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T_ReportPeriod (27 records)
Table specifies version of reported data and reference year for reporting.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
repID | internal numerical database code | Long integer | |
rptID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporter | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | ISO 3166-alpha-2 code. | Text(2) |
repCode | Report ID | All data are linked to Report ID defined in form Country and Contact Details | Text(2) |
repVersion | Version of reported data | Date(10) | |
repSituationAt | Situation as at | reference date | Date(10) |
repReportedPeriod | Reported Year | reference year | Text(4) |
T_Reporter (29 records)
Table provides information on reporting state.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
rptID | internal numerical database code | Long integer | |
rptMState | internal numerical database code, link to the codelist table Waterbase UWWT LOV | Integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
rptMStateValue | Member State | Text(64) | |
rptCulture | Culture code | Text(5) |
T_ReceivingAreas (2342 records)
Table summarises information on designated sensitive areas, date of designation, the purpose of the designation, type of sensitive areas. Moreover, the table specifies which particular article of the UWWTD is applied in regards to designation of sensitive areas.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
rcaID | internal numerical database code of receiving area | Long integer | |
repID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporting period (link to the table ReportPeriod) | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
rcaState | Status of the area | 105=deactivated, 106=active | Integer |
rcaCode | ID of the area | Text(32) | |
rcaName | Name of the Receiving area | Text(255) | |
rcaType | Type of the area | 96 =application of Article 5.4, 97=application of article 5.8, 98 =catchment of sensitive area, 99=less sensitive area, 100=Normal area, 101=sensitive area | Integer |
rcaSensitiveArea | Related Sensitive area | Long integer | |
rcaDateArt58 | Starting date of application of Art. 5(8) of UWWTD | Date | |
rcaParameterN | Parameters subject to More Stringent Treatment: N | Boolean | |
rcaParameterP | Parameters subject to More Stringent Treatment: P | Boolean | |
rcaParameterOther | Parameters subject to More Stringent Treatment: Other | Boolean | |
rcaDateDesignation | Last date of designation or revision/ in case Art. 5(8) and 5(2-3) is applied: Starting date of application of Art. 5(2-3) | Date | |
rcaANitro | Designation Criteria (a, b, c): a - Nitrogen | Boolean | |
rcaAPhos | Designation Criteria (a, b, c): a - Phosphorus | Boolean | |
rcaB | Designation Criteria (a, b, c): b | Boolean | |
rcaC | Designation Criteria (a, b, c): c | Boolean | |
rcaCRelevantDirective | Designation criteria c - relevant EU-Directives and related parameters | Memo | |
rcaMorphology | Less sensitive area - Designation criteria (Annex II B): Morphology | Boolean | |
rcaHydrologie | Less sensitive area - Designation criteria (Annex II B): Hydrology | Boolean | |
rcaHydraulic | Less sensitive area - Designation criteria (Annex II B): Specific hydraulic conditions | Boolean | |
rcaAbsenceRisk | Less sensitive area - Designation criteria (Annex II B): Absence of risk of transfer of discharged load to adjacent areas | Boolean | |
rcaDateArt54 | Starting date of application of Art. 5(4) of UWWTD | Date | |
rcaArt54Applied | Indication of application of Art. 5(4) of UWWTD | Boolean |
T_Agglomerations (26236 records)
Table contains information on agglomerations with generated load ≥ 2000 P.E., including names, coordinates, generated load and information whether the load generated is collected through collecting system or addressed via Individual Appropriate Systems (IAS) or not collected not addressed via IAS.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
aggID | internal numerical database code of agglomeration | Long integer | |
aggState | Status of the agglomeration | 105=deactivated, 106=active | Integer |
repID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporting period (link to the table ReportPeriod) | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
aggCode | ID of the agglomeration | Text(32) | |
aggName | Name of the agglomeration | Text(255) | |
aggNUTS | internal numerical database code of Region (NUTS) (link to the codelist table NUTS) | Integer | |
aggLatitude | Latitude | Decimal | |
aggLongitude | Longitude | Decimal | |
aggGenerated | Generated load (p.e.) | Long integer | |
bigID | internal numerical database code of the big city/ big discharger (link to the table BigCity) | Long integer | |
aggCalculation | Methods used for calculation of the generated load of the agglomeration | Memo | |
aggChanges | Are there any significant changes of the generated load compared to the previous Report? | Long integer | |
aggChangesComment | Comments on significant changes of the generated load compared to the previous reported load | Memo | |
aggPeriodOver | Date of the relevant deadline of UWWTD or Transitional Period | Date | |
aggC1 | Rate of generated load of agglomeration collected through collecting system (% of p.e.) | Decimal | |
aggMethodC1 | Method used to obtain the %-value (calculated or estimated, for aggC1) | 14=calculated, 15=estimated | Integer |
aggC2 | Rate of generated load of agglomeration addressed through IAS (% of p.e.) | Decimal | |
aggMethodC2 | Method used to obtain the %-value (calculated or estimated, for aggC2), | Integer | |
aggPercWithoutTreatment | Rate of generated load of agglomeration not collected through collecting systems and not addressed through IAS (% of p.e.) | Decimal | |
aggMethodWithoutTreatment | Method used to obtain the %-value (calculated or estimated, for aggPercWithoutTreatment) | Integer |
T_UWWTPs (27644 records)
Table includes data on individual waste water treatment plants and collecting systems without UWWTP, their localisation, capacity and actual load treated, type of treatment, aggregated data on the performance of plants.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
uwwID | internal numerical database code of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment | Long integer | |
uwwState | Status of the UWWTP | 105=deactivated, 106=active | Integer |
repID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporting period (link to the table ReportPeriod) | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
aggID | internal numerical database code of agglomeration (link to the table Agglomerations) | Long integer | |
uwwCode | ID of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment | Text(32) | |
uwwName | Name of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment | Text(255) | |
uwwCollectingSystem | Identification whether it is the existing UWWTP (in operation) or a collecting system without UWWTPs | 111=collecting system connected to UWWTP, 112=collecting system not connected to UWWTP | Integer |
uwwDateClosing | Date of closing of the UWWTP | year | Integer |
uwwHistorie | Explanation for closing of the UWWTP/What happened with the wastewater since last reporting exercise | Memo | |
uwwLatitude | Latitude | Decimal | |
uwwLongitude | Longitude | Decimal | |
uwwNUTS | internal numerical database code of Region (NUTS) (link to the table NUTS) | Integer | |
uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP | Load entering UWWTP (p.e.) | Long integer | |
uwwCapacity | Organic design capacity (p.e.) | Long integer | |
uwwPrimaryTreatment | Primary treatment | Boolean | |
uwwSecondaryTreatment | Secondary treatment | Boolean | |
uwwOtherTreatment | More stringent treatment | Boolean | |
uwwNRemoval | N-removal | Boolean | |
uwwPRemoval | P-removal | Boolean | |
uwwUV | UV | Boolean | |
uwwChlorination | Chlorination | Boolean | |
uwwOzonation | Ozonation | Boolean | |
uwwSandFiltration | Sand filtration | Boolean | |
uwwMicroFiltration | Micro filtration | Boolean | |
uwwOther | Other type of more stringent treatment | Boolean | |
uwwSpecification | Please specify other type of more stringent treatment | Text(255) | |
uwwBOD5Perf | Treatment performance: BOD5 | 1=FAIL, 2=PASS | Integer |
uwwCODPerf | Treatment performance: COD | 93=FAIL, 95=PASS, 94=Not relevant | Integer |
uwwTSSPerf | Treatment performance: TSS | 93=FAIL, 95=PASS, 94=Not relevant | Integer |
uwwNTotPerf | Treatment performance: N | 93=FAIL, 95=PASS, 94=Not relevant | Integer |
uwwPTotPerf | Treatment performance: P | 93=FAIL, 95=PASS, 94=Not relevant | Integer |
uwwOtherPerf | Treatment performance: Other | 93=FAIL, 95=PASS, 94=Not relevant | Integer |
T_UWWTP_Agglo (26885 records)
Table is a connection table combining data on agglomeration and waste water treatment plants aloowing repoting of situations where the ratio agglomeration:UWWTP is 1:n or m:1.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
aucID | internal numerical database code of joint entry of agglomeration and UWWTP/collecting system without treatment | Long integer | |
repID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporting period (link to the T_ReportPeriod) | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
uwwID | internal numerical database code of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment (link to the table UWWTPS) | Long integer | |
aucUwwCode | ID of the UWWTP | Text(32) | |
aucUwwName | Name of the UWWTP | Text(255) | |
aggID | internal numerical database code of agglomeration (link to the table Agglomerations) | Long integer | |
aucAggCode | Selected agglomeration (ID of the agglomeration connected to this UWWTP) | Text(32) | |
aucAggName | Selected agglomeration (Name of the agglomeration connected to this UWWTP) | Text(255) | |
aucPercEnteringUWWTP | % of load of agglomeration collected in collecting system and entering that treatment plant | Decimal | |
aucMethodPercEnteringUWWTP | Method used to obtain the % value | Integer | |
aucPercC2T | Rate of generated load of agglomeration transported to this UWWTP by trucks (%) | Decimal |
T_DischargePoints (28597 records)
Table contains information on individual points of discharge from treatment plants or collecting systems, localisation of discharge, link to specific treatment plant, type of receiving area into which the effluent/wastwater is dicharged, related waterbody (or river basin), information on the discharge on land.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
dcpID | internal numerical database code of discharge point | Long integer | |
dcpState | Status of the discharge point | 105=deactivated, 106=active | Integer |
repID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporting period (link to the table ReportPeriod) | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
uwwID | internal numerical database code of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment (link to the table UWWTPS) | Long integer | |
dcpCode | ID of the discharge point | Text(32) | |
dcpName | Name of the discharge point | Text(255) | |
dcpNuts | internal numerical database code of Region (NUTS) (link to the codelist table NUTS) | Long integer | |
dcpLatitude | Latitude | Decimal | |
dcpLongitude | Longitude | Decimal | |
dcpWaterBodyType | Water body type | 113 and 118=discharge in coastal water, 114 and 119=discharge to estuary, 115=discharge in freshwater, 116 and 120 =discharge on land catchment of fresh water, 117 and 121=discharge on land catchment of coastal water | Integer |
dcpIrrigation | Purpose of discharge on land | Integer | |
dcpTypeOfReceivingArea | Type of receiving area | 96 =application of Article 5.4, 97=application of article 5.8, 98 =catchment of sensitive area, 99=less sensitive area, 100=Normal area, 101=sensitive area | Integer |
rcaID | internal numerical database code of receiving area (link to the table ReceivingAreas) | Relevant in case SA, CSA or LSA was chosen for parameter dcpTypeOfReceivingArea | Long integer |
dcpSurfaceWaters | Availability of surface waters | Integer | |
dcpWaterbodyID | ID of WFD waterbody | Text(64) | |
dcpNotAffect | Comprehensive studies indicate that the discharge does not adversely affect the environment | Integer | |
dcpMSProvide | Member State provided these studies to the Commission | Integer | |
dcpCOMAccept | Commission formally accept that the conditions under Art. 6(2) are met | Integer | |
dcpGroundWater | ID of WFD groundwater body | Text(64) | |
dcpReceivingWater | ID of receiving water | Text(64) | |
dcpWFDSubUnit | ID of WFD sub-unit | Text(64) | |
dcpWFDRBD | ID of WFD river basin district | Text(64) | |
dcpRemarks | Remarks | Memo | |
dcpWFDRBDReferenceDate | Reference date of the WFD river basin district | Date | |
dcpWaterBodyReferenceDate | Reference date of the WFD waterbody | Date | |
dcpGroundWaterReferenceDate | Reference date of the WFD groundwater body | Date | |
dcpReceivingWaterReferenceDate | Reference date of the receiving water | Date | |
dcpWFDSubUnitReferenceDate | Reference date of the WFD sub-unit | Date |
T_MSLevel (27 records)
Table summarises aggregated (on MS level) information on the sludge hangling, its discharge and/or disposal and re-use of treated water.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
mslID | internal numerical database code | Long integer | |
mslMS | internal numerical database code, link to the codelist table Waterbase UWWT LOV | Integer | |
repID | internal numerical database code connecting data to proper reporting period (link to the table ReportPeriod) | Long integer | |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
mslSludgeProduction | Yearly production of sludge (t DS/y) | Long integer | |
mslDischargePipelines | Sludge discharged into surface waters: Pipelines (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslDischargeShips | Sludge discharged into surface waters: Ships (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslDischargeOthers | Sludge discharged into surface waters: Others (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslReuseSoilAgriculture | Sludge re-used: Soil and agriculture (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslReuseOthers | Sludge re-used: Others (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslDisposalLandfill | Sludge disposed: Landfill (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslDisposalIncineration | Sludge disposed: Incineration (t DS/y) | Decimal (18) | |
mslDisposalOthers | Sludge disposed: Others (t DS/y) | Decimal | |
mslRemarks | Remarks | Text(255) | |
mslWWReusePerc | Rate of treated waste water re-used (% of total volume treated) | Integer | |
mslWWReuseAgri | Re-use of treated waste water in: Agriculture | Boolean | |
mslWWReuseInd | Re-use of treated wastewater in: Industry | Boolean | |
mslWWReuseOther | Re-use of treated waste water in: Others | Boolean | |
mslWWReuseExplain | Re-use of treated waste water: Explanation of others | Text(64) |
T_UWWTPs_emission_load (8781 records)
Table contains additional data on incoming and discharged loads of organic matter and nutrients, provided by some Member States beyond the scope of UWWTD compliance. The data can be linked with the T_UWWTPs for further characteristics for the specific plants. A QA flag for some records relates to certain criteria and should be considered by the user for specific purposes.
Field name | Field Definition | Note | Data type |
uwwState | Status of the UWWTP | 105=deactivated, 106=active | Integer |
rptMStateKey | Member State | All data are linked to rpMStateKey; ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
uwwID | internal numerical database code of UWWTP/ collecting system without treatment (link to the table UWWTPS) | Long integer | |
uwwCode | ID of UWWTP | Text(32) | |
uwwName | Name of UWWTP | Text(255) | |
BODIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): BOD | Decimal | |
CODIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): COD | Decimal | |
NIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): Ntot | Decimal | |
PIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): Ptot | Decimal | |
BODDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): BOD | Decimal | |
CODDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): COD | Decimal | |
NDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): Ntot | Decimal | |
PDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): Ptot | Decimal | |
QA flag | information on the data flagging | Y=record flagged | Text(1) |
Remark | reference to the detailed information on the QA of the emissin load data | Text(255) |
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