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T_WISE6_DisaggregatedData (60011857 records)
Raw disaggregated water quality data on the observed values (e.g. concentrations) of determinands in water, sediment and biota samples in inland, coastal and marine waters as reported by EEA Member Countries on an annual basis.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
monitoringSiteIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained. | |
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). | eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier; euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier |
parameterWaterBodyCategory | Water body category code, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandCode | Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel | Name of the determinand. | |
procedureAnalysedMatrix | Matrix where the measurement has been made. | see Vocabulary |
resultUom | Unit of measure for the reported values. | see Vocabulary |
phenomenonTimeSamplingDate | Date in which the sample was taken. | |
sampleIdentifier | Unique sample identifier. | |
resultObservedValue | Observed value (e.g. concentration) of the determinand in the sample. | |
resultQualityObservedValueBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the sample value was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ). | 0: false; 1: true |
procedureLOQValue | The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). | |
parameterSampleDepth | Depth at which sample was taken in meter below water surface. | |
parameterSedimentDepthSampled | Depth of the collected sample of sediment, measured as a range, in centimeters, starting at the seafloor surface. | |
parameterSpecies | Species monitored. | see Vocabulary |
resultMoisture | Percent moisture of the tissue. | |
resultFat | Fat content as percentage of total wet matter. | |
resultExtractableLipid | Extractable Lipid Percent. | |
resultLipid | Lipid Weight Percent. | |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | A: Record is confirmed as correct; L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected; M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist; N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant; O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted; W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category; X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories); Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | |
metadata_versionId | Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin. | |
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion | Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope. | |
metadata_statusCode | Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. | valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record; stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct; experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers |
metadata_observationStatus | Status of the record regarding its reliability. | A: Normal record; U: Record with lower reliability; V: Unvalidated record |
metadata_statements | Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record. | |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database. |
T_WISE6_AggregatedData (4550559 records)
Annual mean values and other statistics of determinands on water quality, by monitoring site.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
monitoringSiteIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained. | |
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). | eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier; euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier |
parameterWaterBodyCategory | Water body category code, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandCode | Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel | Name of the determinand. | |
procedureAnalysedMatrix | Matrix where the measurement has been made. | see Vocabulary |
resultUom | Unit of measure for the reported values. | see Vocabulary |
phenomenonTimeReferenceYear | Year during which the data were sampled. | |
parameterSamplingPeriod | The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled. | |
procedureLOQValue | The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). | |
resultNumberOfSamples | Number of sample values included in the aggregated data. | |
resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ | Number of sample values below LOQ included in the aggregated data. | |
resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the minimum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ). | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMinimumValue | Minimum sample value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the mean value is below the highest LOQ. | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMeanValue | Mean value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the maximum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ). | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMaximumValue | Maximum sample value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the median value is below the highest LOQ. | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMedianValue | Median value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultStandardDeviationValue | Standard deviation value of the data used for aggregation. | |
procedureAnalyticalMethod | CEN/ISO code of the analytical method. | |
parameterSampleDepth | Depth at which sample was taken in meter below water surface. | |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | A: Record is confirmed as correct; L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected; M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist; N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant; O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted; W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category; X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories); Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | |
metadata_versionId | Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin. | |
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion | Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope. | |
metadata_statusCode | Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. | valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record; stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct; experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers |
metadata_observationStatus | Status of the record regarding its reliability. | A: Normal record; U: Record with lower reliability; V: Unvalidated record |
metadata_statements | Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record. | |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database. |
T_WISE6_AggregatedDataByWaterBody (20617 records)
Annual mean values and other statistics of determinands on water quality, by water body.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
waterBodyIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the water body in which the data were obtained. | |
waterBodyIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). | eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier; eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier; euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier; euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier |
parameterWaterBodyCategory | Water body category code, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandCode | Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel | Name of the determinand. | |
procedureAnalysedMatrix | Matrix where the measurement has been made. | see Vocabulary |
resultUom | Unit of measure for the reported values. | see Vocabulary |
phenomenonTimeReferenceYear | Year during which the data were sampled. | |
parameterSamplingPeriod | The period of the year during which the data used for the aggregation were sampled. | |
procedureLOQValue | The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). | |
resultNumberOfSamples | Number of sample values included in the aggregated data. | |
resultQualityNumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ | Number of sample values below LOQ included in the aggregated data. | |
resultQualityMinimumBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the minimum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ). | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMinimumValue | Minimum sample value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultQualityMeanBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the mean value is below the highest LOQ. | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMeanValue | Mean value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultQualityMaximumBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the maximum sample value used for the aggregation was below the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ). | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMaximumValue | Maximum sample value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultQualityMedianBelowLOQ | Flag to indicate whether the median value is below the highest LOQ. | 0: false; 1: true |
resultMedianValue | Median value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultStandardDeviationValue | Standard deviation value of the data used for aggregation. | |
resultNumberOfSitesClass1 | Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 1 boundaries. | |
resultNumberOfSitesClass2 | Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 2 boundaries. | |
resultNumberOfSitesClass3 | Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 3 boundaries. | |
resultNumberOfSitesClass4 | Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 4 boundaries. | |
resultNumberOfSitesClass5 | Number of monitoring sites with annual average concentration of the given determinand within Class 5 boundaries. | |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | A: Record is confirmed as correct; L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected; M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist; N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant; O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted; W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category; X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories); Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | |
metadata_versionId | Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin. | |
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion | Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope. | |
metadata_statusCode | Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. | valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record; stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct; experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers |
metadata_observationStatus | Status of the record regarding its reliability. | A: Normal record; U: Record with lower reliability; V: Unvalidated record |
metadata_statements | Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record. | |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database. |
S_WISE6_SpatialObject_DerivedData (70815 records)
List of spatial object identifiers present in the WISE6 dataset tables. Contains selected information reported through WFD or WISE5 spatial data reporting.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
countryCode | Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country. | |
thematicIdIdentifier | Unique identifier of the spatial object. | |
thematicIdIdentifierScheme | Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the thematic identifier. | |
monitoringSiteIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the monitoring site. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is a monitoring site. |
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). | eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier; euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier |
monitoringSiteName | Name of the monitoring site | |
waterBodyIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the water body being monitored. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is a water body. |
waterBodyIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). | eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier; eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier; euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier; euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier |
waterBodyName | Name of the water body | |
specialisedZoneType | Additional classification value which further specialises the type of management, regulation or restriction zone, represented by this spatial object. | |
naturalAWBHMWB | Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB). | |
reservoir | For heavily modified river or lake water bodies, the value indicates whether the water body is a reservoir that has been created by damming a river or an existing lake. | |
surfaceWaterBodyTypeCode | Member State code for the characterisation type of the surface water body under the WFD. | |
subUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the river basin district sub-unit. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is an RBD sub-unit. |
subUnitIdentifierScheme | Identifier defining the scheme assigned to the spatial object identifier. | |
subUnitName | Name of the river basin district sub-unit. | |
rbdIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the river basin district. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is an RBD. |
rbdIdentifierScheme | Identifier defining the scheme assigned to the spatial object identifier. | |
rbdName | Name of the river basin district. | |
confidentialityStatus | Information about the sensitivity and confidentiality status of the monitoring site location. | F: Free for publication; N: Not for publication |
lon | Longitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted. | |
lat | Latitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted. |
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