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Under Directive 2003/30/EC Europe established the goal of reaching a 2% in 2005 and 5.75% share of renewable energy in the transport sector by 2010. As it is interesting to monitor the evolution of the share of biofuels against goals, these two targets are maintained even though they are not longer valid. Under the new directive on the promotion of renewable energy (2009/28(EC that repeals the previous ones), this share rises to a minimum 10% in every Member State in 2020. The new directive on renewable energy also aims to ensure that as we expand the use of biofuels in the EU we use only sustainable biofuels, which generate a clear and net GHG saving and have no negative impact on biodiversity and land use. The graph represents the share of biofuels as the share of renewable sources in the transport sector, even though other renewable sources could eventually contribute.
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