
Sites data table:

Data Table
This page was archived on 31 Oct 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/nationally-designated-areas-national-cdda-9 was published)
Table contains main information (name, location, area, IUCN category etc) of each individual designated area at national level.
European data
Table definition
Year Year of establishment. Year when the site was created under current designation. smallint(2) 0
Site_code Unique record identifier within the CDDA data base for nationally designated areas int(4) -1
Size Site surface area in ha numeric(9) 0
Altitude_min The minimum altitude (meters) above the sea level within the site boundaries numeric(5) 0
Altitude_max The maximum altitude (meters) above sea level within the site boundaries numeric(5) 0
Lat Latitude, geographical coordinate in decimal degrees numeric(9) 0
Lon Longitude, geographical coordinate in decimal degrees numeric(9) 0
Site_code_nat National site code unique record identifier in the national source database nvarchar(12) 0
Parent_iso ISO 3 characters country code nvarchar(3) -1
Iso3 ISO 3 characters country code (in case of overseas territories, code of those) nvarchar(3) -1
Desig_abbr National designation type code nvarchar(5) -1
Areaname Site name as given in local language nvarchar(120) 0
Iucncat IUCN management category (see look-up table IUCN categories) nvarchar(4) -1
Nuts Administrative Region Code according to the coding system of EUROSTAT nvarchar(5) 0


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