
Waterbase - Rivers (6 tables)

Data Table
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 05 Dec 2016 with reason: Other (The dataset is replaced by Waterbase - Water Quality dataset, which combines Waterbase - Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater into one. It's available at
The dataset contains data on nutrients, organic matter, hazardous substances and other chemical determinands in water, proxy pressure data on the upstream catchments, physical characteristics of the WISE-SoE river monitoring stations and biological quality elements (BQEs) phytobenthos and macroinvertebrates from WISE-SoE river monitoring stations. The biological data data are reported as ecological quality ratios (EQRs) (for more explanation, see illustration in additional information part). ***WARNING:*** Records, where errors and other quality issues and inconsistencies have been detected, have been removed from the dataset only in the most severe cases (missing primary key values, duplicates...). The other "problematic" records are left in. Each data table contains a set of special QA fields which are used to flag the particular quality issues detected in the individual records. The QA fields and flag codes are described in the QA documentation.
European data
Table definition

Physical Characteristics of River Monitoring Stations (Waterbase_rivers_v13_Stations, 14586 records)

Physical characteristics of the WISE-SoE river monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode, '_RV_' and NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the river monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
NationalStationName National name of the monitoring station text(150)
WFDstation Specification yes / no, whether the monitoring station was reported to European Commission as Water Framework Directive, Article 8 monitoring station. text(3)
WFD_EU_CD Unique international identifier of the monitoring station under which the station was reported as WFD Art.8 monitoring station. text(50)
RiverName National name of river. text(150)
WaterCategory Water Category, as defined in the codelist. text(2)
WaterBodyID National identification code of water body in which station is located text(50)
WaterBodyName Name of water body in which station is located. text(255)
CatchmentName Name of major catchment or basin. text(150)
RBDcode River Basin District Code text(50)
RBDcode_original River Basin District Code text(50)
RBDname Name of the River Basin District. text(150)
Region National region in which water body is located text(50)
SeaAreaName Name of the local sea into which the river discharges or in which the TCM station is located. text(150)
SeaRegionName Name of regional sea of which local sea area is a part. text(150)
SeaConventionArea Name of Marine Convention area of which regional sea is a part. text(8)
Longitude International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
Latitude International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
CatchmentArea Catchment area upstream of the station, in kilometres squared. single
Altitude Altitude of station in metres above sea level. long
RepresentativeStation Station is representative, reflecting general quality of rivers/lakes/transitional or coastal water bodies or marine water areas. text(1)
ReferenceStation Station is reference station - found in catchments or associated River Basin Districts with little or no human activity, natural landscape higher than 90%, and minimally impacted by inflow from adjacent coastal or marine waters. text(1)
ImpactStation Station is impact station - located within the zone where initial mixing of discharges takes place with receiving waters. text(1)
LargestStation Station is largest station - most important station, including the nationally most important or well known rivers or lakes. text(1)
FluxStation Station is flux station - used for assessment of international, transboundary loads or loads entering Europe's Seas. text(1)
Geology The dominnt geology in the catchment, given according to the WFD Annex 2 categories. siliceous, calcareous, organic (peat) text(50)
WaterColourAverage Long-term average concentration of water colour, expressing the concentration of humic substances at the station. single
WaterColourLevel Average level of water colour as defined by the WFD intercalibration typology. low (<30 mg/l Pt = oligohumic), moderate (30-90 mg/l Pt = mesohumic) or high (>90 mg/l Pt = polyhumic). text(8)
AlkalinityAverage Long-term average of alkalinity of water at the station single
AlkalinityLevel Long-term average level of alkalinity as defined by the WFD intercalibration typology. low alk. (<0.2 meq/L), moderate alk. (0.2-1 meq/L) or high alk. (>1 meq/L) text(8)
HMWB River/Lake is identified as heavily modified in terms of hydromorphological impacts, such as impoundments and high water level fluctuations, according to WFD-compliant national guidelines text(1)
ArtificialWB Station is located in an artificial water body, (e.g. artificial water reservoir) in terms of hydromorphological impacts, such as impoundments and high water level fluctuations, according to WFD-compliant national guidelines. text(1)
Purpose The purpose of the monitoring station in terms of to which directives, conventions or agreements will the data from the station be used for reporting. text(255)
LengthFromSource River length from source to monitoring station in kilometres single
RiverDischarge Mean long term annual river discharge in m3 /s at the monitoring station. single
SubsiteLocation Location of the river sub-site in relation to the principal monitoring site. text(50)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Proxy Pressures of Rivers (Waterbase_rivers_v13_Pressures, 8353 records)

Proxy pressure data on the upstream catchments of WISE-SoE river monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode, '_RV_' and NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the river monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
PopulationDensity Population density of the upstream catchment of the river monitoring station single
UWWT Point source pressure from urban waste water treatment discharges. text(1)
OverflowsDischarges Point source pressure from overflows and urban discharges. text(1)
IPPC Point source pressure from IPPC installations. text(1)
nonIPPC Point source pressure from non-IPPC installations text(1)
Fertiliser Diffuse sources pressures from agricultural fertiliser use. text(1)
Pesticide Diffuse sources pressures from agricultural pesticide use. text(1)
Livestock Diffuse sources pressures from livestock. text(1)
TransportInfrastructure Diffuse sources pressures from transport and infrastructure without connection to sewers. text(1)
PublicWaterSupply Water abstractions pressures due to public water supply. text(1)
Industry Water abstractions pressures due to industry. text(1)
Irrigation Water abstractions pressures due to irrigation. text(1)
Cooling Water abstractions pressures due to needs for cooling water, e.g. for nuclear power plants or other industrial activities. text(1)
WaterFlowRegulation Water flow regulation and morphological alterations. text(50)
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Nutrients and General Physico-Chemical Determinands in Rivers (Waterbase_rivers_v13_Nutrients, 1082231 records)

Data on nutrients and organic matter in water measured at WISE-SoE river monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode, '_RV_' and NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the river monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
AggregationPeriod Period of aggregation of measurement data. text(20)
AggregationPeriod_original text(100)
AggregationMonths Detailed specification of aggregation period by months. text(150)
AggregationLength Number of months in aggregation period. long
Determinand_Nutrients Name of nutrient, organic matter or general physico-chemical determinand. text(50)
Unit_Nutrients Unit of measurement of nutrients or organic matter. text(7)
CEN_ISO CEN/ISO code of the methods. text(150)
NumberOfSamples Number of samples included in aggregated data. long
LimitOfDetection Concentration for which there is a desirably small probability (around 5%) that the determinand will not be detected i.e. there is a 95% probability that the determinand will be detected. single
LimitOfQuantification The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). single
Minimum Minimum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Mean Mean concentration value of aggregated data. single
Maximum Maximum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Median Median concentration value of aggregated data. single
StandardDeviation Standard deviation of concentration values of aggregated data. single
SampleDepth Depth at which sample taken in metres below water surface. decimal
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
AggregatedBy Subject(s) that aggregated the data. text(20)
QA_MVissues Quality assessment field - main meassurement value issue flag. A code identifying an issue or an error in the main meassurement value of the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(150)
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_CRviolations Quality assessment field - list of chemical rules violations. List of codes of chemical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(150)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Hazardous Substances and Other Chemical Determinands in Rivers (Waterbase_rivers_v13_HazSubs, 781038 records)

Data on hazardous substances and other chemical determinands in water measured at WISE-SoE river monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode, '_RV_' and NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the river monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Determinand_HazSubs Name of hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(150)
Unit_HazSubs Unit of measurement of hazardous substance. text(20)
CASNumber Chemical Abstract Service Number of the hazardous substance or other chemical determinand. text(64)
CEN_ISO CEN/ISO code of the methods. text(150)
NumberOfSamples Number of samples included in aggregated data. long
NumberOfSamplesBelowLOQ Number of samples below limit of quantification within aggregation period long
LimitOfDetection Concentration for which there is a desirably small probability (around 5%) that the determinand will not be detected i.e. there is a 95% probability that the determinand will be detected. single
LimitOfQuantification The smallest concentration that can be distinguished from the analytical blank at a chosen level of statistical confidence (usually 95%). single
Minimum Minimum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Mean Mean concentration value of aggregated data. single
Maximum Maximum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Median Median concentration value of aggregated data. single
StandardDeviation Standard deviation of concentration values of aggregated data. single
SampleDepth Depth at which sample taken in metres below water surface. decimal
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
AggregatedBy Subject(s) that aggregated the data. text(20)
QA_MVissues Quality assessment field - main meassurement value issue flag. A code identifying an issue or an error in the main meassurement value of the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(150)
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Supportive Determinands for hazardous substances in Rivers (Waterbase_rivers_v13_SuppDet, 98618 records)

Data on supportive determinands, supplementing information on hazardous substances in water measured at WISE-SoE river monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode, '_RV_' and NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the river monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
Determinand_Supportive Name of supportive determinand, that is needed for correct interpretation of some hazardous substances. text(20)
Unit_DetSupport Unit of measurement of hazardous substances supportive determinands. text(20)
NumberOfSamples Number of samples included in aggregated data. long
Minimum Minimum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Mean Mean concentration value of aggregated data. single
Maximum Maximum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Median Median concentration value of aggregated data. single
StandardDeviation Standard deviation of concentration values of aggregated data. single
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
AggregatedBy Subject(s) that aggregated the data. text(20)
QA_MVissues Quality assessment field - main meassurement value issue flag. A code identifying an issue or an error in the main meassurement value of the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo

Biology in Rivers (Waterbase_rivers_v13_Biology, 9638 records)

Data on biology measured at WISE-SoE river monitoring stations.

RecordID Unique record identifier long
RecordReported Date when the records was reported by the data provider text(10)
CountryCode Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country from which territory the data come from. ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements text(2)
WaterCategory Water Category, as defined in the codelist. text(2)
WaterbaseID Internally produced, unique Waterbase identifier combination of CountryCode, '_RV_' and NationalStationID text(100)
NationalStationID Identifier of the river monitoring station, unique at the national level. text(100)
WaterbodyTypeNCS Type of waterbody as defined by the member state. text(50)
WaterbodyTypeIC Type of waterbody as defined by the WFD Intercalibration process. text(5)
Year Year of aggregation period in which samples were taken/Year in which sample was taken. long
AggregationPeriod Period of aggregation of measurement data. text(20)
AggregationPeriod_original text(100)
AggregationMonths Detailed specification of aggregation period by months. text(150)
AggregationLength Number of months in aggregation period. long
Determinand_Biology Pressure-specific determinand name for biological metrics. text(50)
Unit_Biology Unit of biological metrics. text(20)
BQE Code of biological quality element. AN - Angiosperms; MA - Macroalgae; MI - Macroinvertebrate; MP - Macrophyte; PB - Phytobenthos; PP - Phytoplankton text(2)
MetricScale The scale the of biological metric EQR - Ecological Quality Ratio, i.e. metric in original scale divided by the metric's reference value; original - metric reported in its original scale text(8)
DeterminandStatusClass Ecological status class of a monitoring station calculated for a single biological quality element. B - Bad ecological status, as defined by the WFD; G - Good ecological status, as defined by the WFD; GEP - Good ecological potential (for artificial and heavily modified waterbodies), as defined by the WFD; H - High ecological status, as defined by the WFD; M - Moderate ecological status, as defined by the WFD; MaxEP - Maximum ecological potential (for artificial and heavily modified waterbodies); MPB - Moderate, poor or bad status or potential (to be used in cases where more exact classification is not available); P - Poor ecological status, as defined by the WFD text(5)
NumberOfSamples Number of samples included in aggregated data. long
Minimum Minimum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Mean Mean concentration value of aggregated data. single
MeanValueEQR Mean value of metric converted to EQR scale (Ecological Quality Ratio) single
MeanValueNormEQR Mean value of metric converted to normalised EQR scale (Ecological Quality Ratio). single
Maximum Maximum disaggregated sample concentration value of the input data used for aggregation. single
Median Median concentration value of aggregated data. single
StandardDeviation Standard deviation of concentration values of aggregated data. single
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes text(255)
AggregatedBy Subject(s) that aggregated the data. text(20)
QA_MVissues Quality assessment field - main meassurement value issue flag. A code identifying an issue or an error in the main meassurement value of the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_LRviolations Quality assessment field - list of logical rules violations. List of codes of logical rules violated by record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(150)
QA_outlier Quality assessment field - outlier flag. Outlier code assigned to the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. long
QA_station_issues Quality assessment field - stations data quality issues flag List of codes of station data issues detected in the record. Details are explained in the QA documentation. text(100)
QA_DDviolations Quality assessment field - data definition errors List of field names and their values where values that do not follow the official specifications. Details are explained in the QA documentation. memo


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