
Waterbase - Biology (4 tables)

Data Table
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The dataset contains time series of data on biological quality elements (BQEs) such as phytobenthos and macroinvertebrates in rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters. A list of spatial object identifiers with selected attributes, reported through WFD and WISE Spatial data reporting, is added to dataset as spatial reference. The data has been compiled and processed by EEA. Please refer to the metadata for additional information.
European data
Table definition

T_WISE2_BiologyEQRData (37427 records)

Annually aggregated biological ecological quality ratio (EQR) data from rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters, by monitoring site.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
monitoringSiteIdentifier Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained.
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode').
parameterWaterBodyCategory Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.
parameterNCSWaterBodyType Type of water body as defined by the member state.
parameterNaturalAWBHMWB Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB). AWBs are surface water bodies which have been created in a location where no water body existed before and which have not been created by the direct physical alteration, movement or realignment of an existing water body. HMWB are bodies of water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity are substantially changed in character and cannot, therefore, meet "good ecological status" (GES). In this context physical alterations mean changes to e.g. the size, slope, discharge, form and shape of river bed of a water body. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode Determinand code for biological metrics, as defined in the vocabulary.
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel Name of the determinand.
procedureClassificationSystem Classification system used for the BQE.
phenomenonTimeReferenceYear Year during which the data were sampled.
parameterSamplingPeriod The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled.
resultEcologicalStatusClassValue Ecological status class (or ecological potential class, for artificial and heavily modified water bodies) assessed on the basis of the reported biological determinand. 1: High status or maximum potential;
2: Good status or potential;
3: Moderate status or potential;
345: Moderate, poor or bad status or potential;
4: Poor status or potential;
5: Bad status or potential
resultNumberOfSamples Number of sample values included in the aggregated data.
resultEQRValue Mean value of the biological metric converted to the national Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) scale.
resultNormalisedEQRValue Mean value of metric converted to normalised EQR scale (Ecological Quality Ratio).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.


T_WISE2_BiologyEQRDataByWaterBody (997 records)

Annually aggregated biological ecological quality ratio (EQR) data from rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters, by water body.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
waterBodyIdentifier Unique international identifier of the water body in which the data were obtained.
waterBodyIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier;
euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier
parameterWaterBodyCategory Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.
parameterNCSWaterBodyType Type of water body as defined by the member state.
parameterNaturalAWBHMWB Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB). AWBs are surface water bodies which have been created in a location where no water body existed before and which have not been created by the direct physical alteration, movement or realignment of an existing water body. HMWB are bodies of water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity are substantially changed in character and cannot, therefore, meet "good ecological status" (GES). In this context physical alterations mean changes to e.g. the size, slope, discharge, form and shape of river bed of a water body. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode Determinand code for biological metrics, as defined in the vocabulary.
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel Name of the determinand.
procedureClassificationSystem Classification system used for the BQE.
phenomenonTimeReferenceYear Year during which the data were sampled.
parameterSamplingPeriod The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled.
resultEcologicalStatusClassValue Ecological status class (or ecological potential class, for artificial and heavily modified water bodies) assessed on the basis of the reported biological determinand. 1: High status or maximum potential;
2: Good status or potential;
3: Moderate status or potential;
345: Moderate, poor or bad status or potential;
4: Poor status or potential;
5: Bad status or potential
resultNumberOfSamples Number of sample values included in the aggregated data.
resultEQRValue Mean value of the biological metric converted to the national Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) scale.
resultNormalisedEQRValue Mean value of metric converted to normalised EQR scale (Ecological Quality Ratio).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.


T_WISE2_BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure (2948 records)

Information on national classification system for each biological determinand and waterbody type, including the boundaries of ecological status classes (and of ecological potential classes, for artificial or heavily modified waterbodies).

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
countryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country.
parameterWaterBodyCategory Water body category code, as defined in the codelist.
parameterNCSWaterBodyType Type of water body as defined by the member state. see Vocabulary
parameterWFDIntercalibrationWaterBodyType Type of water body as defined by the WFD Intercalibration process. see Vocabulary
parameterNaturalAWBHMWB Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB). AWBs are surface water bodies which have been created in a location where no water body existed before and which have not been created by the direct physical alteration, movement or realignment of an existing water body. HMWB are bodies of water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity are substantially changed in character and cannot, therefore, meet "good ecological status" (GES). In this context physical alterations mean changes to e.g. the size, slope, discharge, form and shape of river bed of a water body. AWB: Artificial water body;
HMWB: Heavily modified water body;
Natural: Natural water body
observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode Determinand code for biological metrics, as defined in the vocabulary. see Vocabulary
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel Name of the determinand.
procedureClassificationSystem Classification system used for the BQE.
parameterBoundaryValueClasses12 Boundary between High and Good ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.
parameterBoundaryValueClasses23 Boundary between Good and Moderate ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.
parameterBoundaryValueClasses34 Boundary between Moderate and Poor ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.
parameterBoundaryValueClasses45 Boundary between Poor and Bad ecological status or potential classes, for a given biological determinand and water body type.
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.


S_WISE2_SpatialObject_DerivedData (11953 records)

List of spatial object identifiers present in the WISE2 dataset tables. Contains selected information reported through WFD or WISE5 spatial data reporting.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
countryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country.
thematicIdIdentifier Unique identifier of the spatial object.
thematicIdIdentifierScheme Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the thematic identifier.
monitoringSiteIdentifier Unique international identifier of the monitoring site. Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is a monitoring site.
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier;
euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier
monitoringSiteName Name of the monitoring site
waterBodyIdentifier Unique international identifier of the water body being monitored. Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is a water body.
waterBodyIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier;
euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier
waterBodyName Name of the water body
specialisedZoneType Additional classification value which further specialises the type of management, regulation or restriction zone, represented by this spatial object.
naturalAWBHMWB Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB).
reservoir For heavily modified river or lake water bodies, the value indicates whether the water body is a reservoir that has been created by damming a river or an existing lake.
surfaceWaterBodyTypeCode Member State code for the characterisation type of the surface water body under the WFD.
subUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the river basin district sub-unit. Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is an RBD sub-unit.
subUnitIdentifierScheme Identifier defining the scheme assigned to the spatial object identifier.
subUnitName Name of the river basin district sub-unit.
rbdIdentifier Unique international identifier of the river basin district. Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is an RBD.
rbdIdentifierScheme Identifier defining the scheme assigned to the spatial object identifier.
rbdName Name of the river basin district.
confidentialityStatus Information about the sensitivity and confidentiality status of the monitoring site location. F: Free for publication;
N: Not for publication
lon Longitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted.
lat Latitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted.


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