
Flood phenomena

Data Table
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This page was archived on 28 Feb 2023 with reason: No more updates will be done
Dataset contains information on past floods in Europe since 1980, based on the reporting of EU Member States for the EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and combined with information provided by relevant national authorities and global databases on natural hazards. Reported data have been assessed and processed by the ETC-ICM and the EEA.
European data
Table definition

Flood Phenomena (floodphenomena)

Data on flood hazard and frequency, linked to all other tables by field FloodPhenomenaID, the field also used as the unique identifier for this table. Countries via list in FloodPhenomena_countries.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
cc Country code. Country code as in table FloodPhenomena_countries text(2)
FloodPhenomenaID Flood phenomena identification code. Unique code assigned to every flood phenomena unit. First two characters of the code are equal to country code, while 4-13 characters are equal to phenomena “StartDate” (as reported in FD, EM-DAT or DFO databases). If beginning of flood phenomena is not known, “StartDate” is replaced with “FloodEventCode” as reported in FD database. Used as primary key for this table. text(80)
Year Year of flood phenomena occurrence. Year of flood phenomena occurrence (time period 1980-2015). single
StartDate Beginning of flood phenomena. Attribute is equal to start date of the oldest flood event in flood phenomena group or to flood beginning as reported either in national deliveries or EM-DAT and DFO databases. date
EndDate Flood phenomena end date. Attribute is equal to end date of the youngest flood event in flood phenomena group or to flood end date as reported either in national deliveries or EM-DAT and DFO databases. date
Number_FE Number of flood events in flood phenomena group. Count of all flood events (FD) within flood phenomena group. If flood phenomena data source is EM-DAT or DFO the field is empty. single
Number_FL Number of flood locations in flood phenomena group Count of all flood locations (FD) within flood phenomena group. If flood phenomena data source is EM-DAT or DFO, the field is empty. single
EUUOMCODE EU unit of management code. List of EU units of management grouped in flood phenomena group. If flood phenomena data source is EM-DAT or DFO and have not been updated by national authorities the field is empty. text(255)
FP_Severity Flood phenomena severity. Assessment of flood phenomena magnitude considering the values on flood frequency, damage category, number of flood events within one flood phenomena and severity classes as reported in DFO database. text(15)
FP_Duration Flood phenomena duration. Duration expressed as day difference between flood phenomena “StartDate” and “EndDate”. If the Start and End date values are not reported, data on duration is empty. single
FP_Extension Flood phenomena extension. Flood phenomena extension assessed and reported by national authorities. Extension codelist: local, regional, national, international text(20)
SourceOfFlooding (SourceOfFlood) Source of flooding. Sources of flooding (FD) aggregated on flood phenomena. Flooding sources codelist: fluvial, pluvial, groundwater, sea water, artificial water-bearing infrstrastructure, other. If flood phenomena data source is EM-DAT or DFO the field is empty. text(255)
CharacteristicsOfFlooding Characteristics of flooding. Characteristics of flooding (FD) aggregated on flood phenomena. Flood characteristics codelist: flash flood, snow melt flood, other rapid onset, medium onset flood, slow onset flood, debris flow, high velocity flow, deep flood, other. If flood phenomena data source is EM-DAT or DFO the field is empty. text(255)
MechanismOfFlooding Mechanism of flooding. Mechanisms of flooding (FD) aggregated on flood phenomena. Flood mechanisms codelist: Natural exceedance, Defence exceedance, Defence or Infrastructural Failure, Blockage / Restriction, Other. If flood phenomena data source is EM-DAT or DFO the field is empty. text(255)
FrequencyCategory Flood phenomena return period. This field consist of aggregated FD, EM-DAT and DFO frequency and recurrence data. Frequency codelist : Very Rare, Rare, Frequent. text(50)
Area Flood phenomena area. Extent by the flood inundated land in km2. Field value equals to sum of reported flood events areas within flood phenomena. (Area data for flood phenomena which contain more than one flood event is in some cases most probably underestimated as only values for some events grouped into the phenomenon are available.) decimal
Source Primary flood data source. Default (primary) flood data source. Available data sources: FD (Floods Directive), National Authorities, EM-DAT, DFO. text(40)
OtherSources Secondary flood data sources. List of secondary data sources (used to update “Fatalities” and “Degree_TotalDamage” in cases when they were not reported by Member States into FD database). text(250)

Flood Phenomena location by code (floodphenomena_events_locations)

Location of the different Flood Phenomena by code.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
ID Identification number. Generic identification number applied to every flood record listed in events & locations table. Used as primary key for this table. single
cc Country code. Country code provided either by the national authorities or defined by ETC/ICM. text(2)
FloodPhenomenaID Flood phenomena identification code. Unique code assigned to every flood phenomena unit. First two characters of the code are equal to country code, while 4-13 characters are equal to phenomena “StartDate” (as reported in FD, EM-DAT or DFO databases). If beginning of flood phenomena is not known, “StartDate” is replaced with “FloodEventCode” as reported in FD database. text(80)
FloodEventCode Flood event identification code. Unique code for the flood event - up to 40 characters in total (as reported under FD). Field is empty for DFO and EM-DAT data. text(40)
NameofFloodEvent Name of flood event. Name of flood event as reported under FD. Field is empty for DFO and EM-DAT data. text(250)
FloodLocationCode Flood location code. Unique code for the flood location. Can also be used as a identifier for multiple surface water bodies designated under the WFD which the flood location is represented by (as reported under FD). It can be linked with corresponding PFRA spatial data (points, polylines or polygons). Field is empty for DFO and EM-DAT data. text(40)
FloodLocationName Flood location name Name of the locality, river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area or other areas associated with the flood. text(250)
Source (Source) Primary flood data source. Default (primary) flood data source. Available data sources: FD (Floods Directive), National Authorities, EM-DAT, DFO. text(40)

Flood Phenomena Impacts (floodphenomena_impacts)

Social, environmental and economic impacts of Flood Phenomena.

Field nameDefinitionNoteData type
cc Country code. Country code provided either by the national authorities or defined by ETC/ICM. text(2)
FloodPhenomenaID Flood phenomena identification code. Unique code assigned to every flood phenomena unit. First two characters of the code are equal to country code, while 4-13 characters are equal to phenomena “StartDate” (as reported in FD, EM-DAT or DFO databases). If beginning of flood phenomena is not known, “StartDate” is replaced with “FloodEventCode” as reported in FD database. This field is used as primary key for this table. text(80)
Fatalities Fatalities caused by the flood. Number of fatalities caused by floods. Data reported under FD equals to sum of reported flood events fatalities within flood phenomenon. Number of fatalities applied to flood phenomena which contain more than one flood event is in some cases most probably underestimated as only values for some events grouped into the phenomenon are available. single
Degree_TotalDamage Total damage cost in Euros caused by the flood Number of total damage caused by floods. Data reported under FD equals to sum of reported flood events fatalities within flood phenomenon. The currency with the exchange rate (1 USD= 0.79 €) from 2014-10-13 was applied to EM-DAT and DFO damage data reported in $. Damage figures applied to flood phenomena which contain more than one flood event is in some cases most probably underestimated as only values for some events grouped into the phenomenon are available. decimal
Degree_TotalDamageClass Total damage defined by classes. Total damage defined by classes. If more than one category (e.g. VeryHigh, Low) was assigned to one Flood Phenomenon the most severe category was obtained (e.g. VeryHigh). Damage codelist: VeryHigh, High, Low, Medium, Insignificant. text(50)
EnvironmentImpact Flood consequences on environment. Types of flood consequences on environment as reported by countries under FD. Environmental impacts codelist: Environment Overall, Pollution Sources, Protected Areas, Waterbody Status, Other Environmental Impacts. More than one category can be assigned to one flood phenomenon. Field is empty for DFO and EM-DAT data. text(255)
ProtectedAreas Floods on protected areas. Floods on protected areas (data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation). Protected areas codelist: Bathing Waters, Drinking Water, Sensitive Area UWWTD, Nature Protected Areas, Combination, None. text(30)
ConseqProtectedAreas Negative consequences to protected areas. Level of negative consequences to protected areas (affected protected areas were identified in field “ProtectedAreas”). Negative consequences to protected areas codelist: High, Medium, Low, Not Relevant. Data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation. text(20)
PollutionSources Floods on potential pollution sources. Floods on potential pollution sources (data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation). Pollution sources code list: Point or Diffuse, IPPC, Seveso, IPPC and Seveso, None. text(20)
ConseqPollutionSources Consequences on pollution sources. Negative consequences on pollution sources (affected pollution sources were identified in field “PollutionSources”). Consequences on pollution sources code list: Yes, No. Data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation. Boolean
WaterbodyStatus Consequences on water body status. Consequences on ecological or chemical water body status (data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation). Water body status code list: Negative High, Negative Medium, Negative Low, Positive Effect, Not Relevant. text(20)
AdditionalEnvironmentInfo Additional environment information. Other flood consequences on environment or additional information regarding protected areas, pollution sources and water bodies (data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation). text(100)
EconomicImpact Flood consequences on economy. Types of flood consequences on environment as reported by countries under FD. Economic impact codelist: Economic Overall, Infrastructure, Property, Rural Land Use, Economic Activity, Other Economic Activity. More than one category can be assigned to one flood phenomenon. Field is empty for DFO and EM-DAT data. text(100)
Property Negative consequences to property. Level of negative consequences to property (including homes). Data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation. Property code list: High, Medium, Low, Not Relevant. text(20)
RuralLandUse Consequences to rural land use. Level of negative consequences to uses of the land (data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation). Rural land use code list: High, Medium, Low, Not Relevant. text(20)
EconomicActivity Consequences to sectors of economic activity. Level of negative consequences to sectors of economic activity (data provided by national authorities during database update and consultation). Economic activity code list: High, Medium, Low, Not Relevant. text(20)
OtherEconomicActivity Other flood consequences on economic sectors. Other flood consequences on economic sectors or additional information regarding property, rural land use and affected economic activities. text(100)
CulturalHeritageImpact Flood consequences on cultural heritage. Types of flood consequences on cultural heritage as reported by countries under FD. Cultural heritage code list: Cultural Heritage, Cultural Assets, Landscape, Other. Field is empty for DFO and EM-DAT data. text(100)
Source Primary flood data source. Default (primary) flood data source. Available data sources: FD (Floods Directive), National Authorities, EM-DAT, DFO. text(40)


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