1000 tonnes)


Policy context and targets

Context description

Within the European Union, the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive) imposes emission ceilings (or limits) for emissions of NOX and NMVOCs (the NEC Directive also sets emissions ceilings for ammonia NH3 and sulphur dioxide SO2). There are no specific EU emission targets set for either carbon monoxide (CO) or methane (CH4). However, there are several Directives and Protocols that affect the emissions of CO and CH4. Methane is included in the basket of six greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol (see CSI 010: Greenhouse gas emissions and removals).

Internationally, the issue of air pollution emissions is also being addressed by the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (the LRTAP Convention) and its protocols. A key objective of the protocol is to regulate emissions on a regional basis within Europe and to protect eco-systems from transboundary pollution by setting emission reduction ceilings to be reached by 2010 for the same 4 pollutants as addressed in the NECD (i.e. SO2, NOX, NH3 and NMVOCs). Overall for the EU Member States, the ceilings set within the Gothenburg protocol are generally either slightly less strict or the same as the emission ceilings specified in the NECD.


Emissions of NOXand NMVOC are covered by the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) (2001/81/EC) and the Gothenburg protocol under the United Nations Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP Convention) (UNECE 1999). The NECD generally involves slightly stricter emission reduction targets than the Gothenburg Protocol for EU-15 Member States for the period 1990-2010.

Table: 2010 Targets under the NEC Directive and the Gothenburg Protocol, in kt

2010 NECD ceilings

2010 CLRTAP Gothenburg Protocol ceilings






Austria 103 159 107 159
Belgium 176 139 181 144
Bulgaria 247 175 266 185
Cyprus 23 14
Czech Republic 286 220 286 220
Denmark 127 85 127 85
Estonia 60 49
Finland 170 130 170 130
France 810 1050 860 1100
Germany 1051 995 1081 995
Greece 344 261 344 261
Hungary 198 137 198 137
Ireland 65 55 65 55
Italy 990 1159 1000 1159
Latvia 61 136 84 136
Liechtenstein 0.37 0.86
Lithuania 110 92 110 92
Luxembourg 11 9 11 9
Malta 8 12
Netherlands 260 185 266 191
Norway 156 195
Poland 879 800 879 800
Portugal 250 180 260 202
Romania 437 523 437 523
Slovakia 130 140 130 140
Slovenia 45 40 45 40
Spain 847 662 847 669
Switzerland 79 144
Sweden 148 241 148 241
United Kingdom 1167 1200 1181 1200


* Iceland and Turkey do not have a ceiling under either the NEC Directive or the Gothenburg protocol.

Related policy documents

  • Directive 2001/81/EC, national emission ceilings
    Directive 2001/81/EC, on nation al emissions ceilings (NECD) for certain atmospheric pollutants. Emission reduction targets for the new EU10 Member States have been specified in the Treaty of Accession to the European Union 2003  [The Treaty of Accession 2003 of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. AA2003/ACT/Annex II/en 2072] in order that they can comply with the NECD.
  • Greenhouse gas monitoring mechanism Decision
    Decision No 280/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 concerning a mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
  • UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
    UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.


Methodology for indicator calculation

This indicator is based on officially reported national total and sectoral emissions to EEA and UNECE/EMEP (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe) Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP Convention), submission 2011. For the EU-27 Member States, the data used is consistent with the emissions data reported by the EU in its annual submission to the LRTAP Convention.

Recommended methodologies for emission inventory estimation are compiled in the EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook, (EMEP/EEA, 2009). Base data are available from the EEA Data Service ( and the EMEP web site ( Where necessary, gaps in reported data are filled by ETC/ACM using simple interpolation techniques (see below). The final gap-filled data used in this indicator are available from the EEA Data Service (

Base data, reported in the UNECE/EMEP Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) sector format are aggregated into the following EEA sector codes to obtain a consistent reporting format across all countries and pollutants:

  • Energy production and distribution: emissions from public heat and electricity generation, oil refining,  production of solid fuels, extraction and distribution of solid fossil fuels and geothermal energy;
  • Energy use in industry: emissions from combustion processes used in the manufacturing industry including boilers, gas turbines and stationary engines;
  • Industrial processes: emissions derived from non-combustion related processes such as the production of minerals, chemicals and metal production;
  • Road transport: light and heavy duty vehicles, passenger cars and motorcycles;
  • Non-road transport: railways, domestic shipping, certain aircraft movements, and non-road mobile machinery used in agriculture & forestry;
  • Commercial, institutional and households: emissions principally occurring from fuel combustion in the services and household sectors;
  • Solvent and product use: non-combustion related emissions mainly in the services and households sectors including activities such as paint application, dry-cleaning and other use of solvents;
  • Agriculture: manure management, fertiliser application, field-burning of agricultural wastes
  • Waste: incineration, waste-water management;
  • Other: emissions included in national total for entire territory not allocated to any other sector

The following table shows the conversion of Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) sector codes used for reporting by countries into EEA sector codes:

EEA classification

Non-GHGs (NFR)


National totals

National total

National totals without LUCF

Energy production and distribution

1A1, 1A3e, 1B


Energy use in industry



Road transport



Non-road transport (non-road mobile machinery)

1A3 (exl 1A3b)

1A3a, 1A3c, 1A3d, 1A3e

Industrial processes



Solvent and product use








Commercial, institutional and households

1A4ai, 1A4aii, 1A4bi, 1A4bii, 1A4ci, 1A4cii, 1A5a, 1A5b

1A4, 1A5



3 + 7


In addition to historic emissions, Figure 1 of the indicator factsheet also shows the latest 2010 projection estimates reported by the EU-27 Member States under the NEC Directive. The "with measures" (WM) projections reported by Member States take into account currently implemented and adopted policies and measures. Where countries have instead reported "business as usual" or "current legislation" projections, it is assumed for comparison purposes that these are equivalent to a WM projection. The "with additional measures" projections reported by Member States take into account additional future planned policies and measures but which are not yet implemented.

Methodology for gap filling

An improved gap-filling methodology was implemented in 2010 that enables a complete time series trend for the main air pollutants (eg NOX, SOX, NMVOC, NH3 and CO) to be compiled. In cases where countries did not report emissions for any year, it meant that gap-filling could not be applied. For these pollutants, therefore, the aggregated data are not yet complete and are likely to underestimate true emissions. Further methodological details of the gap-filling procedure are provided in section 1.4.2 Data gaps and gap-filling of the European Union emission inventory report 1990–2009 under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP).

Methodology references

No methodology references available.



Methodology uncertainty

The use of gap-filling for when countries have not reported emissions for one of more years can potentially lead to artificial trends, but it is considered unavoidable if a comprehensive and comparable set of emissions data for European countries is required for policy analysis purposes.

Data sets uncertainty

NMVOC emission estimates in Europe are thought to have an uncertainty of about ±30% due in part to the difficulty in obtaining good emission estimates for some sectors and partly due to the absence of good activity data for some sources. The trend is likely to be more accurate than the individual absolute annual values - the annual values are not independent of each other.

Overall scoring: (1-3, 1=no major problems, 3=major reservations)

  • Relevancy: 1
  • Accuracy: 2
  • Comparability over time: 2
  • Comparability over space: 2


NOX emission estimates in Europe are thought to have an uncertainty of about ±20% (EMEP, 2010), as the NOX emitted comes both from the fuel burnt and the combustion air and so cannot be estimated accurately from fuel nitrogen alone. However, because of the need for interpolation to account for missing data, the complete dataset used will have higher uncertainty. The trend is likely to be more accurate than the individual absolute annual values - the annual values are not independent of each other.

Overall scoring: (1-3, 1=no major problems, 3=major reservations)

  • Relevancy: 1
  • Accuracy: 2
  • Comparability over time: 2
  • Comparability over space: 2

Uncertainties in emissions of CO are likely to have a similar magnitude of uncertainty as for NOX. NMVOC emissions data have been verified by EMEP and others by means of comparison between modelled and measured concentration throughout Europe. From these studies total uncertainty ranges have been estimated to about ±50%. Some main source categories are less uncertain.

CH4 estimates are reasonably reliable as they are based on a few well-known emission sources. The IPCC believes that the uncertainty in CH4 emission estimates from all sources, in Europe, is likely to be about ±20 %. CH4 emissions from some sources, such as rice fields, are much larger (possibly an order of magnitude), but are a minor emission source in Europe. In 2004, EU Member States reported uncertainties in their estimates of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation as ranging between 0.5 % (UK) and 2.8 % (Ireland) of the total national GHG emissions (EEA 2004).

Rationale uncertainty

This indicator is regularly updated by EEA and is used in state of the environment assessments. The uncertainties related to methodology and data sets are therefore of importance.

Data sources

Other info

DPSIR: Pressure
Typology: Performance indicator (Type B - Does it matter?)
Indicator codes
  • CSI 002
  • APE 008
Frequency of updates
This indicator is discontinued. No more assessments will be produced.
EEA Contact Info


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage

