

Nationally designated areas (CDDA)

Prod-ID: DAT-24-en
Created 13 Dec 2012 Published 13 Dec 2012 Last modified 11 Sep 2015
10 min read
This page was archived on 31 Oct 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/nationally-designated-areas-national-cdda-9 was published)
The European inventory of nationally designated areas holds information about protected areas and the national legislative instruments, which directly or indirectly create protected areas.

European data

CDDA (5 tables)

The dataset contains data on individual nationally designated sites and designations in EEA member and collaborating countries.

[+] Show table definition

List of National Designations (CDDA_v10_designations, 639 records)

List of national designations with references to laws and number and total area of sites per designation.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
PARENT_ISO ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country parent country text(3)
ISO3 ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. text(3)
DESIG_ABBR National designation type code. text(5)
Category National designation type code text(1)
Odesignate Title of the designation in original language. text(100)
Designate Title of the designation in English. text(100)
Law Reference to the legal text covering the designation. memo
Lawreference Reference to the Official Journal where the law was published. Can be empty for category C designations. memo
Agency Address of the administrative authority responsible for the designation. memo
Number Number of sites for this designation that is present in the CDDA sites table. long
Total_Area Total area in hectares covered by sites with this designation assigned. decimal
Remark Remarks concerning the designation memo

Spatial coverage of protected areas not defined as sites (CDDA_v10_designation_boundaries, 130 records)

A list of digital boundaries of protected areas not defined as sites. Provides information on resolution of source material from which the boundary has been derived. Instructs EEA regarding dissemination of boundaries.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
PARENT_ISO ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country parent country text(3)
ISO3 ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. text(3)
DESIG_ABBR National designation type code. text(5)
CDDA_Availability_code Availability of boundaries 00 - Boundaries not available, 01 - Boundaries reported to EEA, 02 - Boundaries under preparation, 03 - Boundaries not relevant for analysis at European scale. Point or line feature. text(2)
CDDA_Resolution_code Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 01 - Unknown, 02 - Smaller than 1:1 000 000, 03 - Between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - Between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - More then 1:100 000 text(2)
CDDA_Dissemination_code Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 01 - Vector data can be published for this feature, 02 - Public dissemination restricted to presence/absence in European raster dataset, 03 - Public dissemination restricted to European scale maps, 04 - Dissemination to CDDA partner institutions (WCMP and CoE) for their internal use only. Other interested parties should contact national representative, 05 - No dissemination by EEA. Interested parties should contact national representative text(2)

Sites data (CDDA_v10_sites, 94810 records)

Main information (name, location, area, IUCN category etc) on each individual designated area at national level.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
SITE_CODE Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas long
SITE_CODE_NAT National site code Unique record identifier in the national source database text(30)
PARENT_ISO ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country parent country text(3)
ISO3 ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. text(3)
DESIG_ABBR National designation type code. text(5)
Site_name Name of the site in local language text(120)
Site_area Surface area of site in hectares decimal
IUCNCAT IUCN management category  text(3)
NUTS Water Quantity: The lowest possible level code of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS1, NUTS2 or NUTS3) in which the geographical entity is located. text(5)
Year Year of establishment - the year the site was first time designated long
Last_leg_chng_year Year of last legal change. long
Last_leg_chng_code Code of last legal change. text(2)
LAT International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
LON International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. decimal
CDDA_Coordinates_code Code for derivation of tabular coordinates of sites. 00 - Unknown, 01 - National calculation, 02 - Calculated by EEA from reported boundary data text(2)
CDDA_Resolution_code Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 01 - Unknown, 02 - Smaller than 1:1 000 000, 03 - Between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - Between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - More then 1:100 000 text(2)
CDDA_Dissemination_code Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 01 - Vector data can be published for this feature, 02 - Public dissemination restricted to presence/absence in European raster dataset, 03 - Public dissemination restricted to European scale maps, 04 - Dissemination to CDDA partner institutions (WCMP and CoE) for their internal use only. Other interested parties should contact national representative, 05 - No dissemination by EEA. Interested parties should contact national representative text(2)
Notes Remarks about the site record memo
SITE_CODE Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas
PARENT_ISO ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country parent country
ISO3 ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries.

Site boundaries (CDDA_v10_site_boundaries, 94936 records)

Information whether digital boundaries have been provided for the reported sites. Provides also information on resolution of source material from which the boundary has been derived. Instructs EEA regarding dissemination of boundaries.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
SITE_CODE Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas long
SITE_CODE_NAT National site code Unique record identifier in the national source database text(30)
PARENT_ISO ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country parent country text(3)
ISO3 ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. text(3)
CDDA_Availability_code Availability of boundaries 00 - Boundaries not available, 01 - Boundaries reported to EEA, 02 - Boundaries under preparation, 03 - Boundaries not relevant for analysis at European scale. Point or line feature. text(2)
CDDA_Resolution_code Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 01 - Unknown, 02 - Smaller than 1:1 000 000, 03 - Between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - Between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - More then 1:100 000 text(2)
CDDA_Dissemination_code Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. 01 - Vector data can be published for this feature, 02 - Public dissemination restricted to presence/absence in European raster dataset, 03 - Public dissemination restricted to European scale maps, 04 - Dissemination to CDDA partner institutions (WCMP and CoE) for their internal use only. Other interested parties should contact national representative, 05 - No dissemination by EEA. Interested parties should contact national representative text(2)

National overview of area protected (CDDA_v10_national_overview, 81 records)

National indicators for amount of national territory that is protected.

Field nameDefinitionNotedata type
PARENT_ISO ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country parent country text(3)
ISO3 ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. text(3)
Category National designation type category text(10)
Major_ecosystem Major ecosystem text(20)
Total_area Areas protected within specified boundaries and areas protected by the designation of the particular habitat. decimal
Reference_year Time reference for area long
Publication_title Document or indicator where total area was published if available. text(255)
Publication_url URL of document or indicator where total area was published if available. memo
Methodology_type Code describing method that was used to calculate the total area. 00 - unknown, 01 - Official GIS, 02 - Other GIS (from research project, ...), 03 - Expert judgement text(2)
Methodology_reference_title Documentation of methodology used. text(255)
Methodology_reference_url URL of documentation of methodology used to calculate the total area. memo
Remark Optional free text comment. memo
INSPIRE compliant metadata set
  • a566e4af-06cd-4c55-ac15-c943ac2fa2a8
    Download file

GIS data

GIS data
  • CDDA v10 Shapefile
    Download file
  • CDDA v10 Sqlite
    Download file

Additional information

Tables metadata

Definition and field description of all data tables.

Code lists

Lists and description of codes of selected fields present in the data tables

QA documentation

Quality asssesment and control reports present results of quality tests performed by the EEA and the ETC-BD on top of the national CDDA data. The ETC-BD assesment is more focused on geographical data and on their relation with tabular data.


Additional information

The Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) is more commonly known as Nationally designated areas. The inventory began in 1995 under the CORINE programme of the European Commission. It is now one of the agreed Eionet priority data flows maintained by EEA with support from the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity. It is a result of an annual data flow through Eionet countries. The EEA publishes the data set and makes it available to the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA). The CDDA data can also be queried online in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS).

Geographical coverage of GIS vector boundary data: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland. EEA does not have permission to distribute some or all sites reported by Austria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.